Nutrition pt 1 Flashcards
What are the major food groups?
Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, dairy, fats
What are the portion sizes for fruit?
1 cup of fruit or 100% fruit juice = 1/2 cup dried fruit or 1 cup fresh fruit
What is fruit low in and free of?
Fruit is low in fat, sodium, and calories as well as cholesterol free.
What can be found in fruit?
sources of potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin c, and folate
What does potassium help maintain?
High blood pressure
What should you increase in your diet?
fruit and vegetable intake, grain as whole grains, fat- free diary liquids and products, protein foods, replace protein foods that have high solid fats with ones that have lower fats, seafood, use oils to replace solid fats, choose foods that have more potassium, calcium, and dietary fats.
What should you reduce in your diet?
replace sat fat with monounsaturated or poly fat. Keep trans fat as low as possible, reduce the amount of calories from solid fats, added sugars and refined grains.
How much sodium should you consume per day?
Less than 2,300 miligrams per day
How much daily calorie intake should be from should be from poly/mono fat
Less than 10%
How much dietary cholesterol should you have daily.
less than 300 mg per day
How many calories should you consume daily?
Around 2000 calories per day
Whats the max DV %
What helps reduce blood cholesterol levels?
What are the portion sizes of Vegetables?
1 cup vegetable = 1 cup vegetable juice; 2 cups raw leafy greens; 1 cup cooked vegetables
What are the five subgroups of vegetables?
Dark greens, red/orange, beans, peas, starchy
What are the portion sizes of grains?
1 slice of bread = 1 ounce ready to eat cereal; 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice, pasta
What would be considered grain?
wheat, rice, oats, brad, pasta,
What foods are considered Protein?
meat, poultry, seafood, peas, eggs, soy, nuts, and seeds.
What are the portion sizes for protein?
1 ounce protein = 1ounce meat, fish, poultry. 1/4 cup cooked beans; 1 egg, 1 tablespoon peanut butter; 1/2 ounce nuts or seeds
What does protein supply?
b vitamins, vitamin e, iron, zinc, and magnesium
what is protein the building block of?
bones, muscles. skin, blood
What is the portion size for Dairy products?
1 cup of diary = 1 cup milk, yogurt, soy milk, 1 1/2 ounces natural cheese, 2 ounces, processed cheese.
What is a serving size?
an amount served or reccomended to serve
What is portion control?
Using serving size to make sure you do not consume an excess portion of a product to help with weight loss and management.
What is a fad diet?
diet that is popular for a time that is supposed to help an individual lose weight quickly.
What does a food label provide ?
Nutritional information, serving size, and dietary percentages.
What should you do if you eat twice and serving or half?
If you consume twice the serving double the nutritional value and if you consume half divide the nutritional value in half.