The vast majority of backing accidents involve the lack of good __________, poor ___________ and a breakdown of _________.
The _______ ________ will be responsible for ALL vehicles assigned to their command and ensure compliance of this policy during backing operations.
Company officer
The ________/_______ of the vehicle is responsible for the SAFE operation of the vehicle at all times. This includes ensuring the vehicle is safely backed and maneuvered without incident.
Effective immediately, __ ________ shall ensure Department-wide implementation and adherence to the following LAFD Backing Policy and Procedures for both heavy and light apparatus.
All members
Backing operations involving heavy apparatus should be ________ whenever possible and practical for emergency and non-emergency operations.
no member shall enter the apparatus path of travel and/or hazard zone of the apparatus (___’ to the rear and __’ to the sides).
A Safety Officer, normally the ______ _________shall directly supervise and ensure safety of all backing operations.
Company officer
Safety Spotter(s) should be utilized while backing on ________ streets and __________ roads.
Narrow streets
Hillside roads
Before backing the apparatus, a “________ ________” shall survey the rear of the apparatus and path of travel by walking around the apparatus to assure that the path is clear and there are no obstructions or safety hazards.
Safety spotter
This notification shall be both physical with the Department universal stop sign of both arms fully extended with ____ ______ facing the driver/operator and verbal communication by shouting “STOP!”
Open palms
When backing an aerial ladder apparatus, the Apparatus Operator and Tiller member shall continue to wear their headsets and communicate verbally through their headsets. The _________ ________ will assume the role of the Safety Spotter while backing the apparatus.
Tiller member
The outermost garment shall be the
High visibility vest
The minimum PPE when involved in backing operations shall be a
Helmet and HVV
.The diesel exhaust capture system shall not be connected while the apparatus is in
Personnel may utilize back-up button ___________ ________or __________ _________ devices as long as they remain outside of the apparatus hazard zone throughout the backing operation.
Tethered extensions or cordless remote devices