Autism Flashcards
What is autism?
- Neurobiological (brain) disorder that affects one’s ability to communicate, reason and interact with others
- Autism is referred to as a spectrum disorder (ASD) - meaning the symptoms can occur in any combination and with varying degrees of severity
- It is a lifelong disability
According to the DSM5, what are the essential features of autism for diagnosis?
- Persistent impairment in reciprocal communication and social interaction
- Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities
*These symptoms are present from early childhood and limit or impair everyday functioning.
True or false: Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the country
True, its increasing so fast Lori couldn’t put the current stats on the powerpoint.
What is the incidence of autism?
1:68 children
1:42 boys
1:189 girls
(4-5x as many boys as girls)
Common signs of autism
●Poor eye contact or not aware of others ●Fails to respond or smile ●Doesn’t develop speech or loses it ●Not responsive to other people’s facial expressions ●Throws intense/violent tantrums ●Inappropriate attachment to objects ●Becomes disturbed at change ●Spends a lot of time lining objects up ●Lack of imaginative play ●Repetitive movements ●Doesn’t point or gesture
At what age should a baby babble or coo
12 mo
At what age should a baby point, wave or grasp
12 mo
By what age should a baby be able to say single words?
16 mo
By which age should a baby be able to say 2 word phrases?
2 years
True of False: Language and social skills are the kind of thing that come and go as you age
False, its always a red flag
What role to genetics play in autism?
Genes 15%
- 100 gene mutations are risk factors
- you can be a carrier and not develop autism
What is the cause of autism?
Autism has no single known cause
- genetics+environment
- abnormalities in cerebellum, amygdaloid, hippocampus
- having an old father
- premie/VLBW
- infection during pregnancy/ complications
How does one test for autism?
● There is no medical test for Autism
● DX based on observed behavior, educational and psychological testing (by a licensed psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, neurologist, psychiatrist, developmental pediatrician)
● Diagnostic tools – M-CHAT, CARS, ADOS, DSM – 5 criteria
MCHAT and CARS= interval test
ADOS has concrete rating
What is the average age of diagnosis for autism? Parental concern?
Average dx: 3 years
Parental concern: 14-18 mo
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Educational Tx
- task driven
- positive reinforcement
- How learning takes place based on specific task components
Relationship based Development (RDI)/ Floortime
Child driven educational tx
What does TEACCH stand for?
Training and Education of Autisticand Related Communication-Handicapped Children
True or false, biological/ dietary tx is covered by the school district
True or false: different kids can make improvements with different dietary changes, such as eliminating caesin and gluten
Which vitamin is the most supplemented as a dietary treatment for autism?
B 12
Which medication is prescribed to specifically treat autism?
There is no specific medication, however, medication is prescribed to treat associated conditions and comorbidities
Treat associated conditions: irritability, anxiety, self injurious behaviors
Treat co-morbidities: asthma, eczema, food allergies, colitis, chronic headaches
List 3 methods of communication that are used during autism treatment
● Visual strategies; using pictures for communication
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
● American Sign Language (ASL)
● Facilitated communication
Which motor deficits are often present in children with autism?
● Odd gait
● Clumsiness
● Toe walking
● 30% have moderate to severe “loss of muscle tone”
Where do children with autism go to school?
Children with autism may be educated in partially or
fully-integrated classrooms within the regular school
Higher-functioning individuals may be mainstreamed for all or a portion of their school day.
Others may require placement in a special education setting to receive an appropriate education.