New Questions Flashcards
What is the easiest method to monitor whether a horse’s energy needs are being met by its feed?
Monitor weights on a regular basis
Name four fat soluble vitamins.
What two factors influence hoof size?
Heredity and nutrition
List five sensitive structures of the foot.
1) Perioplic ring 2) Coronary band 3) Terminal papillae of sensitive laminae 4) Sensitive frog 5) Sensitive sole
List five parts of hoof structure
1) Periople 2) Hoof wall 3) White line 4) Frog 5) Sole
Which part of the hoof is higher in zinc than other hoof parts?
Which part of the hoof is lower in zinc than other hoof parts?
The frog is significantly higher in what three minerals than other hoof parts?
Potassium, magnesium, and calcium
Which vitamin is necessary for the growth and development of normal hooves?
Vitamin A
How can you prevent a deficiency in Vitamin A?
Feeding of green feed
What are the small vessels that exchange nutrients from the blood within the tissues?
What are the shunts, or alternative pathways, that exist between the arteries and the veins, bypassing the capillaries called?
Arterio Venous Anasotomes or AVA’s
Do hooves grow faster in a cold temperature or in a warm temperature?
What is the average hoof growth rate?
3/8” per month
Define balance, as it applies to horse shoeing.
Equal weight distribution around the center of gravity of the horse’s limb
What are considerations of conformation or stance?
Geometric or static balance
What are considerations of movement or gait?
functional or dynamic balance
What type balance takes into account the horse’s conformation and is the prime consideration that will provide for the needs of most horses?
Geometric balance
The functional balance of the horses hoof has three dimensions around the X,Y, and Z axis. The movements of the foot are given names corresponding to those of an airplane in flight. What are these movements called?
Roll, Yaw, and Pitch
Where is the center of gravity of a standing horse?
At a point behind and above the elbow in the center of he body
What are the terms foot fall, lateral swing, and animation referring to ?
The movements of the foot around the X,Y, and Z
What is medial/lateral balance?
Rasping the sides of the hoof to create a base with equal sides, in addition to trimming the ground surface of the hoof with nippers.
From the hoof bottom, where is the center of gravity located?
3/8-3/4 inch back from the apex of the trimmed frog
The base of what bone in the normal foot forms an angle of about ten degrees with the hoof base?
Coffin Bone
When the front toe of the hoof is shaped to dressed with the rasp, in addition to trimming with the nippers of the bottom or ground surface o f the hoof to alter the hoof’s angle, it is referred to as what?
Toe/Heel balance
Ideally the front feet stand apart the width of what?
The width of the hoof base
The hind feet ideally stand apart the width of what?
The fetlock joint
Other than the well known parts of the hoof, as the toe, sole, wall, quarter, and bar, what are three other parts of the hoof?
Heel, seat of corn, white line, point of frog, commissure, cleft of frog, buttress of heel, and bulb
True or False? If a horse has Paint breeding, it is eligible for Appaloosa registration.
False. It may not have Paint, Pinto, draft, pony, or albino breeding
Why is the Welsh Pony a first choice of the family wanting a child’s pony?
They are friendly, responsive and dependable
In what breed is it normal to notice a rhythmic head nod with each stride?
Tennessee Walking Horse
What gait is basically a diagonal gait; the horse will perform this gait by walking in front and trotting behind, with reach in each stride?
The Missouri Fox Trot gait
When was the Nez Perce War and what was the significance of this event?
The war was in the late 1800’s and the Nez Perce were forced to give up their remaining horses to the soldiers
How tall should a Missouri Fox Trotter be?
14-16 hands
What type of horse is specially trained to isolate an individual cow in a large herd?
A cutting horse
Name the three reasons why individual cows had to be cut from large herds.
For branding, medical treatment, and grouping purposes
On what date did the a group of cowboys and ranchers from the National Cutting Horse Association?
On May 1, 1946
In modern cutting competition, how long do the horses and rider have to demonstrate their ability to cut cattle and prevent them from returning to the herd?
Two minutes and thirty seconds
What does a run content mean?
The performance and showmanship of both the horse and the rider in cutting
What are cutting performances evaluated on?
The challenges made by the cattle, the horse’s instinctive reaction, errors in judgement made by the horse and rider during competition
The successful cutting horse must be quick, agile, intelligent, and what else?
Have a natural gift of cow sense
Dressage has its roots in Classical Greek horsemanship, but wasn’t recognized as an important equestrian pursuit when?
The Renaissance
What is the fundamental purpose of dressage?
To develop through standardized progressive training methods, the horse’s natural athletic ability and willingness to perform, maximizing its potential as a riding horse
What breed can’t be taller than 34inches at the withers to be registered?
American Miniature horse
What four parts of the digestive tract make up the foregut?
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
What is the ideal slope of the shoulders?
45-50 degrees
What is base wide confirmation?
When the horses feet are wider apart at the ground than at the chest
What disease has a geographical association with a particular part of the country?
Patomic Horse Fever
Name four components of the top line?
