Last minute TEST questions Flashcards
At what BGL do you start to pee out glucose?
You walk into a medical emergency and pt smells of ammonia. What do you think?
Ammonia. = piss. Think Diabetic type II (HHNC/HONK)
How do type II diabetes die from HONK?
Severe dehydration kills brain perfusion = neuron death
What does hyperlipidemia mean?
High fat content in your blood. Common in diabetics
Rx for hyperkalemia?
Calcium gluconate first.
Calcium chloride or Sodium Bicarb = lesser choices
When someone is in acidosis. Which way does the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift?
To the right (acidosis)
At what BGL do brain cells typically start to die?
< 18mg/dL
How to estimate ETT size in peds
Uncuffed (<8) = (Age/4) +4
Cuffed = (age/4) + 3.5
Or Age + 16 divided by 4
68 YOF CC: sudden onset SOB, hemoptysis, diaphoresis, tachy, crackles, JVD. What’s wrong?
Farmer has muscle aches of chest & back after an insect bite. R arm is blanched w/ surrounding erythema. What insect?
Black widow
What antidote for acetaminophen OD?
ASA OD antidote?
Activated charcoal within one hour of ingestion
CO poisoning fucks with which part of the Fick’s principle
External respiration: the CO takes the place of O2 through the alveoli
In a low angle rescue, how to move pt up or down an incline?
Simple hauling system to assist litter team in moving the litter
What determining factor for having a single rescuer perform an emergency move
Personal limitations
Lower GI bleeds originate from which part of the body?
Below Distal duodenum
What position to transport a cardiac pt?
Position of comfort (semifowlers > supine) to reduce work of breathing and stress
What transitions fetal circulation into postnatal circulation
Taking first breaths after birth
How does mom expel the placenta after delivery
Uterine contractions helps the placenta spontaneously cleave
Most common cause of traumatic maternal death
Burn of entire dermis and epidermis is what type?
Partial thickness. Full thickness = nerve damage
What vessel supplies the SA node in most pts
In pregnant pts, HTN, proteinuria and excessive weight gain w/ edema = hallmark signs of what?
Proper ventilation rate for neonate
30-60 per min
What med is great for CHF exacerbation? Why?
Nitroglycerin = decrease preload and afterload
What VS dictates O2 treatment in a COVID pt?
NOT SPO2 (its always low despite Rx). Rely on mentation, cyanosis, resp rate
How many drops in a micro vs macro drip set? How many drops in a ML?
Macro = 10 drops
Micro = 60 drops
10drops in a mL
What key sign differentiates a GSW from other penetrating wounds?
Sub Q emphysema at the hole = GSW
Neonate has cyanosis in all four extremities during episodes of crying & feeding. What’s wrong?
Tetralogy of Fallot
What are lead I placements
Positive on L hand, Negative on R hand
What are lead II placements
Positive L leg, Negative R hand
What are lead III placements
Positive L leg, Negative L hand
What’s the common setting for PEEP
3-5cm water
Should you use CPAP for a PE?
Mom’s milk has what Ig… antibody
What are J waves and where would you see them?
Small humps after QRS seen in Pericarditis or Hypothermia
Biots vs Cheyenne stokes respirations
Biots = deep rapid breaths w/ short pauses
Cheyenne stokes = crescendo respirations w/ pauses
You note shark fins on ETCO2 of your intubated pt. What’s wrong?
Some sort of obstruction
Who shows up at a deposition?
Attorney, despondent, court reporter
What’s nystagmus
Twitching eyes
What are Cannon A waves
When Atria and Ventricles contract simultaneously = blood back up & JVD
How does the Amanita Phalloids (Death cap mushroom) affect the body?
Liver and Kidney death
What usually causes SVT in adults
Factitious vs Somatoform disorders
Factitious = wants to be sick
Somatoform = care a lot about health (hypochondriac)
What’s an atomic seizure
Flaccid no tone seizure
4 stages of a seizure
Prodromal, early ictal, ictal, post-ictal
What life saving interventions can you do w/ SALT triage?
