Non-standardized assessment of individuals with TBI Flashcards
Why might a SLP choose to supplement standardized with nonstandardized assessment?
Individuals with TBI often demonstrate limitations in everyday activities despite good performance on standardized cognitive and language tests.
What problem can arise if you use an aphasia test to evaluate communication skills of someone with TBI (2 points)?
These tests tend to overestimate communicative performance of the person with the TBI because they are not subtle enough to pick up on the challenges of a person with TBI.
Most aphasia batteries assess language function at the single word or sentence level, at which most individuals with TBI have little difficulty.
Which measurse appeared most useful for identifying conversational impairments?
Measures of content and topic management
Measures of conversational discourse appear better able to discriminate TBI and non–
brain-injured groups than other types of discourse (ie. monologic discourse). Why is that?
- Because of the interactive nature of conversation
- Also, social factors appear to make conversational discourse more sensitive to the cognitive-
communicative impairments of individuals with TBI.
State 3 important components of the evaluation of individuals with TBI.
Non-standardized, functional and context sensitive assessment.