Withers, back, loin, and croup
List the names of the teeth that make up 12 front teeth known as incisors?
Central Pairs, Intermediate, and Corner Teeth
Where are three practical possibilities to keep a horse?
At home, Rent a pasture, or commercial stable
Why would you do a pre-purchase exam on a horse you want to buy?
To determine the overall soundness and health of the horse before you buy it
What are the 3 patterns that establish the guidelines to define color patterns of a paint horse?
Over, Tobiano, Tovero
What part of the horse is located on both inside and outside of the hind legs above the hock?
What is the single most important characteristic in equine selection?
Why is balance important in equine selection?
Because it forms the basis for movement, length of stride, and ultimately perfomance
What do we call it when a horse’s forelimb is too far forward and away for the body?
Camped out
What is an insecticide designed to kill fly larva?
What is the average temperature range of a horse?
Name two types of Legumes horses eat?
Alfalfa and Clover
What is the most commonly used technique for estimating body weight in horses?
Heart Girth Tape
What are 3 different types of medical treatments that may be used to treat colic?
Surgery, Stomach tube, mineral oil, fluids, sedatives, and antibiotics
Approximately how much hoof growth occurs in a 6 month period?
2.25 inches
What part of the hoof protects the internal structures of the foot from injury?
(T/F) The ideally fitted shoe, regardless of design, should spare the maximum bearing surface on the wall and provide a solid base of weight distribution.
When your horse is tied with a lead rope in a trailer, how should you remove the rope during an emergency?
Cut it with a pocket knife
What are 4 environmental needs in providing for the welfare of a horse?
Physical, social, chemical, and biological
A period of reproductive dormancy in a mare.
What effect will anabolic steroids have on a stallion?
It will severely impair the testicular size and sperm production
At what age do you wean a foal?
(T/F) A donkey possesses a great deal more reasoning power than a horse?
What is a molecule used to produce muscular activity, it is the basic energy source for muscular contraction?
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
What is the study of movement?
What is the breakdown of the energy sources in the absence of oxygen?
What internal parasite primarily affects foals and young horses?
(T/F) Influenza is the most common infectious respiratory disease of horses.
Where are a horse’s blind spot?
Directl behind or in front of the horse
What insect causes lyme disease?
What breed is characterized by the flat foot walk, running walk, and rocking chair canter?
Tennessee Walking Horse
How many teeth does a young horse have?
What kind of vision does the horse use to judge distance?
binocular vison
What color is a horse with white hairs mixed into a base coat?
Equine Herpes Virus causes what disease?
What is epistaxis?
Nose bleed or hemorrage fromt he nostrils due to hemorrage in the respiratory tract or guttural pouch
How many days is the heat period in mares?
Which is the more energy dense feed, oats, or corn?
Where specifically would the Galvayne’s Groove be located?
At the gum margin of the upper corner incisor
A destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria resulting in a black and strong smelling infection is called what?
What color horse has a golden yellow body and a white mane and tail?
What is the common name for Equine Spinal Ataxia?
How many chromosomes pairs does a horse have?
How many teeth does a young horse have?
What kind of vision does the horse use to judge distance?
binocular vison
What color is a horse with white hairs mixed into a base coat?
Equine Herpes Virus causes what disease?
What is epistaxis?
Nose bleed or hemorrage fromt he nostrils due to hemorrage in the respiratory tract or guttural pouch
How many days is the heat period in mares?
Which is the more energy dense feed, oats, or corn?
Where specifically would the Galvayne’s Groove be located?
At the gum margin of the upper corner incisor
A destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria resulting in a black and strong smelling infection is called what?
What color horse has a golden yellow body and a white mane and tail?
What is the common name for Equine Spinal Ataxia?
How many chromosomes pairs does a horse have?
What breed is readily identified by a finely chiseled head and dished face, long arching neck, high tail carriage, small build?
How much fecal matter does a horse produce in a 24hr period?
What color is a horse with a yellowish or gold body, black mane and tail, usually black on the lower legs, but no dorsal stripes?
What is “floating’ with reference to horses?
Rasping or filing sharp points on the horses teeth
The horses stomach makes up what percent of the digestive tract?
What type of blood cells carry oxygen?
Red blood cells
What do I mean when i say,”I’m going to have my horses teeth floated?”
Rasping or filing sharp points on the horses teeth
What is a hoof knife used for?
To pare away the dead sole from the hoof, remove ragged parts from the frog, relieve pressure on corns and cracks, and remove foreign bodies from the foot
Where does sperm production occur?
Seminiferous tubules
What is a more common name for hyperthermia?
Heat stroke
What is the widest part of the hoof?
Name three types of saddles considered “forward seat” saddles?
All purpose, close contact, and dressage
What is the key to successful parasite control?
Interrupting the parasite’s life cycle
What is the horse’s primary behavioral characteristic of self protection?
Name four different vaccinations that should be current prior to traveling with your horse?
Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, Influenza, Rhinopneumonitis, Potamac Horse Fever, Rabies
Name the hormone that keeps mares out of estrous and helps to maintain early stages of pregnancy.