Major hemorrhage control, open airway (kids), chest decompression
What SALT pts are “dead” tags (white)
No breathing
What’s the steps of salt triage?
- Walking wounded
- Breathing? (No = dead)
- CRAP (commands, resp distress, arterial bleed, peripheral pulse)
- No CRAP = yellow or green
- Yes CRAP = Red or black (red if likely)
Briefly name the divisions of the Nervous system
PNS = somatic + autonomic
Autonomic = sympathetic & parasympathetic
What headache type is very common. Dull/ squeezing Pain radiates back to front or both sides DT muscle contractions
Muscle tension headaches
Pt has an aura followed by throbbing/pulsating pain w/ photophobia, nausea, and need for quiet. What kind of headache is this?
What typically causes migraine headaches
Changes in blood vessel size or instability in neuron clusters at base of brain.
What are Cluster headaches
Rare vascular headache w/ sharp pain on one side of face.
What are sinus headaches
Infection/inflammation in sinuses of the face = a lot of pain when leaning forward
HIV hasn’t seroconverted can infect you in which stage?
Window phase
Hx of MI, pt hypotensive w/ hemoptysis. Already gave nitro. What do you give?
Last period a week ago. Has fever and foul discharge
A child w/ sharp ab pain & nausea in an MVC x3days ago. Was wearing seat belt. What’s wrong?
Most common cause of upper respiratory infections?
Which is most likely to cause shark fin capnography
COPD (asthma)
What change causes you to think she needs fluids. Steady BP but MAP of 50
70 is the lowest MAP to perfuse
Red tag triage pt goes into cardiac arrest. What do you do?
Nothing. Give him a black tag.
5 year old how much fluid is given?
Pt who is bradycardic and confused (altered) what do you do first?
Atropine (rate)
Guy bit on foot or leg by fire ants, what do you do first?
Remove him from source
Lady w/ RUQ pain after eating. What’s wrong?
Gall stone (Colilith)
2 year old kid w/ systemic response. What’s wrong?
What causes anaphylaxis
Basophils and mast cells
Kid with epiglottitis, what do you do?
Transport in a position of comfort
Which part of the heart does AVF look at?
Inferior part
Main cause of cardiomegaly
Ab pain at 34 weeks pregnant. What do you think?
Abruptio placenta
Lady with hypothyroidism and unconscious. What endocrine issue?
Myxedema Coma
What happens at the end of first stage of labor
Wife said husband has breathing meds. Husband has SOB. What do you do first? Albuterol was given by emt
2nd dose of albuterol, CPAP, O2, GET MORE Hx
Asthma pt with breathing treatment that isn’t working. What do you do?
What is the best way to secure an airway for a seizure pt?
Pt breathing fast. What assessment will help decide whether you should intubate?
Pulse Ox
Contraindication to Nasopharyngeal intubation
CPAP contraindication
Low BP & Hx bariatric Surgery
Pt is intubated & you only hear sounds on the R side. What do you do next?
Pull it back some centimeters
Positional pain, recent infection, nonsensical ST elevation, pain goes away when leaning forward. What is it?
Wet lungs, hypotension, what is given next?
How are kids after ROSC different from adults after ROSC
They have lower metabolic demands than adults & don’t benefit from hypothermic treatment.
Pt hit on chest and has spongy area on chest. What do you suspect?
Flail chest
Flail segment causes what physiological issue?
Ventilation-Perfusion mismatch
Pt stabbed, bubbling, chest wound. What Rx?
Cover with gloved hand
11 year old assaulted, refused treatment dad is there and is angry. What do you do?
Back out and call police
Accident scene, and later posted online about how long the extrication took. What could you be in trouble for?
22 year old, poorly controlled Diabetes. When baby is delivered, what do you monitor it for?
Someone with Wernickes syndrome. What is it caused by?
Alcoholism (lack of thiamine)
Hx of hypertension, R leg tingles, pain in back. What’s wrong?
Dissecting aortic aneurysm
Old guy golfing, syncopated episode, wet skin. What do you do?
Check glucose
Kid took grandpa’s atenolol. What treatment?
