AHA Algorhythms Flashcards
What AHA HR = bradycardia?
“Typically <50bpm”
What are the general steps of the Bradycardia algorithm?
- Identify/treat the cause (MOVAB = monitor/12-lead, O2, VS, Airway/access (IV/IO), breathing (assist if needed)
- Determine CHAAPS (Chest pn, hypotension, AMS/acute heart failure, pulm edema, shock)
- No CHAAPS = monitor them
- YES CHAAPS = atropine then transcutaneous pace or Dopamine/Epi infusion
What is CHAAPS
CHAAPS = mnemonic to determine if pt stable or not
Chest pn, hypotension, AMS/acute heart failure, Pulm edema, shock SS
Dosage for Atropine (max dose?)
First dose = 0.5mg then repeat every 3-5min
Max dose = 3mg
What is dosage/infusion rate for dopamine IV
Dose = dale’s rule (in lbs, drop last number & minus 2)
Infusion = 2-20mcg/kg per min. Titrate to effect
Dosage/infusion rate for IV epi (bradycardia)
2-10 mcg per min. Titrate to effect
150bpm or more (SVT)
General steps of Tachy (SVT) algorithm
- Identify/treat underlying cause (MOVAB = monitor/12lead, O2, VS, airway/access (IV/IO), breathing)
- Rule out CHAAPS
- if no CHAAPS, differentiate wide vs narrow QRS complex SVT (<0.12s) then treat accordingly
Rx for tachyarrhythma (SVT) w/ CHAAPS
Synchronized cardioversion.
Consider: sedation or adenosine (if narrow complex SVT)
Rx for stable, wide complex QRS SVT
- Regular & monomorphic = adenosine
- If not working, consider MCP & antiarrhythmic infusion
Rx for narrow complex QRS SVT (no CHAAPS)
- Vagal
- Adenosine (if regular)
- Consider Med control w/ Beta or Calcium channel blocker
You want to cardiovert your SVT pt. what initial joules for wide regular SVT vs wide irregular SVT?
Wide regular = 100 J
Wide irregular = no cardiovert. Defibrillation
You want to cardiovert your SVT pt. What initial Joules for the following:
- Narrow regular SVT
- Narrow Irregular SVT
Narrow regular SVT = 50-100J
Narrow irregular SVT = 120-200 J (biphasic), or 200 J (monophasic)
Biphasic vs monophasic shock pads?
Biphasic = current goes from one pad to the other then back
Monophasic = current goes from one pad to the other
For tacharrhythmias (SVT), what dose for adenosine?
1st = 6mg rapid IVP, follow w/ flush
2nd = 12mg if needed
3rd = 12mg ( for hospital, call MCP)
What Rx for stable, wide QRS complex SVT?
Rx = Procainamide, amiodarone, Sotalol
If unsure if SVT vs VTach. Assume Vtach and defib
What is Procainamide? indications & contraindications?
Procainamide = antiarrhythmic infusion med
Indication = stable wide QRS complex tachycardia (SVT)
Contraindication = prolonged QT or Hx CHF
Infusion dose/rate?
Maintenance rate?
Max dose?
Dose/rate = 20-50mg/min
Maintenance = 1-4 mg/min
Max dose/stop = arrhythmia suppressed, pt hypotensive, QRS duration >50%, or max dose 17mg/kg given
What is amiodarone? When to use it?
Amiodarone = antiarrhythmic infusion med For stable, wide QRS tachyarrhythmia (SVT)
Also used for cardiac arrest w/ vfib or pulseless vtach
Amiodarone initial infusion rate? Maintenance infusion rate?
Initial = 150mg over 10 min. Repeat PRN if Vtach recurs. Follow w/ maintenance infusion
Maintenance infusion = 1mg/min for first 6 hours
What is Sotalol? What contraindications?
Sotalol = Antiarrhythmic infusion med for stable, wide QRS tachycardia
Contraindications = prolonged QT
What is the dosage for Sotalol?
