Non Nursing Theories Flashcards
a theoretical framework that aims to provide a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to understanding complex systems across various fields of science, including biology, psychology, sociology, and management.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory (GST)
key concepts and principles of Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory:
Wholeness and Holism
Open Systems
Hierarchy and Levels of Organization:
Feedback and Control
Interdisciplinary Approach:
is a framework for studying complex systems that emphasizes their holistic nature, the importance of considering interactions and feedback, and the applicability of its principles across different disciplines.
General Systems Model
provides a structured approach to help individuals and organizations navigate transitions, particularly in the context of change management.
Lewin’s Change Theory
This is the first stage of change and involves preparing the organization or individuals for change in LCT
the actual transition or change process occurs. It involves implementing new processes, systems, behaviors, or structures of LCT
The aim is to reinforce the new behaviors, processes, or structures, and ensure that they become ingrained in the organization’s culture.
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of infancy
trust and mistrust, feeling, and hope
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of early childhood
autonomy vs shame and mistrust, toilet training, will
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of pre school
initiative vs guilt, exploration, purpose
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of school age
industry vs inferiority, school, confidence
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of adolescence
identity vs role confusion, social relationships, fidelity
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of young adulthood
intimacy vs isolation, relationships, love
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of middle adulthood
generativity vs stagnation, work and parenthood, care
In erik eriksons theory of psychosocial development , What are the conflict, important events, and outcome of the stage of maturity
ego integrity vs despair, reflection on life, wisdom
emphasizes the sociocultural determinants of development
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
Known for interpersonal theory
Henry (Harry( stack Sullivan’s transactional analysis
this theory states that all behavior is to get needs meet through interpersonal interactions to avoid or decrease anxiety
Stack Sullivan’s transactional analysis
give the six developmental stages and their needs in stack sullivan’s transactional analysis
Infancy(gratification of needs)
Childhood(Delayed gratification)
Juvenile Era(Formation of Peer Group)
Pre adolescent Stage(Development of relationships between the same gender)
Early Adolescent Stage(dev of identity)
Late Adolescent Stage(Formation of lasting and intimate relationships)
the three types of self
the good me
the bad me
not me(unknown, repressed component of self)
provides theoretical basis for interpersonal psychotherapy to treat patients with depression and schizophrenia
Interpersonal theory
theory that proposes that human development occurs in distinct stages during childhood, each characterized by a specific focus on different erogenous zones. A
Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Development Theory
Freud’s theory consists of five main psychosexual stages, elaborate them all
Oral stage
Anal stage
Phallic stage
Latency stage
Genital stage
centers around the mouth as the primary erogenous zone.
oral stage
focus on the anus as the source of pleasure and conflict.
anal stage
the genitals as the primary source of pleasure and conflict.
Phallic stage
Sexual energy is largely suppressed during this stage, and it’s a period of relative calm in terms of psychosexual development.
latency stage
Successful navigation of previous stages should result in a healthy, balanced approach to sexuality and relationships during this stage.
Genital stage