Woman assaulted, blood is bleeding through pants of crotch
Cover external genitals
Pt brushed your hand away after you give a sternal rub. What GCS score for motor?
5 (localized pain)
Pt w/ SVT, cardiac output will go down because…
Shorter ventricular diastole
Main function of sodium-potassium pump
Sodium in, potassium out
Slope of QRS would indicate what?
Delta wave (WPW)
Where is ST elevation measured?
J point
Partner started CPR what do you do next?
2 min CPR. Intubate
What kind of injury is it when they are thrown and hit something?
Tertiary blast injury
Women given flumazenil becomes combative. What else do you give?
Pt out of dialysis and is dizzy and nauseous. What is the cause?
37 YOF in fetal position, abdominal pain, vomiting. What’s wrong?
30 year old in rollover MVC, when arrived on the scene, pt is walking around and denies treatment. What do you do?
Tell him the MOA is serious and he should go get checked out
The patients right to make medical decisions is called…
Personal autonomy
Woman who’s weight is 150 lbs, what is the max dose of lidocaine
Which is an office of the general public (NIMS question)
Not a part of the FLOPS (finance, Logistics, Operations, planning, Safety)
What delivers the highest amount of oxygen
Pt with an MI and O2 sat is 98%, what type of O2 device to use?
Nasal cannula
Sexually active female, 6 months of pain, no vaginal discharge. What’s wrong?
Hyperventilation syndrome, what would their acid-base be?
Respiratory alkalosis
8 month old kid, palpable mass in the belly and projectile vomiting. What is it?
Pt with damage to face in MVC, unresponsive and apneic
Suction first then BVM
What CPR/ventilation ratio for neonate
EKG with ST elevation in V2-V5, hot dry skin, fever, history of infection
Best place to hear lower lobe lung sounds
Posterior chest
Which congenital defect causes cyanosis in infants. What is it?
Tetralogy of fallot
What chemical is responsible for methemoglobin
Hot skin, sympathetic signs. What toxidrome poisoning?
Anticholinergic poisoning
What tissue is responsible for the damage done in compartment syndrome
Lady misses her dialysis appointment. Why would you give albuterol?
It helps w/ treating hyperkalemia (Tall peaked T-waves)
Which drug is a tocolytic?
Dialysis pt has what problem with fluids?
Fluid overload
Female in a fight w/ her husband has numb face and fingers. Why?
Hyperventilation = relative hypocalcemia
Intubated pt has ETCO2 of 45. ROSC. All VS are good except ETCO2. What do you do?
Increase minute volume
Girl with closed femur fracture became hypotensive. What do you do?
78 year old femal hypotensive, febrile, altered, fever. Whats wrong?
Why do you give a pediatric, benzos in a seizure?
They’re the best way to stop seizures
1 year old cardiac arrest in PEA, sunken fontanelles, what stage of shock is it?
Infant, what is the earliest sign of hypovolemic shock
Tachycardia, tachypnea
Man with cirrhosis of liver, fluid waves in belly, heart filaure with BP of 80/40. What Rx?
Fluid Bolus
Full term pregnant woman in cardiac arrest and doing CPR, what do you do?
Displace uterus to left
Alcoholic falls off barstool, head hurts, then later passes out. What’s wrong?
A baby is delivered and cord pulls out part of uterus. What is this called?
Inverted uterus
Delivery of baby, what is suctioned first?
Belly bleed, what is the best position for transport?
Pt who is ventilating fine and is cyanotic. What is happening physiologically?
Pulmonary shunting
Asthma pt going down the tubes, what drugs do you give? You no longer her lung sounds.
Most dangerous part about walking up to a car during an MVC
Airbag deployments
ST elevation in lateral leads where will you see reciprocal depression?
Inferior leads (2, 3, AVF)
Man in MVC with flail chest what is the proper way to ventilate?
Positive pressure ventilation
What’s it called when a baby is delivered with the ass out first, both legs up still inside.
Frank breach
ETT dose for adenosine for peds
0.04mg/kg (double the normal dose)
What skin condition would you see in someone with measles
Koplik spots
What’s the ETT dose of EPI for an adult
2-2.5mg ETT diluted with some saline