No. 16-06 - BRUSH FIRE OPERATIONS - 2016 Flashcards
Accordingly, all members are reminded of the Department’s risk management principles:
Activities that present a significant risk to the safety of members shall be limited to situations where there is a potential to save endangered lives.
Activities that are routinely employed to protect property shall be recognized as inherent risks to the safety of members, and actions shall be taken to reduce or avoid these risks.
No risk to the safety of members shall be acceptable when there is no possibility to save lives or property.
Effective immediately, all Officers shall:
Ensure all pumping apparatus are stocked with “Thermo-Gel” (__ gallons minimum).
Ensure a __-hour supply of both MREs and drinking water is carried on apparatus.
No F-393 entries shall be entered upon completion of the assignment. _________ _______ will automatically capture all documentation upon recording a completion
Target solutions
__________ and _________ Commanders shall ensure that the Department’s Wildland Fire Training Plan is reflected on Station and Unit F-957s and that personnel receive the training as required
Battalion and section
_________Chiefs shall ensure that the brush firefighting readiness and training responsibilities outlined in this bulletin are completed within their commands by the assigned due date.
Deputy chiefs
The Department calculates the BI every __________ for the next day’s use.
BI 0-37
BI 38-47
BI 48-110
BI 111-161
BI 162 & ABOVE
Wind >25mph + RH<15%
Red flag alert
Pre-deployment will be requested by the Operations ________ bureau Commander with the concurrence of Metropolitan Fire Communications (MFC), and final approval by the Deputy Department Commander (DDC).
The Operations Valley Bureau Commander will notify the MFC Battalion Chief immediately following the weather discussion conference call or by no later than _______ hours the day before pre-deployment is anticipated
The _______ will identify which 400 Series Engines will be staffed based on the BI and Fire Weather.
Pre-deployment will normally last up to
24 hrs
When the Department is in pre-deployment mode all companies shall stock their apparatus with ______ extra gallons of Thermo-Gel for a total of ___ gallons (if available) and maintain apparatus fuel levels at __full and above.
Brush resources
defined as three Engines commanded by a Leader (Captain I or Captain II assigned to one of the Engines).
Task force
Five Engines under the command of a Leader (Battalion Chief).
Type 1 strike team
Task Forces and Strike Teams are identified using the State _______ ______ ______numbering system.
Master mutual aid
The Los Angeles Fire Department (LFD) has been assigned the block of designation numbers
Task Forces and Strike Teams formed by MFC will be assigned a number starting in sequence from
Task Forces and Strike Teams formed at the scene of an incident shall be assigned a number starting in sequence from
The radio identification for Task Forces and Strike Teams shall be “Task Force” and “Strike Team” followed by the
4 digit number
The three-letter agency identifier “___”, the four-digit number and a one-letter resource type identifier (A=Type I Engine) designate Strike Teams sent out of the City (i.e.,
LFD S/T 1001A
The Department has been assigned __ Type-3 Engines through a contractual agreement with Cal OES
These apparatus are for statewide mutual aid response and may also be used for vegetation fires or other needs within the City (under prescribed guidelines).
Initial Alarm: Station Commanders of stations housing a Type 3 engine, or assigned Battalion Commanders, may opt to staff the Type 3 Engine for response to vegetation fires or incidents where four-wheel drive engine capability is required.
a. Metro dispatch shall be notified immediately.
b. If the Incident Commander decides to commit/hold the Type 3 Engine for ____minutes or more – OES NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED BY MFC.
Multiple Alarm: If an on-scene Incident Commander requires the capabilities of the Type 3 Engine(s), a request may be made through
The Department has identified ____ vehicles that will be reserved specifically for Strike Team deployments.
Shop #06035 (2016 Dodge 4x4 pick-up truck), will be maintained and stored at Fire Station __, and is reserved for use with S/T 1880C (OES Type-3 Strike Team).
Shop #06027 (2014 Dodge 4x4 pick-up truck), will be maintained and stored at Fire Station __, and is reserved for use with S/T’s requested for Statewide mutual aid.
The combination of one Dozer, one Dozer Transport, one Dozer Tender, and one Dozer Boss is called a
A Dozer Strike Team consists of __ Dozers, ____ Dozer Transports and ____ Dozer Tenders.
