Los Angeles City _____, the _____ _____ _____ _____ (DPPH), and the ______ and _______ (Code of Conduct) provide direction on maintaining a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, hostile environment, retaliation, and hazing.
Los Angeles city policy, discrimination prevention policy handbook, and rules and regulations
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
a. Direct employees to _____ _____ in the engaged activity.
Immediately cease
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
b. Attempt to resolve the issue and provide clear ________.
c. Make immediate notification to their respective _______.
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
d. Document the incident by utilizing the ____ ____ ____.
Complaint tracking system
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
e. All members shall be given immediate _____ and _______ of the Department’s zero tolerance policy toward discrimination, harassment, and retaliation as noted in the Department’s DPPH
Review and understanding
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
_______ and _______ the dates and times of when the above recommendations have been directed or completed by the immediate supervisor.
Document and journalize
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
g. Consider if the Department’s ______ program can be of assistance. Disputing parties with the help of a mediator (a neutral third party) voluntarily meet to discuss their issues of concern with the aim or reaching mutually agreeable terms to resolve those issues.
Mediation program
Recently, the City of Los Angeles _____ _____ Division has expanded their services and staff to conduct workplace violence assessments, consultation, coaching, mediation, and supervisor trainings.
Medical services division
The goal of a WPA is to evaluate individual _______/_______ to identify workplace violence concerns and to determine the appropriate level of ________ that is required.
Situations/ circumstances
Consultations and assessments conducted by MSD are ___-_____ and ___-_____ in nature.
Non punitive
When conflicts or disagreements within a work environment persist, Station/Unit Commanders shall generate an _____ ____ request through channels to their respective Bureau Commander.
F-225 WPA
The respective Bureau Commander will consult with the ____ ______ section Battalion Chief for the need of a WPA.
Risk management section
The ____ _____ _____serves as the Department’s Personnel Officer/Designee and will make appropriate notification to MSD for the WPA.
The RMS battalion chief
The RMS Battalion Chief will confer with the Department’s _____ ______ Manager and _____ Manager as needed.
Employee relations manager
Risk manager
All WPA requests should contain the following information:
a. ____ and ____ of all members/employees involved.
b. ____, ____, and _______, and what behaviors of concern were observed.
c. _____ taken by immediate supervisor.
d. _____ of the action taken by the immediate supervisor.
Name and rank
Date time and location
With ___ ______, conflict resolution begins before the struggle occurs.
Good leadership