New Right, Anita Hill, and Situation for Women in 1992 Flashcards
How many members did the National Right to Life have by 1980?
1980 National Right to Life committee had 11 million members.
What values did the new right have?
The new right was born, fighting abortion with the Republican Party claiming that it held the ‘moral majority’. Old values such as laissez faire and anticommunism promoted.
Outline the IWY conference of 1977.
November 18 1977 Jimmy Carter holds International Women’s Year Conference in Houston, 35% of delegates non-white and 1/5 low income. Phyllis Schlafly had counter-rally, the Pro Family Rally. Feminists pushed for Reproductive Freedom resolution for federal funding of abortion and Sexual Preference Resolution, Betty Friedan gave thumbs up.
Why was the IWY Conference a failure for feminists?
Failure for feminists as Phyllis Schlafly and social conservatives exploited the conference to bring new supporters to the anti-ERA movement.
Why was there a rise in the New Right?
The New Christian Right was made up of white evangelical Christians, re-emerging in the 1970s likely for following reasons; Supreme Court rulings on abortion and school prayer; to spread Christianity; to convince people to vote Reagan; Jimmy Carter’s public statements energised the movement.
What supreme court decisions agitated the evangelicals?
Agitating Supreme Court decisions: 1963 District v Schempp confirmed that reciting the Lord’s Prayer in public schools was unconstitutional; Engel v Vitale of 1962 removed prayer from public schools.
Why did Jimmy Carter lose support?
He openly supported the ERA, did little to support mandatory prayer in public schools, failed to ban abortion, and his Internal Revenue Service’s investigation into the tax exempt status of private schools hurt Christians and their right to educate children according to the bible. SALT II showed his support of Godless communists, and his own Baptist faith promoted separation of state and Church.
How did Ronald Reagan gain popularity?
Jimmy Carter failed to attend the National Affairs Briefing at Dallas, Texas, 1980, but Reagan attended and won people over, showing the Religious Roundtable and Moral Majority that he represented them. Pat Robertson exclaimed on his show that Reagan’s understanding of people’s grievances struck a chord
Why were conservatives disadvantaged to the new right?
The conservatives had no experience of political organisation compared to the New Right strategists such as Paul Weyrich who were crucial in moulding support for Reagan in 1980 and throughout his presidency.
Anita Hill : what accusation was made on October 6 1991?
Supreme Justice Thurgood Marshall was replaced with Clarence Thomas, conservative African American and former director of the Equal Opportunities Commission. On October 6th Nina Totenberg of National Public Radio suggested the committee surpressed testimony alleging Thomas had engaged in sexual harassment.
1991, how was Anita Hill questioned and what was the impact of her case?
She was grilled and accused of making up ‘sexual harassment crap.’ 22 women ran for the Senate in 1992 compared to 8 two years before. Emily’s List membership rose from 3000 to 23,000 in one year allowing it to contribute $6 million to women candidates.
How did women become more politically active?
In 1968 only 20 women put themselves forward for election to the houses of Congress. By 1990 this had rose to 78. In 1972 Shirley Chisholm became the first black woman to campaign for presidential nomination. There was a slow increase in women elected to the House of Representatives.
How did women promote their cause in politics?
In 1971 the National Women’s Political Caucus was set up by Gloria Steinem to prepare women for elections and in 1984 Geraldine Ferraro ran for election as Vice President. By 1974 Ella Grasso was the first female state governor in New Hampshire and by 1990 seven more states followed.
What did Clinton offer women?
In 1992 President Clinton offered opportunities for women with one third of his 500 appointments female but women preferred to pursue law and business, alongside working through the courts to secure women’s rights.
What did Bush veto?
President Bush vetoed a bill providing paid parental leave, showing hostility to working mothers. By the 1990s there was still no federal law establishing the right of working women to be paid maternity leave.
How did Democrats advance women’s rights?
In 1972 Democrats passed the Child Development Act to set up nationally day care centres to support working mothers, although Republican President Richard Nixon vetoed the Act due to the threat to family well-being. In 1974 the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed to ban discrimination in bank loans, mortgages, and credit cards, and by 1986 the female vote gave Democrats a hold on the Senate.