NREMT Quizes III Flashcards
Pt was rear ended and got whip lash. Now complaining of weak/numb upper extremities. What’s wrong?
Central cord syndrome DT hyper flexion of the neck
Pt has weak/numbness in lower extremities DT a tumor on the spinal cord. What’s wrong?
Anterior cord syndrome
Regarding the heart, what is backwards failure vs forwards failure?
Backwards = L ventricle cant pump blood out fast enough = BACK flow into lungs
Forwards failure = L vent can’t pump enough pump out to rest of body
If afterload increases, what will happen to stroke volume?
It decreases
CO = ___ x ____
CO = SV x HR
What are normal bicarbonate (HCO3) levels?
Differentiate between the following antibodies:
IgM = produced first (*M= Me first)
IgD = lowest quantity
IgA = saliva/tears
IgG = Greatest memory
Explain the “Atrial kick”
Atria pumps blood into ventricles after ventricles are already full = greater ventricular contraction
In what arryhthmia would you see PR depression?
R wave progression is a sign of what? When would you see the transition?
good R wave progression = healthy septum
Transition @ V3
What is “Mittlesmirtz”
Mittleshmirtz = middle pain (pn during ovulation in the middle of a period)
The egg that popped out of the ovary first is called the…
Graffian follicle
What is the ductus arteriosus?
Fetal artery that connects the pulmonary artery & aorta (bypassess the lungs)
Pt w/ bowel obstruction typically has hypotension & bradycardia. Why?
Pressure pushes on vagus nerve = bradycardia
Fluid swelling & inflammation = hypotension DT 3rd spacing
2 major classic signs of an addisonian crisis?
Hypotension & hypoglycemia DT no adrenal hormones (epi/norepi)
Would a person w/ Cushing’s disease be hyper or hypotensive? Why?
Hypertensive. Cushing = excess corticosteroid/cortisol hormones which are OPPOSITE of epi/norepi. They will instead have fluid retention issues
What is TORCH? What does it mean?
Mnemonic shows all diseases that cross placenta barrier & can infect fetus in utero
Toxoplasmosis Other (syphilis, chicken pox) Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes infections
What’s Hanson’s disease?
AKA Leprosy = slow growing bacterial infections on skin hands, nerves, eyes, nose
What’s cytomegalovirus?
Herpes virus spread via body secretions. Similar SS like mono
What’s tularemia?
Infects animals & people, attacks skin, eyes, lymph nodes, lungs
What is wellen’s syndrome
ECG w/ deep inverted or biphasic T waves in V2-3 = critical LAD narrowing. High risk impending widow maker
What is the circle of Willis? What arteries feed it?
Circle of Willis = blood supply in brain, supplied by…
- Internal carotids
- Basilar arteries
- Vertebral arteries
Define status Epilepticus
2+ consecutive seizures OR seizure >5min
Obese pt SOB when supine DT heavy stomach pressing on diaphragm. What is this called?
Pickwickian syndrome
Elderly pt w/ dysphagia after eat. Pt complains tasting the same food she ate yesterday still. What’s the issue?
Zankers diverticulum (pouch forms in esophagus & traps old food)
On a 12-lead ECG, which lead is the only lead w/ a normally inverted P wave
What’s a fancy medical name for “headache”?
Pt w/ migraine Hx w/ aura has increased risk of what…
Hemorrhagic stroke DT defect in vascular walls.
Pt (usually a kid) stops everything they’re doing and freezes/stares for a couple seconds into space. What’s wrong?
Absence (petite mal seizures)
Pt suddenly becomes rigid, and starts spasming before becoming postictal. What kind of seizure is this?
Tonic-clonic (grand mal seizure)
How are pseudoseizures different from normal seizures?
Cause is psychiatric not physiological. (Ex. Traumatic emotional stress or pain)
Pt has tremors initially in their L hand. Tremors then move to L arm… then L shoulder… then R shoulder… what’s wrong?
AKA “Jacksonian March”. A partial seizure that moves from one body part to another
What nerve controls the intercostal muscles?
The intercostal
What nerve controls the scapula & helps lifts the ribs?
The thoracic nerve
What nerve controls the diaphragm
The phrenic nerve
What’s the graffian follicle and what hormone does it secrete?
