Exam A-1 Flashcards
A serious violation of criminal law
An infraction of criminal law
Written defamation of character
Role of OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration)
Responsible for ensuring safe working conditions for all occupations.
Failing to report the abuse of Controlled substances by another nurse would be what type of breach of conduct?
If a medication error occurs, the nurse involved is responsible for…
Instituting immediate corrective action. This means notifying a physician so the doctor can order the corrective action. The nurse will also need to fill out an incident report.
Changing a patient’s written medical order by the nurse can be considered what type of behavior?
The nurse changing a patient’s written medical order would be a violation of…
Federal controlled substance legislation
Quality assurance process
Focuses on the clinical aspects of the providers care. It is frequently used in response to an identified problem. It may include things like having patients and families fill out surveys about specific experiences.
Four characteristics of negligence
- Harm or injury must have occurred to the individual
- Duty to act: must have had a responsibility or duty toward the person harmed
- Breach of duty: must have failed to fulfill his/her responsibility
- Causation: the harm or injury must have been caused by the breach of duty
Professional negligence, liability resulting from improper practice based on the standards of care for the profession
Leadership style that encourages input from workers when making decisions. It represents the general consensus, a middle ground.
Democratic/participative leadership
Leadership style where the majority of decisions are made by the manager with little or no input from workers.
Laissez faire/permissive leadership
Little or no direction or guidance provided. Provides maximum freedom for individuals.
Leadership style that providers structure when necessary but provides freedom and group participation when appropriate.
Multicratic leadership
PEW Health professions commission findings in 1995
Recommended differentiated practice. That the role of the associate degree RN be different than that of the BSN.
The practice of structuring roles on the basis of education, experience and competence.
Differentiated practice
Healthcare delivery system in which services are controlled and monitored carefully to ensure that neither too much not too little care is provider and that costs are minimized. Manages patients interaction with the entire healthcare system from diagnostics to hospitalization to rehab to home health.
Case management
System in which nurse provides direct care for the patient in one setting and is responsible 24/7 for that pt. Primary nurse creates care plan which is followed by associate nurses when the Primary nurse is off.
Primary care nursing
Each nurse is assigned one task (i.e. bandaging, temp measurement, etc) and the nurse performs that task for every pt in the unit. Allows for efficient care of many pts.
Functional method of nursing care
The first care delivery system in which the nurse lived with her pt and was responsible for 100% of their needs.
Case method
Team nursing
Pt centered care where each unit has two or more teams composed of providers with various certification levels (CNA, RN, LPN, etc). RN is the team leader. Team members works together to provide comprehensive care.
RN is assigned to all the care needs of a group of 4-6 patients. Care is focused on the total person.
Total patient care
Pt care is provided by an RN paired with either an LPN or CNA. The RN establishes care plan and provides RN level care while the lower certification follows the care plan to their skill level.
Partnership model of nursing care
Pt care units are divided into modules. The same team of providers are consistently assigned to a particular module with the RN being the leader of the module.
Module system of nursing care
DRGs Diagnosis related groups
used to determine the overall medicare reimbursement amount for a pt with a certain diagnosis during a hospital stay
outliers related to DRGs
cases where a pt’s length of stay significantly exceeds the average
used to determine how much Medicare will reimburse to the hospital foa pt with a specific diagnosis
diagnosis related groups - DRGs
how do DRGs help control healthcare costs?
providers are pressured to disharge the pt within the average length of time for that DRG because if the pt stays longer, the hospital eats the cost
what negative effect can DRGs have on pt care?
Pt’s may be prematurely discharged because the hospital gets paid the full amount for that diagnosis but pt care is cheaper if the pt is d/c early. Therefore, the hospital makes more money.
pt’s discharged early may require more of what type of care?
home health care
RUGs - Resource Utilization Groups
categorie used to determine the prospective payment for nursing home clients. used to determine the average daily cost of care.
what federal agency mandates that employers provide gloves, eye protection, etc for “universal precautions”
OSHA (occupational safety and health administration)
agency that accredits healthcare institutions and agencies that meet specific quality criteria
JCAHO - joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations
federal agency that falls under the dept of health and human services (DHHS) that is responsible for protecting public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury and disablity
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
the cabinet level administrative unit of the Federal government that has four major service divisions and many different sections. Many Federal healthcare agencies fall under its direction.
DHHS - Dept of Health and Human Services