NSG Knowledge Update Flashcards
Branches off C1 segment?
- None.
Branches off C2 segment?
- None.
Branches off C3 segment?
- None.
Branches off C4. segment?
- Meningohypophyseal trunk and includes the following branches: tentorial arteries of Bernasconi and Cassinari, dorsal meningeal artery and inferior hypophyseal artery.
Branches off C5 segment?
- None.
Branches off C6 segment?
- Ophthalmic artery.
2. Superior hypophyseal artery.
Branches off C7 segment?
- PCom.
2. Anterior choroidal.
What are the segments of the MCA?
- M1 - horizontal or sphenoidal segment.
- M2 - insular segment.
- M3 - opercular segment.
- M4 - cortical segment.
Course of the M1 segment.
- MCA from origin at ICA terminus to the MCA bifurcation.
Branches off the M1 segment.
- Lenticulostriate perforating arteries.
2. Anterior temporal artery.
Course of the M2 segment.
- MCA from bifurcation to circular sulcus of insula, most commonly inferior and superior trunks.
Course of the M3 segment.
- Branches from circular sulcus of insula over operculum to surface of Sylvian fissure.
Course of the M4 segment.
- Branches to lateral convexity.
Territory supplied by the recurrent artery of Heubner?
- Head of the caudate.
- Anterior limb of the IC.
- Putamen and globus pallidus.
Course of the A1 segment.
- ACA from origin at ICA terminus to ACOM.
Course of the A2 segment.
- ACA from ACOM to origin of callosomarginal artery.
2. Most common segment for origin of recurrent artery of Heubner.
Course of the A3 segment.
- ACA from origin of callosomarginal artery to superior surface of corpus callosum.
Course of the A4 segment.
- Pericallosal artery.
Course of the A5 segment.
- Terminal branches.
Gerstmann syndrome.
- Dominant parietal lobe lesion.
2. Agraphia, acalculia, R-L confusion, finger agnosia.
Course of the V1 segment.
- From of the origin off the subclavian to the level of C6 transverse foramen.
Course of the V2 segment.
- Traverses the cervical spine from C6 to C2 transverse foramen.
Course of the V3 segment.
- From the C2 transverse foramen until the artery pierces the dura.
Course of the V4 segment.
- Intracranial portion of the VA traversing the medulla anterolaterally.
Course of the P1 segment.
- From the BA apex to the PCOM.
Course of the P2 segment.
- From PCOM to the inferior temporal branches in the perimesencephalic cistern.
Course of the P3 segment.
- Starts distal to the origin of the inferior temporal arteries and ends at the start of the calcarine fissure.
Course of the P4 segment.
- Traverses posteromedial within the calcarine fissure and supplies the splenial artery.
Territories supplied by the temporal branches of the PCA.
- Uncus, parahippocampus, and medial and lateral occipitotemporal gyri.
Territories supplied by the occipital branches of the PCA.
- Lingual and cuneal gyri of the occipital lobe.
- Primary and visual association areas.
- Posterolateral surface of the occipital lobe.
- Inferior surface of the temporal lobe.