Graffian follicle = first egg pop out of ovarian follicle. Secretes estrogen
What is inderal? What’s it used for?
Inderal = brand name for propranolol (beta blocker).
What’s amitriptyline?
Amitriptyline - tricyclic antidepressant
What happens when pt overdoses on a tricyclic antidepressant? What Rx?
Anticholinergic SS (mad hatter, red beat, dry bone, hot hare)
Cardiac: stretches out all QRS, QT, PRI until torsades.
Rx = sodium bicarb
A deficiency in Magnesium can result in what arrhythmia?
What structure suspends the duodenum & separates upper from lower GI?
Ligament of trietz
Pt has bilateral calf pain w/ bilateral purple discoloration mid calf downwards. What’s wrong?
Venous stasis
Following an animal bite, pt has itching, fever, headache, confusion, hallucinations and insomnia. What’s wrong?
What is rabies
neuro virus that spreads via saliva of animals
What respiratory disease has excessive mucus plugs in bronchioles?
1 = chronic bronchitis
What is the smallest functional unit of the liver?
What is the smallest functional unit of the lungs
What is the smallest functional unit of the kidneys?
What is the smallest functional unit of the brain
What is the smallest functional unit of the heart?
Cardio yet
Explain, physiologically, why pt’s have chest pain from angina?
The cardiocytes are in anaerobic metabolism
How does Afib affect a persons cardiac output?
Knocks it by 20-25% DT loss of atrial kick
Pt has JVD when they breathe in. What’s this called and what does it mean?
AKA Kussmauls sign = obstruction to R ventricle outflow = backwards pumping of blood
Ex. Pericarditis, Pericardial tamponade, R ventricular failure, COPD
What is Prinzmetals angina? What causes it?
CP DT coronary artery spasms DT defect in Calcium channels
R side failure = peripheral edema. What is a “national registry” way of calling “peripheral edema”
Venous congestion
The lymphatic system empties into the…
Subclavian vein
West Nile virus causes ____ and is spread by ____
Encephalitis, mosquitos
When benzodiazepines are metabolized.. they become…
Active metabolites
Besides a blood clot. What are 3 other things that can cause Claudication?
Spinal problem, atherosclerosis, Diabetes mellitus
Of the following, which doesn’t have JVD?
Cardiac tamponade, hemothorax, tension pneumo, L side failure?
Coumadin is a blood thinner that disables the action of which?
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin B1
Vitamin K
Pt has circumferential burn to leg from mid femur down. They’re at risk for what emergency?
Hyperkalemia & kidney damage, compartment syndrome
What’s a hypochondriac?
Someone way too stressed about their health
What ligament attaches your femur to your pelvis
Ligamentum teres
In which of the following is the O2 Torr pressure the highest?
- Atmosphere
- venules
- alveoli
- arteries
When RBCs can’t fold and get clumped together DT acidosis, this is called…
What does terbutaline do?
B2 agonist = bronchodilation for asthma, bronchitis & emphysema
Slows uterine contractions
How fast can an epidural bleed become fatal
Usually < 1hr
Pt has SOB & hemoptysis during a rapid ascent from a dive. What’s wrong?
POPs = pulmonary overpressurization syndrome.
The alveoli rupture = pneumo, embolism, arterial gas embolism
People w/ kidney disease tend to have which condition:
- hypokalemia
- cephalic neuralgia
- hypotension
Pt has chronic, intermittent condition of intense burning/stabbing pain at upper neck, back of head, face or behind ears. What’s wrong?
Neuralgia. Can be occipital, trigeminal hypoglossal depending on what cranial nerve is affected.
What’s neuro glycogen is
Shortage of glucose in the brain usually DT hypoglycemia
Which nerve plexus is next to the aorta?
The brachial plexus
Which of the following metabolic disorders has abdominal pain:
- Acromegaly
- Dwarfism
- hypoglycemia
What is the parkland burn formula?
(BSA x 4ml x pt weight in kg) = X amount of fluids
50% of x in first 8 hours
50% of x in remaining 16 hours
Pt is exposed to an allergen and develops sensitization only in the bronchioles (IgE attaches to mast cells). Pt has another exposure to antigen w/ adverse respiratory reaction. What is this condition called?
Asthma. Same mechanism as anaphylaxis except only in the lungs
What happens in the blood when you hyperventilate?