100mg (1.5mg/kg) over 5 min
General steps of AHA cardiac arrest algorithm
- Start CPR (MOVAB: monitor, O2, VS, airway/access, breathing)
- Determine shockable rhythm
- NO = asystole/PEA algorhythm
- YES = Vfib/ pulseless Vtach algorithm
General steps for AHA asystole/PEA
- CPR 2min (MOVAB = monitor, O2, VS, Airway/access IV or IO, breathing) then check if rhythm shockable. Epi every 3-5min (2 cycles)
- YES = defib & Vfib/pVT algorithm
- NO = CPR & H’s and T’s. Keep checking for shockable rhythm & repeat
- If ROSC = do ROSC algorithm
General steps for VF/pVT algorithm
- Shock
- CPR 2min & check if rhythm shockable (MOVAB = monitor, VS, Airway/access IV or IO, breathing)
- No shock = Asystole or ROSC (follow appropriate algorithm)
- YES shock = shock and repeat CPR. H’s & Ts. Epi (3-5min), amiodarone (300mg then 150mg every other cycle)
* re-evaluate every 2 min
What are pneumonic for H’s and T’s
HERMis the homosexual, DROve to KALi to play VOLleyball = hypothermia, hydrogen (acidosis), Hyperkalemia, hypovolemia
THROMBO the lesbian raises TENSION, when she TOX about her TAMPONs = thrombosis (PE or MI), tensionpneumo, toxicity (OD), tamponade (cardiac)
What are the Hs and Ts used for?
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
What is ROSC? How do you know its happened?
ROSC = return of spontaneous circulation
SS = sudden spike in ETCO2, presence of pulse & BP, spontaneous pressure waves w/ intra-arterial monitoring
What qualifies as an advanced airway?
ET intubation or supraglottic airway
Which supraglottic airway has the biggest aspiration risk?
Which Adv airway is best for pulseless, apneic kids?
How to confirm placement of adv airway?
Waveform capnography, condensation in tube, lung/epigastric sounds, EQUAL chest rise, bagging compliance
What are the ventilation rates for advanced airways?
1 breath every 6-8s (10 per min) w/ continuous compressions
Epi dose for adult vs ped cardiac arrest?
Adult = 1mg every 3-5 min
Ped = 0.01mg/kg
Amiodarone dosage for cardiac arrest?
1st = 300mg bolus
2nd = 150mg bolus
What adult defibrillation energy for biphasic shock pads?
120-200 J & repeat. Call med control if you want to raise the dose
What shock energy setting to use when you don’t know the inital adult defib shock dose?
Give the max dose (in joules)
For adult defibrillation, what shock energy for monophasic shocks?
How to assess bad chest compressions
- Hard & fast
- Chest recoil
- Short interruptions between compressions (<10s)
- Don’t Over bag pt
- Rotate compressors every 2 min
- Good ratio if no adv airway (30:2)
- DBP 20mmHG or more during relaxation phase (arterial monitoring)
ROSC algorithm
- VS (BP, HR, SPO2 & 12-lead)
- fix hypotension & start infusion with whatever meds you last pushed before ROSC
- Consider Hypothermia therapy
How to fix hypotension in a ROSC pt?
- Auscultate lung sounds
- Clear = fluid bolus then vasopressor infusion
- Consider & fix Hs and Ts
You get a 12-lead following ROSC. 12-lead indicates STEMI. What do you do?
Immediate transport to Cath lab
What’s hypothermia therapy and how do you evaluate it?
Hypothermia therapy = keep pt CBT lower to prevent tissue infarction
Evaluation: can they follow commands? Yes = ICU, no = Hypothermia therapy then ICU
How to ventilate a ROSC pt?
Start @ 10 breaths/min (1 every 6s)
Titrate bagging rate until ETCO2 35-40mm HG
Titrate FIO2 until SPO2 94% or more
What IV fluid bolus dose for ROSC pt w/ hypotension
1-2L normal saline or Lactated Ringers
What different vasopressors can you use on a ROSC pt?
Epi, NORepi, dopamine, (all of them are IV infusions)
Infusion rate for Epi on ROSC pt?
0.1 - 0.5mcg /kg per min (ex. 70kg or 154lb adult = 7-35mcg per min)
Same dosage as NORepi
Norepi infusion rate for ROSC pt?
0.1-0.5 mcg/kg per min (ex. 70kg or 154lb adult = 7-35mcg per min)
Same dosage as Epi
Dopamine infusion rate for ROSC pt
5-10mcg/kg per min
ACS (acute coronary syndrome) / CP algorithm
- Monitor & ABCs
- MONA (morphine, O2, nitro, ASA) correct order = OANM
- 12-lead notify hospital if STEMI
- Assess pt for clot buster criteria (fibrinolytic checklist)
Cut off time for CATH lab. What happens after that?
