Nola Pender Flashcards
What did Nola Pender developed?
Health Promotion Model
It is necessary in disease prevention and in nursing practice.
Health Promotion
(True or False) The purpose of Health Promotion model is to assist the nurse in understanding the determinant of health behavior based as basis for behavioral counseling to promote health lifestyles
Accoring to the Health Promotion Model, what is health?
It is positive dynamic state rather than
simply the absence of disease.
includes personal factors such as a)prior related behavior, b) personal factors ie. biologic, psychological, and socio-cultural factors.
A. Individual characteristics and experiences
B. Behavior-specific cognitions and affect
C. Behavioral outcome
Individual characteristics and experiences
include perceived barriers to action, perceived self-efficacy, activity related affect, interpersonal influences, and situational influences.
A. Individual characteristics and experiences
B. Behavior-specific cognitions and affect
C. Behavioral outcome
Behavior-specific cognitions and affect
are commitment to action plan, and immediate
competing demand and preferences.
A. Individual characteristics and experiences
B. Behavior-specific cognitions and affect
C. Behavioral outcome
Behavioral outcome
are categorized as biological, psychological, and socio-cultural. These factors are predictive of a given behavior and shaped by the nature of the target behavior.
Personal Factors
Include variables such as age, gender, body mass
index, pubertal status, aerobic capacity, strength,
agility, or balance.
Personal biological factors
Include variables such as self-esteem, selfmotivation, personal competence, perceived health status, and definition of health.
Personal psychological factors
Include variables such as race, ethnicity, socioculturation, education, and socio-economic status. Behavior specific cognition and affect.
Personal sociocultural factors
Anticipated, positive outcomes that will occur from
health behavior.
Perceived Benefits of Action
Anticipated, imagined or real blocks and personal
costs of understanding a given behavior.
Perceived Barriers to Action
Judgment of personal capacity to organize and
execute a health-promoting behavior. It influences perceived barriers to action so
higher efficacy result in lowered perception of barriers to the performance of the behavior
Perceived Self Efficacy
Subjective positive or negative feeling that occurs
before, during, and following behavior based on the
stimulus properties of the behavior itself.
Activity Related Affect
Cognition concerning behaviors, beliefs, or attitudes of the others. Include norms, social support, and modeling
Interpersonal Influences
Personal perceptions and cognition of any given
situation or context that can facilitate or impede
Situational Influences
The concept of intention and identification of a
planned strategy leads to implementation of health
Behavioral Outcomes Commitment to Plan of Action
Competing demands are those alternative behaviors over which individuals have low control because there are environmental contingencies such as work or family care responsibilities.
Immediate Competing Demand and Preferences
Pender’s model focuses on three areas: What are these?
individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions and affect, and behavioral outcomes.