NICU Flashcards
What does APGAR stand for?
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
How many times, and at what times is the APGARs taken?
3 times at 1, 5, & 10 minutes
What are the APGARs scores?
0-3 severe distress
4-7 moderate distress
8-10 no distress
What are the resting vitals for an infant?
HR: 120-160 bpm
Respiratory: 33-60 breaths/min
What are resting vitals for a toddler?
HR: 90-140 bpm
Respiratory: 24-40
What is full term gestation?
37-40 weeks
How much does a premie (low birth weight) weigh?
1501g (3lb 5oz)- 2000g (4lb 7oz)
How much does a very low birth weight premie weigh?
Less than 1500g (3lb 5 oz)
How much does a micro premie weigh?
Less than 1000g (2lb 3.5oz)
What constituted being small for gestational age (SGA)? What is it’s cause?
Below 10th percentile for weight
Secondary to intrauterine growth restriction
List some problems you would expect to see in premies
Breathing, feeding, temperature regulation, cardiac, infection
Causes of neonatal seizures
- metabolic imbalances
- inherited metabolic conditions
- infections
- hypoxic ischemia/ periventricular leukomalacia
- intracranial/ ventricular hemorrhage/ infarction
- congenital brain malformation
- chromosomal anomalies
- neonatal drug withdrawal
What are examples of metabolic disturbances/ things that can be disturbed?
Glucose (maternal diabetes) Sepsis/ infection Calcium (hypocalcemia: maternal diabetes, fetal asphyxia, VLBW) Electrolyte imbalances Jaundice
Examples of infectious diseases spread by Transplacental Acquisition?
◦AIDS/HIV ◦CMV ◦Rubella ◦Syphilis ◦Toxoplasmosis ◦TORCH syndrome*
Examples of infectious diseases acquired postnatally ?
◦Bacterial infections ◦Fungal infections ◦Skin infections ◦GI infections ◦UTIs ◦URIs
Examples of infectious diseases acquired perinatally ?
◦Chlamydia ◦Coxsackie ◦Polio ◦Strep B ◦Hepatitis B ◦Herpes ◦TB ◦Listeria (unpasteurized milk products) ◦Gonorrhea, Syphilis ◦Varicella ◦Bacterial infections ◦TORCH syndrome*
Symptoms of FAS and FAE
Irritable, shaking, crying, weird reflexes, hyper alert, inconsolable
Incidence of FAS and FAE
FAS- 750 infants/year
FAE- 40,000 infants/year
Abdominal wall deformity from umbilicus
Intestines outside cavity
Intestines not in cavity OR membrane
Diaphragmatic hernia
Intestines/ organs protrude through hole in diaphragm
Results in labored breathing and maybe a smaller lung
Esophageal atresia
Esophagus is a pocket not connected to stomach
Baby spits up/ pukes
Trachea esophageal fistula
Abnormal connection
Air in tummy food in lungs
necrotizing enterocolitis
Death of colon tissue
Presents as distended stomach
A)GI tube not getting enough O2
B) bacteria in feeding tube can be epidemic t/o hospital
Sx to resect small intestines or colon and insert stoma
Cardiac Complications
Patent Ductus arteriosis
Ventricular septal defects/ atrial septal defects
Tetralogy of fallot
What color are babies with the tetralogy of Fallot?
What are the 4 defects of the tetralogy of Fallot?
Ventricular septal defect
Overriding of ascending aorta
Pulmonic stenosis
Right Ventricular hypertrophy
How long before not breathing becomes apnea?
20 seconds
Causes of Apnea
◦Prematurity ◦Sepsis ◦Infection ◦Pneumonia ◦Upper airway anomalies ◦PDA ◦CHF ◦IVH ◦Seizures ◦Tumors ◦Anemia ◦ Rapid Environmental Changes ◦Feeding ◦Elimination ◦suctioning
Causes of Bradycarida
◦Cerebral Defects
◦Increased intracranial pressure
What is the cut off for bradycardia?
<120 bpm
What are common respiratory conditions among neonates?
Respiratory distress syndrome
Bronchopulmonary displasia
Retinopathy of prematurity
Meconium aspiration
T or F: respiratory distress syndrome is a life long disease
False, it can resolve itself
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Lung tissue damage
Retinopathy of prematurity
Unknown cause
Increase in eye pressure due to over vascularization resulting in proliferation
Trisomy 21
Downs Syndrome
Trisomy 13
1p36 Deletion Syndrome
… 1p36 Deletion Syndrome
5p minus syndrome (deletion)
Cri du chat syndrome or Lejeune’s syndrome
Types of genetic conditions
Trisomy Monosomy Translations Deletions Inversion
Types of orthopedic conditions
- Bracial Plexus Injury
- Arthrogryposis
- Congenital hip dislocation/dysplasia
- Torticollis
- Club foot deformity
Signs of Overstimulation
- Hiccupping
- Drowsiness
- Fussiness
- Yawning
- Spitting up
- Looking away
- Finger/toe splaying