<12 hrs after initial SS onset
12 hours plus = blood thinners, unless pt super high risk/unstable
How to pace someone (according to dale)
- Attach pt to pads (w/ limb leads on).
- Press sync
- Set rate @70 bpm
- Slowly increase milliamps until capture
- Check BP after and give vasopressor if necessary
How to determine if pt is hemodynamically stable (AHA)
CHAAPS = chest pain, hypotension, AMS, acute heart failure, pulmonary edema, shock SS
When administering cardiac meds like Epi or adenosine. What is the required IV site?
AC or higher. Adenosine biotransforms quickly
How to manually draw up push dose epi?
- Take 10ml flush & waste 1 ml
- Use blunt needle on flush & draw 1 ml of Epi 1:1000
- Administer every min until BP is appropriate
What is the targeted temperature mgmt range for a pt during first 24 hours following ROSC?
32-36 C
How do you draw up push dose epi?
Draw 1mL epi (0.1mg/mL) from Bristol jet. discard 1mL from a 10mL flush.
Add 1mL epi to the flush.
Result = 0.01mg/mL epi in 10ml
Push 0.5-2mL every 2-5 min
Can you make push dose epi from a 1mg/mL vial?
No! Concentration will be 10 fold overdose. Always take from the bristojet
What constitutes low dose dopamine? What action?
Low = 1-5mcg/kg/min = increase in urine output & renal perfusion
What constitutes medium dose dopamine. What action?
Medium = 5-15 mcg/kg/min IV = increase kidney perfusion & beta 1 actions
What is high dose dopamine? What action?
High = 20-50mcg/kg/min = vasoconstriction & BP
What drip set do you need for a dopamine infusion? How do you mix it for what concentrations?
Always 60 Gtts set (60 drops = 1mL)
Mix 800mg in 500 mL NS = 1600 mcg/mL concentration
What is the required concentration of dopamine? How do you calculate appropriate drip rate for a pt?
Always use 1600 mcg/mL
Formula: (drip rate) = (desired dose x drip set)/concentration
What’s the bolus dose of lidocaine?
1-1.5mg/kg IVP
Repeat PRN at 1/2 the initial dose over 5-10min until max 3mg
What’s the IV infusion dose of lidocaine? What’s the infusion concentration?
Dose = 1-4mg using a 60 gtts set
Concentration = 4mg/mL
What’s the infusion concentration of lidocaine? How do you mix it to get that concentration?
Concentration = 4mg/1mL
Mix 2g in 500mL NS = 4mg per mL
4g in 1000mL NS = 4mg per mL
What is lidocaine used for?
Antiarrhythmic used as alternative to amiodarone for VF/pulseless VT
What is the lidocaine clock formula?
1mg = 15 drops/min
2mg = 30 drops/min
3mg = 45 drops/min
4mg = 60 drops/min
*think: 1-2-3-4 = 15-30-45-60
In the 3 phase model of CPR what are the phases?
- Electrical phase = onset of arrest to 4min
- Circulatory phase = 4-10min
- Metabolic phase = >10min after arrest
When is Mag sulfate used in regards to cardiac issues?
For torsades de pointes, refractory VF, VF w/ hx alcoholism
What dose for mag sulfate?
1-2g (2-4ml or a 50% solution) diluted in 10 ml D5W IVP
When do we typically use dopamine, besides as a vasopressor during ROSC?
It’s a second line drug after atropine in bradycardia w/ CHAP
What’s a good starting point for dopamine when administering it for Bradycardia? What concentration?
Start at 6 mcg/kg/min
Concentration = 1600/1
What’s the Endotracheal dose for lidocaine?
What’s the infusion rate of amiodarone following ROSC?
360mg IV over 6 hours (1mg/min)
540mg IV over 18 hours (0.5mg/min)
How is the AHA dopamine dosage different for ROSC vs bradycardia
ROSC = 5-10mcg/kg/min
Bradycardia = 2-20mcg/kg/min
How is Epi AHA infusion dose different for ROSC vs Bradycardia
Bradycardia = 2-10mcg/min
ROSC = 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min
How much drip rate lidocaine for a ROSC pt?
1mg more than the bolus dose you gave. Set drip rate accordingly.