Functions of Management Flashcards
Disaster planning
- protect property such as foods, equipment, etc.
- preserve life
- avoid fear or chaos
- delegate how supervisors and authorities can work together to remedy the disaster
Bioterrorism Act of 2002
act to protect from bioterrorism attack; includes provisions to protect safety and security of food supply and drinking
Line organization
most formal, direct flow of authority from top to bottom; top management is used to describe work relationships of employees
Line and staff organization
orders are given and received along the chain of command from top down; staff personnel is not included in this line of command but help to support the line of command
Functional organization
organization is set up into sections or divisions by function
Formal authority
created by management or the organization
Informal authority
develops out of social communication relationships; can aid in influence of group behavior
Full-time equivalent (FTE)
equates to total hours worked by one employee
1 FTE = 40 hours/k
8 hours/day
173.33 hours/month
2080 hours/yr
Relief worker
an employee relieving FTEs for days off, sick time, an offers additional assistance during peak period. One weekly FTE relief worker can cover 2.5 FTEs regular days off.
number of employees replaced
(total replacements /avg number employees) x 100
Span of management
number of employees a person supervises; spans may be divided up by tasks or specialized expertise
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Identifies 2 types of outcomes: motivators are related to satisfaction in which employees are motivated by increased amounts of responsibility, recognition, etc; maintenance or hygiene factors are necessary but do not cause motivation; these include pay, working conditions, etc.
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
needs are dependent on what one already has as discussed in module 19
McClelland’s achievement-power-affiliation theory
achieve (do something more effectively or efficiently)
power (Influence people)
affiliation (to be liked by others)
upper management makes decisions
management involves employees to make decision
management provides some
management identifies plan and asks employees for input prior to making final decision
quality circle
small group of employees who participate in quality improvement project to solve