The number _______ is reserved for Dozer Strike Team 1000 (e.g., S/T 1000K)
On a normal brush response, MFC will dispatch _____ helicopters, ___ to support _________ and ________ with the Helicopter Coordinator (HLCO) and two ________ _______
Command and control
Water droppers
The first water dropper will respond from _____ _________, with a full tank of water, to the incident.
The second water dropper will transport _________ personnel to the helispot to establish the helicopter water filling operation.
Air operations
The helispot support company shall monitor Tactical Channel
LFD T20TA is located in Zone _of the 800 MHz mobile and portable radios.
The helispot support channel should NOT be confused with the
Communication with aircraft assigned to grass/brush incidents will normally involve Division/Group Supervisors, Operations Section Chiefs, or IC’s – and should normally be limited to contact with the identified _________ _________ (HLCO) aircraft.
Helicopter coordinator
four-wheel drive truck-chassis pumping apparatus designated as Type VI or VII Engines. Their uses include quick attack on brush and grass incidents
MFC will dispatch the ______ closest staffed Patrols and a Patrol Strike Team when there is a confirmed fire or smoke showing on Extreme and Red Flag Alert days.
On Red Flag days, a minimum of one Patrol shall be activated in Battalions __, __, __, __, ___, ___, and ___.
5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17
WT are accessible through MFC at any time, and additionally shall be staffed by ___ members on Red Flag Alert days. Staffing shall consist of at least one certified member
Although the primary WT resource to be requested should be an LAFD WT, two 2,000-gallon Department of ________ _________ WT may be requested through MFC.
Recreation and Parks
Park Rangers will normally respond with the tenders during normal business hours. When Park Rangers are not available, Engine __, Light Force __ or Engine ___ (in priority order) may pick up and operate the WT(s).
The WT are housed in the building located behind the Crystal Springs Ranger Station at 4730 Crystal Springs Drive. Battalion __ and Battalion __ companies and ____ have the access code to open the building for after-hours activations.
Park Rangers are equipped with handheld LAFD radios. Battalion __Commanders have the liaison responsibility between the LAFD and the Department of Recreation and Parks.
Los Angeles County (LAC) Camp Crews can be requested for fires in the City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County recommends that a minimum of ___ and normally ___ camp crews be requested for a brush fire.
Los Angeles County will dispatch at least one Camp Superintendent for every ____ of crews and may dispatch a Battalion Chief as an Agency Representative.
Camp Crews operate on LAC ____ (direct) and/or LAC ____ (direct), and will normally monitor the assigned A/G channel.
Lac u-14
Lac u-15
is a Type II Crew staffed by LAFD Cadets working under qualified supervision.
Crew 3 is comprised of two crews,
Crew 3A, 3B
Throughout fire season, one crew will be staffed and available two to three days a week from _____ to ____ hours, and on-call during other times. Crew 3 may be requested through MFC.
Each crew is staffed with one Crew Boss and ___ Wildland Cadets trained to a National Wildland Coordinating Group (NWCG) Firefighter 2 (FFT2) level.
If not staffed, Crew 3 can be activated and typically on-scene within
2 hours
consist of volunteers from within the administrative Battalion, from the Community Emergency Response Call-Out Team, and from the Auxiliary Communication System (ACS) that provides the Department with backup communications throughout the City.
Community CERT Fire Patrols
Community CERT Fire Patrols shall be activated during
Red flag condition
Immediate Need (IN) requests are considered emergency responses; all resources shall be enroute within _____ minutes and respond emergency to the fire station or Staging Area designated by MFC to form the Strike Team.
approval is required for any additional IN requests as well as any Planned Need requests.
DDC aroval
Any member returning to the City (and remaining on duty) from a wildland incident who has not had an _____-hour rest period in the past 24 hours shall be given ______ hours of rest at their place of assignment before engaging in response activities.
Any time the Department sends ___or more grouped Strike Teams out of the City, or a specialized operational asset (e.g., Helicopters, Dozers, WT, etc), a Chief Officer may be dispatched as an Agency Representative (AREP).
A situation where structures abut the wildland. There is a clear line of demarcation between the structures and the wildland fuels along roads or back fences.
Interface condition
A condition where structures are scattered throughout a wildland area. There is no clear line of demarcation; the wildland fuels are continuous outside of and within the developed area.
Intermix condition
area where a firefighter can survive without a fire shelter. One of the most challenging aspects to firefighter safety when operating in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is identifying a
Safety zone
Since structures are not true Safety Zones, “________ _______ ______” (TRA) terminology has been adopted.
Temporary refuge area