Dale's Review Concepts II Flashcards
___ = Unicellular organism that harm the body by producing endotoxins & exotoxins
____ = obligate intracellular parasites
Endotoxins VS exotoxin
Endotoxins = poisonous/harmful stuff in bacterial cell wall = inflammation, sepsis, etc.
Exotoxin = poisonous/harmful stuff is Ed bacteria, when released outside = cause damage
What are pyrogens?
Messengers released from WBCs that tell hypothalamus to make fever
Name the 5 P’s for assessing an Arterial Occlusion
Pain Pulseless Pale Parenthesia Paralysis
What is Claudication?
Cramping pn (usually in calves) gets worse w/ exercises, goes away w/ rest DT ischemia from Clot
_____ = a group of mental disorders = reality distortion, social withdrawal, disturbed thoughts/emotions/perception.
You have a psych pt you suspect is schizophrenic. At what age does this disorder usually start
Early adulthood
What’s Boyles law?
- think: Boyle = bottle. A small O2 bottle really high pressure. Big bottle does not*
Boyles law = volume gas inverse to it’s pressure
What’s Dalton’s Law
*Think: Dalton… ALL IN 100%”
Dalton’s law = sum of ALL partial pressures IN a gas = 100%
What’s Henry’s law
- think: Henry = Tennessee. They drink coke in Tennessee. Co2 in a coke can bubbles to top of coke can”
Henry’s law = concentration of gas in liquid = partial pressure of gas above liquid
What’s Charles law?
- Think: Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Wonka rides an air balloon. Air expands w/ heat.*
Charle’s law = vol. of gas expands w/ heat (gets smaller w/ cold)
What is prinzmetal Angina?
Angina that happens DT coronary artery vasospasm. From stress, exercise, hyperventilation, cold weather.
Pt fell asleep outside in winter, currently has CC: numb foot that appears yellow, white w/ mottled blue spots. What is wrong? What RX?
Frost bite.
Rx = splint, dry loose dressing, no let pt use it/stand on it, don’t rewarm it unless MCP tells you too.
Frost nip vs Frost bite
Frost nip = mild form, numb/tingling, easily reversible
Frostbite = full ischemic injury DT frozen tissue
Superficial vs Deep frost Bite
Superficial = Underlying tissue remains soft (numb burning tingling)
Deep = yeah. Yellow/white/mottled blue, numb = gangrene later
Trench foot vs frost bite
Trench foot same as frost bite but DT long cool/wet exposure. Can happen @ higher temps like 60F
Pt has itchy red/purple lesions on body after prolonged cold exposure. What is it?
What conditions & meds make a pt more susceptible to hypothermia?
Hypothyroidism Hypoglycemia Immobile Over aggressive Heatstroke Rx Any med that vasodilates
How do trauma pts lose a lot of heat?
Direct contact w/ ground/pavement
Typical SS of hypothermia
Stumble, mumble, fumble, grumble
What temp range is mild hypothermia and what SS?
What Rx?
95-90F (35-32)
All the umbles (stumble, mumble, grumble, fumble)
Rx = passive warming (blankets + heater)
What temp range is moderate hypothermia? What SS?
What Rx
90-82F (32-28)
Pt shivering stops
Osborn waves @ 90F
Rx: Active external warming
What temp range is severe hypothermia?
What Rx
75-68F (24-20)
Rx = warm fluids
Hypothermia can be confused with what other emergencies?
CVA, TBI, ETOH, psych
How would you Rx a hypothermic cardiac arrest differently from a normal one?
No vaso pressures until pt at 86F (check local protocol)
True or false: rough handling of a hypothermic pt can cause vfib.
False. No evidence of this
You must always resuscitate a hypothermic cardiac arrest pt. What are exceptions to this?
Submersion in water >1 hr (unless icy)
CBT < 50F
Frozen so stiff, compressions not possible
What is a toxidrome?
Groups of poisonings that have the similar/predictable SS
What are the 5 toxidromes
Narcotic Sympathomimetic Sedative-hypnotic Cholinergic Anticholinergic
Pt has Resp depression, pinpoint pupils, Brady, sleepy/coma, IV tracks. What toxidrome?
Pt has fight/flight SS, hyperthermic, paranoia, HTN, seizures, cardiac dysrhythmias. What toxidrome?
Pt has respiratory depression, sleepy, w/ normal pupils. What toxidrome?
Sedative-hypnotic. Only narcotics will make pinpoint pupils
Pt has DUMBELS or SLUDGEM SS. What toxidrome
Pt is red, dry, hyperthermic, and altered/delirious. What toxidrome?
