Down Syndrome Flashcards
Down Syndrome is trisomy ___
What is the most common chromosomal abnormality?
Trisomy 21
What causes Down Syndrome?
An error in cell division, non junction at conception
Incidence of Down syndrome
1 in 691 live births
True or false: incidence DS increases markedly as paternal age increases
False, maternal
What are the 3 types of down syndrome?
Trisomy 21
Trisomy 21 makes up ____% of cases of down syndrome
What is translocation in down syndrome?
4-6% of cases, where part of chromosome 21
exists on another pair (hereditary and unrelated to
parental age)
What is mosaicism?
where different cells in the body exhibit either normal or abnormal chromosomes (some have 46 chromosomes others 47)
How is down syndrome diagnosed prenatally?
Blood tests for decreased alpha fetal protein
Ultra sound
Chorionic Vilnius sampling
How is down syndrome diagnosed after birth?
Physical traits then chromosomal analysis
Common characteristics of down syndrome
■ low muscle tone* ■ joint laxity* ■ Small stature ■ flat facial profile ■ upward slanting eyes* ■ flat nasal bridge* ■ small ears* ■ large protruding tongue ■ broad short hands ■ single deep palmar crease* ■ excess skin/adipose on back of neck
True or false: All people with down syndrome experience cognitive delays that can range from severe intellectual impairment to low average intelligence.
____% of people with down syndrome have congenital heart disease
____% of people with down syndrome have auditory or visual impairment
In down syndrome, immune deficiency leads to:
■ frequent respiratory infections
■ increased incidence of leukemia
■ thyroid dysfunction
atlanto-axial instability in
up to __% of children with down syndrome
Increased joint laxity in down syndrome leads to
Pes planus Metatarsus varus Scoliosis Patellar subluxation/ dislocation Hip subluxation/ dislocation
A child with down syndrome will be expected to roll over at __ months
A child with down syndrome will be expected to sit at __ months
A child with down syndrome will be expected to crawl at __ months
A child with down syndrome will be expected to creep at __ months
A child with down syndrome will be expected to stand at __ months
A child with down syndrome will be expected to walk at __ months
True or false: kids with down syndrome have normal postural/ equilibrium reactions
False, they’re delayed
With down syndrome, teach family how to ____________ rather than promote _______________.
foster movement
(motivation and environment)
True or false: Educate parents in developmental sequence and expected time frame for development of motor
Four co-contraction/stability type exercises to improve core strength
■ NDT ball
■ Wheelbarrow
■ Balance challenges
■ dance & gymnastics
True or false: Treadmill training of children with Down syndrome hastened the development of independent walking
___% of children with down syndrome become overweight