Martha Elizabeth Rogers: Science of Unitary Human Beings Flashcards
– fundamental unit of both living and non-living.
Energy fields
– human field and environment have no boundaries that inhibit energies to other
– the identity of the energy field & perceived as a single wave.
Reveals itself through manifestations (person’s experiences, expressions, perceptions, and physical, mental, social and spiritual data.)
– nonlinear domain where life process exists along an irreversible space-time continuum.
Best expresses the idea of unitary whole.
– intensity of change.
postulates an ordering of the human’s evolutionary emergence.
The life process involves in sequential stages along a curve that has the same general shape.
– fields are one (complete) and integrated but unique to each other.
Relate resonancy, helicy, and inegrality to one another
“Helicy is the nature of change, Integrality is the process by which change takes place, and Resonancy is how change takes place.”
- Each is being unique and consists of more than the collective sum of parts.
- Person behaves as a totality.
- An open system who is in constant process with another open system.
- Wholism = Totality
- Defined as the irreducible, pandimensional field identified by pattern.
- Is a rhythmic patterning of energy that is mutually enhancing and expresses full life potential.
- Occurs when patterns of living are in harmony with environmental change.
- Creative use of the art and science of nursing for human betterment.
role of nursing
- Repattern the person & the environment to achieve maximum health potential for the person.
Noninvasive Modalities in Nursing Practice
-Therapeutic touch
- Humor
-Guided Imagery
- Use of color
- Music
-Medication on health potential
noninvasive therapy
modality of treatment
used in mentally ill people.
humor therapy
– depressed patients
music therapy
summary if the science of unitary human beings
- Rogers “Science of Unitary Beings Theory” emphasizes on viewing human beings and their environment as irreducible wholes which has brought nursing focus on holism.
- Rogers stresses that human beings are unified wholes, greater than the sum of their parts.