The California Safely Surrendered Baby Law, as amended, allows a person to surrender a minor child (-____ or younger) to any firefighter on duty at any one of our fire stations
72 hours
one of the goals of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law is
to protect the identities of parents in order to encourage them to safely surrender rather than abandon their newborn.
when did the City of Los Angeles designated all fire stations as Safe Havens.
March 2003
This program is a _______alternative to the abandonment of newborns in inappropriate locations.
where are safe surrender signs located at stations?
Each fire station should have a Safe Surrender sign, in addition to the Safe House sign, in front of the station.
The Safe Surrender sign is a _____ and _____ sign with a baby resting in the palm of a hand inside of a ____.
blue and white
Each fire station should maintain ____ Newborn Safe Surrender Kits
Newborn Safe Surrender Kits, consist of the following:
a. Newborn family medical history questionnaire (English)
b. Newborn family medical history questionnaire (Spanish)
c. Coded wrist identification bracelet for person surrendering newborn.
There is a place to take notes regarding the newborn surrender. These include:
date, time, location, person(s) involved, sex of the newborn, hospital transported, and date and time child protective services were notified
f additional Newborn Safe Surrender Kits or fire station signs are needed, contact
Manuals and Orders Unit at 213-978-3425, or email Debbie Megliorino.
Notify Metro Fire (MFC) of a still alarm Safe Surrender at the station and request a paramedic rescue ambulance (if one is not in quarters) to respond. Initiate an F-902M report on the infant. MFC will create a “____” Safe Surrender incident type and add a _______ to the incident.
Battalion EMS Captain
An Officer at the Safe Surrender site (fire station) shall notify the Administrative _______ who will forward the information through channels to the: a. Bureau of __________ during normal business hours. b. Deputy Department Commander (DDC) after normal business hours.
Battalion Chief
emergency services