Ph rises >7.45 = Calcium falls off receptor sites and attaches to albumins = temporary hypocalcemia
What are the contraindications to epi?
Closed or open angle glaucoma; they can go blind
Which of the following drugs can cause an intracerebral bleed?
- Heroin
- Fentanyl
- cocaine
- tricyclic antidepressant
What’s your main concern in a pt w/ HONK?
Osmotic diuresis. Give them fluids
Where is cortisol made and what does it do?
Cortisol = anti stress hormone made in the adrenal cortex.
- think: cortex/cortisol
Pt has numbness/less sensation in saddle area (groin butt inner thigh) following a traumatic accident. What is this called, what does it mean?
Positive saddle anaesthesia sign = Cauda equina syndrome (injury to lumbar/sacral nerve roots)
What toxic substance do ppl usually “huff”? What medical concerns & SS would you have for them?
Hydrocarbons = cleaning supplies, chemicals, paint thinners, oils…
Neuro & cardiopulmonary injuries (ex. Seizure, hallucinate, pulm edema, dysrhythmias)
26 YOM complains low back pain w/ low fever, dysuria & feeling need to pee. What’s wrong?
Prostitis (inflamed prostate).
Which of the following causes ring worm?
- fungi
- bacteria
- virus
- parasite
Which infectious disease = night sweats, productive cough x many weeks, emaciation
What is hyperpyrexia?
Extreme fever. Temp > 106.7 F
Thermolysis vs thermogenesis
Thermolysis = heat removal (ex sweating)
Thermogenesis = heat production (ex. Shivering)
Cyanide vs CO effect on oxygen
CO binds to hemoglobin prevents O2 binding
Cyanide enters all CELLS and prevents utilization of O2
Best Rx for a jelly fish sting?
Hot water
Which of the following requires no intervention except airway?
Sucking chest, flail chest, hemothorax, tension pneumo
Hemothorax. You can’t do anything for it specifically except support ABCs
What is “first pass metabolism” and where does it occur?
Percentage of a drug doesn’t reach systemic circulation DT absorption/breakdown in LIVER (mostly)
Of the main spider bites, which requires surgical debridement? Which requires calcium gluconate?
Brown recluse = surgical debridement
Black widow = calcium gluconate
Pharmacokinetics vs pharmacodynamics
Pharmacokinetics = what BODY does to drug
Pharmacodynamics = what DRUG does to body
Pt has SOB what should you check first?
Lung sounds
When assessing pt ventilatory status, what is the most important thing to look for?
Respiratory rate high or low?
Trauma pt has snoring respirations. What do you do?
Jaw thrust
Pt has increasing Respiratory rate despite O2 administration. What do you do?
Bag them
Your asthma pt is in respiratory distress. What O2 Rx would you do?
NRB 12-15lpm
What is the earliest key signs of hypoxia in a pt?
How can you tell if a pt has improvement in ventilatory status following your Rx?
Decreased respiratory rate
You place a SOB pt on a NRB and he keeps pulling it off. Complains that its smothering him. What do you do?
If he wont tolerate it, use NC 1-6lpm
Following an OD, pt resp rate is 8 & shallow. What do you do?
Best way to verify correct ETT placement?
Pt w/ SOB and possible allergic reaction. You elect to use Epi. What are some considerations against using it?
If pt has cardiac Hx, be extra careful. Call MCP
Which intercostals to use needle decompression?
2,3 mid clavicular
4,5 axillary
Pt has a heat inhalation injury. What do you do?
Intubation w/ one size smaller ET tube
Respiratory therapists often use what type of device on COPD pts?
Venturi mask = 24-50/60% FIO2
Pt has abnormal lung sounds localized to one lobe. What do you think?
Your pneumonia pt has high fever with SOB despite O2 Rx. What do you do?
Albuterol & fluids
Your OD pt is breathing 4x/min. What’s your biggest concern? What Rx?
Respiratory acidosis = intubate and assist ventilation
Alcoholic OD w/ vomiting but no gag reflex. What airway would you use?
A supraglottic (combi-tube)
You have successfully resuscitated a near drowning pt. What lung sounds would you expect to hear?
