Nutrition education, communication, and counseling Flashcards
Cultural competencies
knowledge, attitudes, and relationships that assist in providing culturally appropriate, respectful nutrition assistance.
variety of differences among groups of people in one region or community.
Physicians (usually); dx’ing, treating, f/u with a pt at a distance via telecommunications
health-related services and information delivered via telecommunication technology
all types of electronically supported teaching and learning
Goals and Objectives
Short-term and long-term; based on problems list; consideration to socioeconomic status, family, occupation, and ethnicity
Needs assessment: individual
what they want out of the nutrition education and reason for referral/any other underlying needs
Needs assessment: group
the first step of assessing needs of a group/community is to identify health risks or nutrition problems affecting well-being; based on health stats and demographics
Learning activities/methodology: demonstration
realistic; involves multiple people; can be applied to large groups; time consuming and can require equipment
Learning activities/methodology: discussion
active participation; less formal; time consuming; shy participants might not benefit
Learning activities/methodology: lecture
most common; time efficient; conveys most info; passive learning by listening
Learning activities/methodology: simulation
active; critical thinking; aids in problem solving skill development; time consuming; group size must be considered
no higher than 8th grade level
Audiovisual specifications
Software generated programs and overheads useful in large groups. Consider font size for ease of reading. Videos may add motion and aid in demonstrating techniques. Food models or actual objects project real visual examples.
Evaluation criteria
Evaluated on outcomes based on the purpose, duration, and strength of intervention
Budget development
Should be created to ensure cost of offering services are covered with fees charged, grants, and other payments
Program promotion
Consider audience
Stages of Change
Prochaska and DiClemente
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenances
- Relapse
SMOG test
evaluates readability focusing on number of syllables per word
Cognitive learning
focus on gaining and using knowledge and information
Affective learning
internalize information involves changes in belief, attitudes, and interests
development of manual skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Hierarchy of Cognitive Needs
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
Affective domain
receiving, responding, valuing, characterization
Psychomotor domain
perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaption/origination
Learning principles
Conditioning, rewards, reinforcement, punishment,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Basic physiological needs, safety and security, social needs and affection, esteem and status, self-actualization
describing strengths to motivate
confirms accuracy of perception
demonstrating that you understand concerns/feelings
encourage to address unacknowledged or unaddressed concern
provides a possible connection between behaviors
inviting client to proceed with their concerns or feelings
rephrasing a client’s response for clarification
attempt to gain the most info possible
Intervention types: knowledge
may include education program or individual program to aid in meeting goals
Intervention types: skills
may include practice of a task to ensure goals are met
Intervention types: attitudes
behavior modification includes changing previous behavior or habits to new behaviors to achieve goals; includes specific realistic goals, positive reinforcement, self-monitoring eating habits, and visual imagery
Verbal communication
problems/concerns discussed descriptively, not judgmentally. Problem-based, not manipulative. Professional suggestions, but not overbearing.
Non-verbal communication
Facial expression, eye contact, voice tone, body language, and gestures.
Written communication
take home message or additional, not discussed details
Nutrition informatics
The effective retrieval, organization, storage, and optimum use of information, data, and knowledge for food and nutrition related problem solving and decision making. Informatics is supported by the use of information standards, information processes, and information technology
Formative evaluation
occurs during design, plan, or implementation; identify weaknesses
Summative evaluation
evaluates results after it’s completely underway; analyzes achievement
Qualitative evaluation
subjective, descriptive; looks for detail
Quantitative evaluation
produce numerical results; tests or questionnaires
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. 1996. Protect privacy of health information.
Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition assessment, plan for treatment, intervention for change, and evaluation