continuous exposure to firefighters by inadvertently spreading toxins into the fire station and the home is termed?
Second hand exposure
substances can become embedded in the fibers of the garment, penetrate inner layers, and enter the body through ______, _______, and ________
Ingestion absorption, and inhalation
In addition, particulates and other products of combustion can compromise the flame resistant barrier of garments and increase the clothing’s ability to ______ _______.
Conduct electricity
first line of defense to reduce contamination and second-hand exposures is a detailed approach to _____ ______
PPE Cleaning
The ______ ____ ______ Division shall establish the advanced cleaning and inspection cycle for the LAFD to ensure that PPE is properly cleaned, inspected, and repaired on a routine basis.
The supply and maintenance division
As directed by the ______ _______, PPE shall be cleaned after exposure to contaminants from structural and/or brush firefighting, automobile and/or rubbish fires, and exposures from any type of hazardous materials incident.
Incident commander
PPE shall also be cleaned in an Extractor a minimum of _____ a year and may be cleaned more frequently if deemed necessary.
Twice a year
______ _____ shall establish cleaning schedules for their respective Battalions.
Battalion commanders
Considerations when establishing a cleaning schedule are dates of ______/_____ Inspections and advanced ______ and _______.
Cleaning and inspection
Task Force Stations may utilize the ____ Company or _____ _____ to launder that fire station’s PPE. The __ _____at designated Task Forces should be avoided for PPE cleaning details.
Engine company or light force
10th person
Single Engine Companies shall be provided coverage with an ____ _____ from their Battalion to allow the single Engine to launder their PPE.
Engine company
Specialized Companies (Crash, Boat, Air Operations, etc.) shall be provided a ______ arranged through the respective Battalion.
Any member who desires to launder their PPE off duty at a station may do so with the permission of the __-___ _____ _____ at the location housing the equipment.
On-duty station commander
Companies leaving their district to launder PPE shall obtain approval from ______ ____ ______ prior to leaving their district. Company status while washing PPE shall be “___” with the permission of MFC.
Metropolitan fire communications
Companies are strongly encouraged to launder PPE in the _____ hours due to ______ activities.
Evening hours
Daytime activities