Think “red as a beat, dry as a bone, hot as a hare, mad as a hatter”
What drug class: stimulants
Sympathomimetic s (uppers)
What drug class is marijuana
What drug class is ETOH
CNS depressant
How can you tell if someone OD on a barbiturate or benzo?
Similar to alcohol/Drunk SS
Classic SS of a cyanide poisoning
Smell of almonds
Rape drugs are what class of drugs?
Strong Benzos
How does hydrofluoric acid/ hydrogen fluoride affect the body? What Rx?
It leaches Cations from you = lethal & quick death
Rx = cations (Na, Ca, K)
What lethal dysrhythmia can a tricyclic antidepressant develop into? What is the Rx?
Rx = sodium bicarb
Tricyclic OD can = torsades. At this point, use mag sulfate
What is a salicylate? How does an OD affect the body?
Salicylate = analgesic like aspirin.
OD = metabolic acidosis
Why cant you give aspirin to kids?
Reye’s syndrome = cerebral edema & liver failure
What happens when you OD on Tylenol (acetaminophen)?
NV = pn = metabolic acidosis & AKF
___ = fluid builds up in pericardial sac & compresses the heart, disrupting CO
Pericardial tamponade
You suspect a pt has pericardial tamponade. What SS to look for?
What Rx?
Beck’s triad:
JVD, muffled heart sounds, narrowing pulse pressure (early sign), hypotension
Rx =. Fluids PRN to maintain CO. Pt needs a pericardialcentesis
What’s Cauda Equine Syndrome?
Compression of nerve bundle @ end of spinal cord (L1) DT trauma, tumor, infection, herniation = neuro/bowel issues
Pt had recent MVC w/ Low back injury. Now has SS: low back pn, loss of sensation/motor function in legs, ACUTE BLADDER/BOWEL ISSUES. What’s wrong?
Cauda Equine Syndrome
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
Parasympathetic NS doesn’t work below spine injury = sympathetic overdrive
Pt had a spinal cord injury above T4-T6. After some time, pt now has SS: HTN, seizure, Brady, chills w/ no fever, blurred vision, dilated pupils, dysrhythmias. What’s wrong?
Autonomic Dysreflexia. His sympathetic NS is in overdrive
Explain the “nail in Back” (Brown-Sequard syndrome_
Partial damage to spinal cord DT penetrating trauma or ischemia (lesion/tumor/clot) = SS to involved side
Pt has ipsilateral motor loss & contralateral pn/temp sensation below the site of a spinal injury. What’s wrong?
Brown-Sequard syndrome
What is HONK/HHS ?
Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma = hyperglycemia (>600 mg/dL) for DM type II
What is DKA?
Diabetic ketoacidosis = hyperglycemia (>350/400 mg/dL) for DM type I
Both are hyperglycemia. HONK is for type II, DKA for type I.
In HONK, there is still insulin & glucose = no ketones in blood
DKA = no insulin = ketones & acidosis
Pt takes amaryl & metformin and had a recent infection. Now has SS: altered, hypotensive, dry warm skin. What’s wrong? What Rx?
Pt has DM Type II (ex. Metformin) & got an infection which spiked his BGL into HONK. He’s now severely dehydrated as a result.
Rx = secure airway & aggressive fluid resuscitation (500ml bolus)
Type I vs Type II DM
Type I = congenital or after 30. Autoimmune response destroys beta cells = no insulin
Type II = Hyperglycemia DT insulin resistance from poor lifestyle
Pt has polyuria, polydipsia, hypotension, AMS. No glucose in urine. What’s wrong?
Diabetes insipidus
What is diabetes insipidus?
Body can’t keep fluids DT lack of ADH or kidney issue = dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
Useless growth in body from cellular mutation (cancer of brain/spinal cord). What is it?
A neoplasm
New onset seizure in middle age/older adults. Serious or no?
Serious. Could indicate brain tumor. All new onset seizures need a CT scan
Ottitis Media vs Externa
Otitis Media = inner ear infection
Otitis Externa = outer ear infection
Pt has itchy painful ear after day at the beach. You check and its inflamed and red inside. What’s wrong?
Otitis Externa
Pt has vertigo fever, ear pn w/ dizziness. What’s wrong?
Ottitis media
Why do kids get more inner ear infections than adults (ottitis media)?
Kid Eustachian tubes more horizontal than vertical = poor draining = higher infection risk.