Crackles and then diminished lung sounds the next day
17 YOF w/ fluttering feeling in chest. You note delta waves on her ECG. What Rx?
Probable WPW. Cardiovert
When is it particularly important to ask for family medical hx?
When there is cardiac involvement
Why would you avoid ASA in pts w/ hx ulcers
ASA = NSAIDS = more acid production
Mainstay Rx of R side heart failure
Which is more important in SAMPLE: medical Hx or events leading up to emergency?
Medical Hx
Aside from maintaining ABCs, what’s the only other intervention (not assessment) you could do for thoracic aneurysm?
Pn mgmt
What is the field vs definitive Rx for pericardial tamponade?
Field = Fluids
Definitive = pericardial centesis
When is the only time you can remove an impaled object?
Obstructs airway, CPR, or is through the cheeks
Pt has injury to vertebral prominence (C7) what type of breathing would they have?
Belly/diaphragmatic breathing
When would you give pn meds during a fracture trauma?
Prior to manipulation in order to relieve pain
Pt CC: hot grease burn. What Rx?
Dry sterile dressing + pain mgmt
Pt has CHF w/ cervical spine fracture. What Rx during extrication/transport?
KED (idk why)
Pt has closed head injury with cushings reflex. What pharmacological Rx?
Mannitol (has hypertonic properties)
Rule of nines in a kid vs infant
Head: I = 18, C = 12
Legs: I = 13.5, C = 16.5
- everything else is the same as adults
If a pt sustains a spinal cord injury, what temp would you expect to find below the injury site?
Warm and dry
Pt in neurogenic shock should get what vasopressor at what dose?
Dopamine 2-20mcg/kg/min
Multiple pts in nursing home w. Sudden onset of ab pn and nausea. What do you think?
Food poisoning
Terminal cancer pt unresponsive, HR 44, BP 60, pinpoint pupils. What’s wrong?
OD on pn meds
In a grand mal seizure pt, what should you always check first?
Airway for vomit
Main SS of pheochromocytoma
Tachycardia and HTN
Rx of cocaine OD
Benzos and O2
Unresponsive hypoglycemic diabetic, what meds to give?
100mg thiamine & 25g d50
What does it mean “extra pyramidal”
Think dystonic
What’s the dose of diazepam
Pts with kidney stones usually have what SS
Anyone in cardiogenic shock gets what med?
What minimum MAP for perfusion?
If breathing Rx ineffective in asthma pt, what next?
Best airway for seizure pt?
What defining assessment helps decide whether to intubate or not?
Max dose of lidocaine?
Kid has projective vomiting and diarrhea w/ a palpable mass on abdomen. What’s wrong?
Bowel obstruction
How to secure airway in LEfort Fx?
Surgical cric
Neonate CPR ratio
Besides electrolytes, what medication helps with hyperkalemia? How?
Albuterol. Drives K back into cells
Earliest signs of shock in infant?
Tachypnea, tachycardia
Pt w/ recent Hx traveling can get what type hepatitis?
Hep A = oral/fecal route from contaminated shit
On the O2 dissociation curve, a shift to the R or L means what?
Acidotic = shift to R = O2 falls off hemoglobin more easily
L = opposite
What’s central cord syndrome
Whiplash or degenerative disease = weakness in upper extremities
What’s anterior cord syndrome?
DT tumor or mass = upper and lower extremity weakness
How does anaphylaxis affect the CNS
What is the purpose of lactated ringers?
Good for slowing down acidosis (i.e. traumas)
Mydriasis vs miosis
Mydriasis = dilated (has the D)
Miosis = pinpoint
At what age do VS become adult like?
How many drops in a ML?
Ectopic beats vs escape beats
Ectopic - early
Escape = late (next pacemaker sets in)
How to guess pediatric weights (in Kg)
(Age + 4) x2 = wt (in kg)
What is the Krebs cycle
How we make energy in a cell
All stages of grieving process
Deny, anger, depression, bargain, accept
What’s wellen’s syndrome
V2 &V3 (LAD) = biphasic T wave or deeply inverted T wave = imminent MI
Name all stages of a blast injury
Primary = pressure
Secondary = shrapnel
Tertiary = body thrown
Quarternary = burns & all other
What is dale’s method to give dopamine
W/ 1600mcg/ml concentration..
If you want to give 5mcgs/min, drop last number in pts weight (lbs) & minus 2