Nursing Theorists Flashcards
Hildegard Peplau
Interpersonal Relations
focus on the nurse/client relationship
Virginia Henderson
assist the individual to carry out the activities he would perform himself if he possessed the streght, will and knowledge.
Dorothy Johnson
Behavioral systems approach
advocates the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the Pt to prevent illness
Florence Nightengale
put the pt in the best condition for nature to act upon him by altering the environment.
Myra Levine
the nurse promotes healing when possible. If healing is not realistic then the nurse provides supportive care
Jean Watson
the central aspect of nursing is “caring.” Focuses on the spiritual aspects of nursing and the “caring moment” when nurse and pt furst come together.
Dorothy Orem
nursing is concerned with actions the pt can perform to maintain their own well-being.
Dorothy Johnson
Behavioral Systems Approach
advocates efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the pt to prevent illness.
Imogene King
open systems approach
individuals and groups are viewed as open systems in in constant interaction with their evironment.
Betty Neuman
Systems Approach
focus on the client’s ability to react to stress and factors that assist with adaptation.
Martha E Rogers
Science of Unitary Man
nursing is an art and a science. It is humanistic and humanitarian. It’s directed towards the unitary human and concerned with human develpment.
Virginia Henderson’s definition of nursing
“The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual in the performance of those activities, contributing to health and well-being, that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.”
Leininger’s cultural care diversity and university theory
The intent of the care is to fit with or have beneficial meaning and health outcomes for people of different or similar culture backgrounds.
Roy’s adaptation model (Sister Callista Roy)
Adaptation occurs when people respond positively to environmental changes. Nursing involves manipulating stimuli to promote adaptive responses.
Which nursing theorist established the primary “core of nursing” as a CARING/HEALING health model?
Jean Watson
Said that caring is the essence of nursing
Jean Watson
Developed the “adaptive system model” outlining how the human interacts with their environment
Sister Callista Roy
Developed the “open systems approach” in which groups and individuals are open systems in constant interaction with their environment.
Imogene King
Developed a caring model with an emphasis on a transcultural approach
Madeline Leininger