Human Resources Flashcards
Age Discrimination Act
protects those over the age of 40 years of age from discrimination of hiring, compensation, etc.
Americans with Disabilities Act
requires equal consideration for disabled applying for jobs and equal treatment for employees that are disabled.
Americans with Disabilities Act
requires equal consideration for disabled applying for job and equal treatment for employees that are disabled.
Essentials duties
what employees must consider and list in the job description in order to determine whether or not a person is capable of doing his/her job
Reasonable accommodations
Employers must make reasonable accommodations for those qualified applicants with disabilities to perform essential duties of the job
Civil Rights Act
disallows discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, pregnancy, or medical disorders
Fair labor standards act
sets minimum pay, maximum hours, overtime, etc.
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
Ensures employees right to form and/or join a union, prohibits management from discriminating against those wishing to form and/or join a union; prohibits unfair management practices, requires collective bargaining (Obligation for employees and union members to meet and discuss issues with an open mind)
Job analysis
obtaining information about a job by establishing what the duty and tasks are
Job description
list of duties, responsibilities, working conditions of the job, relationships with other positions, tools and equipment needed to perform the job; specific account of job
Job specification
provides minimal requirement for the job, includes skills, credentials, abilities, etc. required to do the job
Policies & Procedures Manual
Guide or reference tool encompassing the entire organization
Polices - are the general guidelines adopted by high level management.
Procedures are specific step by step actions that should be taken to implement a policy
Performance appraisal
Employee review; used to evaluate employee performance; determine need for additional training, review concerns, discuss questions, set goals. Often used for compensation decisions. Employee performance should be measured against written objective standards when possible to help avoid personal bias.
Personnel Records
File should include names, addresses, social security numbers, occupations of employees and recipients. INS form I-9, Employment eligibility verification, Form W-4, income tax withholding, dates of employment, amounts and dates of wages and other compensations, absences with reasons
employee records should be maintained as confidential with access limited to appropriately appointed employees. Access denied to outside, unauthorized groups. Confidentiality should be addressed in an organizations’ PP Manual.
Privacy act 1974
applies to fed orgs or those contracting. Allows individuals to inspect their records at anytime and protects against the invasion of privacy through misuse of personal info
Agency shop
non-union employees must pay a fee to have the union represent them
Closed shop
illegal practice in which employees must be a union member prior to employment
Open shop
hired employees are not required to join the union
Collective bargaining
negotiations between management and union reps
3rd party or mediator aids in negotiations; mediator doesn’t have power to impose a decision
3rd party or mediator makes legally binding decisions after hearing each party’s position
Typical disciplinary procedure
- verbal warning without notation
- verbal warning with notation
- written warning
- employee suspension
- employee termination
financial reward given to the employee as payment for work. Wages, benefits for sick time, vacation time, overtime.