Nutrition in animals Flashcards
What are carbohydrates made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Simple sugars (e.g. glucose) joined together, stored in liver as glycogen or converted to fats
What are proteins made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Amino acids joined together, not stored - broken down by the liver
What are lipids (fats) made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Fatty acids and glycerol, Stored under skin and around organs - adipose tissue
What are fibres made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Undigested food, stored in the large intestine and rectum
What is water made up of and where is it stored in the body?
Hydrogen and oxygen, the body is made up of 70% water
What are vitamins made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Chemicals made from organic compounds, can be stored in fat tissues/blood.
What are minerals made up of and where are they stored in the body?
Made from chemical elements, stored in RBCs (e.g. iron)/in bones and teeth (e.g. calcium)
Function of iron
Forms the part of haemoglobin which binds to oxygen
Name the deficiency disease due to a lack of iron
Function of calcium
Needed to form bones and teeth
Name the deficiency disease due to a lack of calcium
Use of Vitamin A in the body
- makes a chemical in the retina
- protects the surface of the eye
Food source of vitamin A
Fish liver oil, liver, butter and carrots
Effect of vitamin A deficiency
Night blindness, damaged cornea
Use of Vitamin C in the body
needed for cells and tissues to stick together
Food source of vitamin C
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Vitamin C deficiency