Enforcing Of Control 1933-34 Flashcards
When was the Reichstag fire? Who did this?
27 February 1933 - done by Marinus van der Lubbe
Why was the Reichstag fire significant ?
This meant that the Nazis could exploit this and claim the communists were having a takeover!
What events led to the elections on the 5th March 1933?
70 deaths led to the election and money was received from industrialists. The Reichstag fire was exploited by the Nazis.
What did Hitler pass to gain control after the Reichstag fire ?
The decree for the protection of people and state - this suspended civil rights, socialists and communists were imprisoned and newspapers banned.
How did Hitler get popularity for the Enabling Act?
He said absentees were present, communists were not allowed in the chamber and this reduced votes needed, and the SA intimidated people by warning of bloody murder.
When was the enabling act of March 24th, 1933 passed?
This allowed for the Nazis to control the Reichstag for four years.
What was passed on the 14th of July?
The Law against the Formation of Parties.
What percentage of seats, and what number did the Nazis get at the elections on March 5th, 1933?
They got 43% and 288 seats. This meant that the Nazis allied with Nationalists to form a majority though two thirds were needed to change the constitution.
What happened on the 2nd of May, 1933?
The trade unions were banned.
Why were trade unions banned?
Hitler insisted that the Nazi Labour Front fulfilled the trade unions, this was where workers received workbooks and the Nazis decided on wages and employment. Dissenters and strikers were sent to concentration camps such as Dachau which opened in 1933.
What was the problem with Lander and how did Hitler fix this?
The lander were in 18 districts, and they often disagreed with the Reichstag due to different political beliefs. Ebert had to pull 130 emergency decrees. Hitler set this under the control of the Reich and abolished Lander in 1934.
What percentage votes Nazi in November 1933?
95% - this held the Germans firmly under Gleichaltung.
Why did the Night of the Long Knives happen?
The SA and Ernst Röhm were socialist and wanted a social revolution and less class division.
Ernst Röhm was disappointed with Hitlers link with industrialists and army leaders and wanted to join the army and SA.
Goering and Gestapo wanted to lead armed forces.
Himmler and Schutzstaffel wanted to be independent from the SA.
What did this lead to ?
June 30th 1934 - 400 killed in the night including Ernst Röhm, Gregor Strasser, and Kurt von Sleicher.
What did this show about the Nazis ?
This showed that terror and control would be used. The public were now firmly under Nazi control.
What implications did this have for the Nazis?
They swore allegiance to Hitler and Hitler ran the armed forces. When Hindenburg died in 1934, August, Hitler combined the roles of Fuhrer and the Chancellor as voted by the Germans.