Why can ottitis media (inner ear infection) be serious?
It’s often linked to brain abscesses
Number one sign of Renal Calculi (kidney stones)?
Number one way to prevent them?
Prevention = hydration!
Pt has intense radiating flank pn, hematuria, pale diaphoretic. What’s wrong?
Kidney stones (renal calculi)
Following a boxing match, pt has curtain coming down over their vision & sees floaters/specks. What’s wrong?
Detached Retina
Pt has sudden painless vision loss in one eye. What’s wrong?
Central Artery Occlusion (pt has a clot in their eye)
What is hyphema?
Bleeding in anterior chamber of eye DT blunt trauma
Pt has photophobia, pn, blurred vision following blunt trauma to their eye. You notice the bottom half of pupil filled w/ blood. What’s wrong?
Pt has a sunken in stomach (scaphoid belly), unequal lung sounds, and heart sounds in an an unusual spot. What’s wrong?
Diaphragmatic Hernia
On which side of the body does a diaphragmatic Hernia usually happen?
The L side. Liver usually covers all of the R side
What NS is fight or flight?
What is the neurotransmitter of the sympathetic NS
What are the receptor sites of the Sympathetic NS? What do they each do?
A1 = vasoconstriction A2 = vasodilate B1 = Heart (ino/chromo/dromotropic) B2 = bronchodilator B3 = shiver & vagina stuff
What NS is “rest/repose, feed/breed”
The parasympathetic NS
What is the neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic NS?
What are the receptor sites of the parasympathetic NS?
Muscarinic & Nicotinic
Pt has sudden back & abdominal pn/tenderness w/ shock SS. You suspect possible AAA. What other SS will confirm this?
Pt has need to bear down.
Pulsating mass on abdomen
Pt has unbearable tearing chest pain that radiates back between shoulder blades. You BP and notice one arm has a higher BP than the other (20mmHg difference) whats wrong?
Thoracic aneurysm
What are the 3 layers of the heart?
What is the inside opening called?
From inner most to outer most…. Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica Adventitia.
Inside opening = lumen
Normal P wave length
< 0.12s
Normal PRI
0.12 - 0.20s
Normal QRS
0.6 - 0.11s
Normal QT interval
< 1/2 preceding R-R interval or 0.30-0.45s
How many seconds is a small box on an ECG? A big Box?
Small = 0.04s
Big = 0.20s
How long are the marks at the bottom of an ECG strip?
Subdural vs epidural hematoma
Both you get knocked out and regain consciousness…
Subdural = slowly deteriorate (venous bleed)
Epidural = rapid deterioration (arterial bleed)
Pt has flu SS w/ CP worsened by productive cough. Sputum is greenish w/ streaks of blood. Pt is dehydrated. What’s wrong?
What kind of ppl easily get pneumonia?
Immune compromised
Chronic illness pts
People w/ ventilatory compromise (bedridden, asthma, COPD, sedentary)
Pt has sudden weight loss, cough >3 wks, fever, hemoptysis, and night sweats. What’s wrong? What BSI?
Use surgical mask & air ventilations in tract
What placed people usually have TB?
Homeless, poor, long term care facilities
What’s a Bruit?
Abnormal whooshing sound auscultated over vessel = turbulent flow (atherosclerotic disease)
How long does it take food to go from mouth to anus
8-72 hours
What’s peristalsis?
Smooth muscle contractions to move food through GI
In the stomach, food gets converted to ____
Food exits the stomach via the ____ into the duodenum
Pyloric valve
What vessels take nutrients from the small intestines to the liver?
The Portal veins
What does the hypothalamus do?
Links endocrine & nervous system
Body functions & emotions
What does the pituitary gland do?
Secrete hormones to control all other glands
What does the Thyroid gland do?
Regulate metabolism and calcium levels
1 cause of renal calculi?
What does the thymus gland do?
Immune system: matures T cell lymphocytes
What is unique about the thymus gland compared to others?
It goes away by your 20s. T cell lymphocytes live long, so it is not needed anymore
Why does the pancreas have a dual function: exocrine & endocrine?
Exocrine = secretes digestive enzymes for protein break down
Endocrine = alpha, beta, delta cells make glucagon, insulin, Somatostatin (respectively)
What are the two parts of the adrenal hormones?
Cortex & medulla (inside cortex)
*think “medulla - middle”
What hormones from adrenal cortex?
Aldosterone = Na + water retention
Cortisol = blood glucose maintenance
What hormones does the Adrenal Medulla secrete
Epi & norepi
What are androgens?
