NSDAP - The Early Years 1918-24 Flashcards
In 1919, Munich had been taken by the …. but Ebert regained control. Drexler founded the DAP in …. and ideas included:
By 1919, there were …. members, which led to Hitler being made as an informant to attend a meeting.
Socialist ideas : Making a classless society and limiting the earnings of companies.
Nationalist ideas : Volkish ideas of purity.
50 members
Describe the key features of Hitler joining the party.
Hitler attended a party in September 1919. He made an angry response to someone at the meeting and this impressed Drexler. He asked Hitler to join the party, leading to Hitler joining. Apparently he was coaxed by the army too. He became the Party Propaganda Leader.
Describe the points of the 25 point plan…
1. 2. 4. 13. 17. 24.
- Make Germany a union.
- Abolish Versailles.
- Only those of German blood can be citizens.
- Nationalise businesses.
- Take all communal land.
- Religious freedom for all - bit ironic huh…
Describe Hitler’s increasing involvements from 1920 to 21.
In February 1920, in Munich, Hitler developed the 25 Point Plan. By July 1921, he was made the party leader and he developed the idea of Fuhrerprinzip, he was Fuhrer and answerable to none. The party was known as the National Sozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter Partei and the party formed the Volkischer Beobachter, People’s Observer.
Hitler adopted the hooked cross, ……, and he founded the raised arm salute. From 1921, the …., led by Ernst Rohm, founded in the Gymnastics and Sports section of the sports centre, was used to disrupt meetings by the ….. and ….! Membership of the Nazis hit … by 1923. Hitler wanted to extend the Nazis beyond …. and so planned the Munich Putsch after the 1923 economic crisis.The Jews were increasingly being used as a scapegoat.
der Hakenkreuz, SA, Social Democrats, Communists, 50,000, Bavaria.
What were the causes of the Munich Putsch?
Gustav von Kahr, the head of the Bavaria government, von Lossow, the army chief, and Seisser, the police chief, all detested Weimar, Hitler felt they would support his takeover.
There was embarrassment about the events in the Ruhr and Weimar was disgraced.
They were blamed for Versailles as well.
Hitler was inspired by Benito Mussolini’s takeover with the blackshirts of the INFP in Italy, 1922.
Hitler also had crucial support - Commander-in-Chief Ludendorff!
What were the events at Munich?
After the three were held at gunpoint on 8 Nov, 1923, at the Burgerbrau Keller with 600 Nazis, they were allowed to go. They changed their minds and von Seisser and von Lossow arranged police and army resistance. The Nazis persevered on the 9th November, but with 2000 guns they faced 16 deaths and scattered. Hitler was found two days after and the party was banned.
Describe key feature’s of Hitler’s trial, which commenced February 1924?
He denied treason.
Scorn was poured on Weimar, the November Criminals, and the Jewish Bolshevists.
Judges were sympathetic and Hitler’s speeches were made famous on TV.
On 1 April 1924, he was charged with 5 years at Landsberg Prison, the minimum, and Ludendorff got away with no charges.
Describe key features of prison.
Hitler wrote Mein Kampf where he visioned the creation of a Volksgemeinschaft - people’s community where the strong overpowered the weak, abolition of Versailles, more lebensraum, living space, and Jew elimination.
The speeches were a propaganda success and caught attention of nationalists.
Hitler was able to receive any books and visitors when in prison.
Hitler thought only he could make Germany great again, and he could not achieve his wants through coups.