non-taeniids in dogs/cats Flashcards
Dipylidium caninum
-“flea” tapeworms
-small intestines
-dogs and cats, people
**specific strains for different species but can cross between them all
Dipylidium caninum mature segments
-2 lateral genital pores
-2 sets of genitalia per segment
Dipylidium caninum eggs
-proglottids similar to appearance with cucumber seeds
“Egg packets”- each contains up to 30 eggs. Egg contains hexacanth larvae
>heavy, do not float well
Dipylidium caninum life cycle
PPP: 2-3 weeks
1. Adults in small intestines
2.Gravid segments and egg packets released in environment
3. IH Fleas: Flea larvae with cysticercoid, Adult flea with cysticercoid.
4.DH ingests fleas
-Single protoscolex, no cyst
Diagnosis of Dipylidium caninum
based on egg packets or segments in feces
**do not use fecal floats
Control of Dipylidium caninum
-Several cestocides for dogs and cats
-treat all pets in house
-flea control imperative
Epidemiology of Dipylidium caninum
-global distribution; present wherever fleas are
-more common on coasts and further south
-zoonotic but not directly from pets; must eat flea
Mesocestoides spp
-dogs, cats, wild canids, people
-Coastal N. America
-zoonotic but not directly from pets
Mesocestoides spp gravid segment
-Parauterine organ
-Ventral genital pore
**present in feces, not eggs
Mesocestoides spp Tetrathyridium
-four suckers on inverted scolex
-can divide asexually
**found on ultrasound, abdominocentesis +/- PCR
Mesocestoides spp lifecycle
PPP: 16-20 days
1.Adults in DH; small intestine
2. Gravid segments released into environment
3. 1st IH: arthropod?
4. 2nd IH: reptile, mammal, bird; has tetrathyridia larvae
5.2nd IH ingested by DH, larvae become adults in intestines
**IF dog ingests first IH, larvae move into peritoneal cavity and becomes the second IH
Dibothriocephalus spp
-pseudophyllid cestodes
-2 IH
-ventral genital pores
-fish or braod tapeworms
-DH: dogs, piscivores, people
-worlds largest parasites
Dibothriocephalus spp adult
-Have bothrium
-very broad ribbon with central line of genital pores
Dibothriocephalus spp gravid segments
-central coiled uterus
-ventral genital pores
Dibothriocephalus spp Eggs
Dibothriocephalus spp life cycle
PPP: 2-4 wks
1.Adults in intestines
2. Environment: eggs ->coracidium
3. IH1: crustacean ingest coracidium and becomes procercoids
4. IH2: fish ingest IH1 and larvae become plerocercoids
5. Ingested by larger fish, and then dog ingests fish
Dibothriocephalus spp diagnosis
-Detection of eggs of segments in feces
*fecal float
Dibothriocephalus spp control
-little clinical significant
-off label, high dose praziquantel
-prevent access to raw fish (need to cook or freeze to inactivate)
-prevent dogs from fecal contamination of water
Dibothriocephalus spp epidemiology
-distribution determined by wildlife reservoirs
-zoonotic from eating fish: rarely Vit B12 deficiency= pernicious anemia (children)
Alaria spp
-intestinal fluke
-dogs (cats, wild canids, people)
-aquatic lifecycle
Alaria spp adults
-anterior alae
Alaria spp eggs
-float well
Alaria spp life cycle
PPP: 1-2 weeks
1.Adults (hepatotracheal migration; transmammary in cats)
2. Eggs
3. Miracidium
4. IH1: snail
5. Cercaria
6. IH2: tadpole or frog, with metaceracariae larvae
7. Dog ingests tadpole or frog… or small mammal ingests tadpole/frog which is then ingested by dog
Nanophyetus salmincola
-intestinal fluke
-Dogs (cats, people, mesocarnivores)
-west coast
What does Nanophyetus salmincola transmit?
Transmits Neorickettsia helminthoeca if ingestion of any stage of lifecycle of nanophyetus salminocola
*causes salmon poisoning in dogs
How to treat Nanophyetus salmincola?
-fluke with praziquantel,
-rickettsia with doxycycline
Nanophyetus salmincola adult
-ventral sucker
-oral sucker
Nanophyetus salmincola lifecycle
2. Eggs
3. Miracidium
4. First IH snail
5. Cercariae
6. Metacercariae in second IH salmonid fish
7. ingested by dog
Metorchis conjunctus
-liver fluke
-dogs (rural, remote, north)
-sometimes present in cats, fox, mustelids, people)
-zoonotic from IH ingestion
Metorchis conjunctus
-ventral sucker
-oral sucker
-bile duct (pancreatic duct)
Metorchis conjunctus egg
Metorchis conjunctus life cycle
1. Adult
2. Egg in environment
3. miracidium
4. Snail IH1
5. Cercariae
6. IH2: sucker fish with metacercariae
7. ingested by dog DH
Diagnosis of trematodes
-based on detection of eggs in feces
**sedimentation, not flotation
Control of trematodes
-usually subclinical
-can use off label praziquantel
-prevent dogs from fecally contaminating water
-prevent access to raw fish/frogs (cook or freeze solid prior to feeding or eating)