All male hormones (ex. Testosterone)
What hormones do the ovaries secrete?
Estrogen = sex development
Progesterone = Prepares uterus for pregancy/periods
some testosterone
Briefly explain the inflammatory process, starting w/ “vessels…”
- Vessels constrict, then dilate & get permeable
- Fluids leak through = swelling
- Mast Cells release histamine
What’s another name for WBCs
What are 3 functions of the lymphatic system
- Fluid balance
- Circulates WBCs (lymphocytes)
- Nutrient/hormone transport
Where is the thymus & what does it do?
between upper sternum & aorta
- Matures T cells & lymphocytes
where is your spleen & what does it do?
Filters blood
___ = outside, visible part of the ear
The Pinna
___ = aka “ear drum”
Tympanic membrane
What inner ear structure controls balance & looks like a sea shell
Semicircular canals/ Cochlea
__ = aka “ear wax”
What instrument is used to examine ear canal
Best laryngoscope blade for a pediatric and why?
A miller blade (the straight one). Allows for better control of kids’ bigger tongues
What is the narrowest part of a pediatric trachea? (During intubation)
The cricoid ring (under the glottis/vocal cords)
Cranial nerve I (name & function)
Olfactory Nerve = Sensory reception & smell
imagine: olFACTORY = A SINGLE (one) perfume factory (smell)
Cranial nerve II (name & function)
II = Optic nerve = sight
think: you need TWO (II) eyes to SEE (vision)
Cranial Nerve III (name and function)
III = oculomotor = eye/eyelid movement & pupil size
- think: Three (syllables) = OC - CU - LO*
Cranial nerve IV (name and function)
IV = Trochlear = downward/inward eye movement
think: look DOWN INto the TRUNK (sounds like Troch) FOR (IV) stuff*
Cranial nerve V (name and function)
V = Trigeminal = jaw/chewing & touch sense in face/scalp/teeth/cornea
- think… The GEMINI (trigeminal) killed FIVE (V) people and ripped their FACES (pain location) off*
Cranial nerve VI (name and function)
VI = abducens = lateral eye movement
6(VI) virgins were ABDUCted (Abudcens) during the lateral eye movement
Cranial nerve VII (name and function)
VII = facial nerve = expressions, secretions, blinking, taste
*think: what does your face DO?”
Cranial Nerve VIII (name and function)
VIII = vestibulocochlear = hearing/balance sense
think: Vestibule + cochlea are in the ears
Cranial nerve IX (name and function)
IX = Glossopharyngeal = swallow, salivate, taste
- think pharyngeal = Pharynx (tongue stuff)*
Cranial nerve X (name and Function)
X = Vagus = swallow, pharynx/epiglottis, Parasympathetic NS
think Vagus = VEGAS. Drink until your heart stops (brady)
Cranial nerve XI (name & function)
XI = Accessory = SHoulder/head movement
Think accessories go on your head & shoulders
Cranial nerve XII (name & function)
XII = hypoglossal = tongue movement
think = lick your lips (tongue) to make them glossy.
What is the BP equation
What’s the equation for cardiac output
CO = SV x HR
What’s the equation for MAP?
MAP = DBP + 1/3 (SBP -DBP)
What’s the formula for Stroke Volume
SV = preload x contractility mediated by afterload (AKA SVR)
What is the pediatric BP formula
SBP = 70 + ( 2 x age)
Pt w/ recent child birth complains of lower ab pain, foul discharge, fever, NV. What’s wrong?
What is Endometritis? Who gets it?
Inflammation of endometrium DT bacteria common after birth or miscarriage
Pt has heavy long periods, pn during sex, rectal pressure, and constant deep pn @ low back/ab/pelvis. What’s wrong?
What is Endometriosis. What is a main complication.
Tissue identical to endometrium grows outside uterus = ectopic pregnancy risk
What organ controls your breathing? How?
medulla reads CO2 and pH in CSF
Pons controls breathing rhythm
What structures are located in the brain stem
Midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
What does the midbrain do
- Eye reflex/movement,
- coordinated motor activity
- brain-spinal cord message relay
What does the pons do?
Relays signals up/down, breathing, sleep cycle
What does the Medulla oblongata do?
all VS & respirations
What chemoreceptors are in the Medulla?
CO2 & pH of CSF
What chemoreceptors are in the carotid & Aortic bodies
Po2, Pco2, pH
What are baroreceptors? Where are they?
Detect BP changes in aortic arch, carotid sinus, kidneys