If you can easily feel a horse’s ribs through a thick winter hair coat, what kind of body condition would you find?
A horse that is too thin
To provide a safe interior in a horse trailor, what should be on the side walls, partitions, and front of the manager to prevent injuries?
What term describes a preventive injection of bacteria or viruses that have been modified or inactivated to immunize the horse against certain diseases?
Name a piece of safety equipment used on horse trailers to prevent the horse from backing out if the door is open
Butt bar or but chain
What percent of protein should be in a suckling foal’s creep feed?
What is the incubation time for bot eggs and what stimulates them to hatch?
Incubation-about 5days, Hatch-when the horse licks, breathes on, warms, or ingests them
Define the term “cue” as it pertains to horses.
A signal given by the rider/exhibitor that shows or tells the horse what to do
Name the horse hair coat color that has a transverse stripe across the horse’s withers/shoulders.
Dun or buckskin
In training horses, what is a conditioned response?
Response that is learned through practice
Where is the home of the American Quarter Horse Association?
Amarillo, Texas
Describe two things you can do to help prevent equine encephalomyelitis?
Use insecticides and repellents; eliminate standing water; put screen on stalls; report and outbreak to officials
What feature appears on the horse’s upper incisors at ten years of age?
Galvayne’s Groove
What is recommended as the best type of covering for the floor of a horse trailer?
Rubber mats
Why would you give your foal two vaccination of tetanus toxoid?
Provide long term active immunity against tetanus
How long does the tetanus toxoid vaccination last?
Approximately one year, annual booster required
Name the two most important dietary “energy” components in a horses feed
Carbohydrates and fats
Name the disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme disease
If it becomes necessary for you to cut a newborn foal’s umbilical cord, how long should you leave the stump?
Two inches
What feature of a horse’s upper incisors completely disappears after 30yrs of age?
Galvayne’s groove
What specific part of a bridle prevents injury to the roof of the horse’s mouth?
Curb strap or curb chain
Name the type of hay that can be infested with blister beetles.
Alfalfa Hay
Name one of the major causes of all barn and stable flies
Carelessness of human beings; careless use of smoking materials; lack of fire safety knowledge
What type of a cinch would you find on a decker pack saddle?
Center fire rigged, single cinch
Name six parts of a western bridle?
Headstall/crown piece; cheek pieces; brow band; throat latch strap; curb strap; bit; reins
The average idle 1000lb horse will consume how much water per day?
10-12 gallons
Name the major site for bacterial invasion of a newborn foal.
Umbilical cord or navel stump
How much space is recommended on either side of the rider’s feet when they are placed in the stirrup irons?
1/4 inch on either side of the foot
Name the most consistent, natural conditioner for the horse’s hooves.
Describe four symptoms that indicate that your horse needs to have it’s teeth floated
Holds head sideways when chewing; slobbering; sensitive to bit pressure; goes off feed; loses weight
What is the name of a canvas used to cover or wrap a pack load?
How many acres of good quality pasture is recommended to feed each mature horse weighing 1000lbs?
2-3 acres each
Why would you give your horse tetanus antitoxin?
To provide immediate temporary immunity to an injured horse; if you know or are not horse that the horse has not had a current vaccination
According to genetic shorthand, explain the difference between the letters that symbolize the dominant and recessive genes.
Dominant-Upper case or capital letters; Recessive- Lower case
What term describes the up-take of ground moisture into a bale of hay causing deterioration of the quality of the hay?
Name the type of horseshoe used mostly on the hind feet to stabilize the breakover of the foot?
Square-toed shoe
Name four types of pack saddle hitches
Single-diamond, double-diamond, half-diamond, squaw, and Arizona
When do the deciduous central incisors appear?
They are present at birth or erupt during the first week following the birth
What is the recommended minimum size for stallion and foaling stalls?
Minimum 12 by 14feet
Name three disadvantages of using straw for bedding horses
Highly combustible; dust causes respiratory problems; horses eating straw can cause problems; high labor costs in stall maintenance; difficult to dispose of
Name four breeds of horses that were involved in the development of the Tennessee Walking Horse?
Thoroughbred, standardbred, Morgan, American Saddlebred
Name two body types recognized by the American Miniature Horse Association
Arabian and Quarter Horse
What term identifies a foal that is born between 300-320 days of gestation?
What is the purpose of a hoof tester?
To determine the location of a painful area in the foot of a lame horse
Name the vitamin that is necessary to promote normal growth and development of a horse’s hooves?
Vitamin A
Name the four stages of the life cycle of the horse fly.
Egg, larvae, pupa, adult
Name four things you should look for when you evaluate the conformation of a horse.
1) Consider breed conformation standards 2) tracking the horse for soundness, balance, and action 3) view the front of the horse 4) view the rear of the horse 5) view profile from a distance
Why do Arabian horses have long eye lashes?
It is probably an evolutionary characteristic developed to keep desert sand out of their eyes
Which group of horses require the most crude protein in their diets: mature horses, pregnant mares, performance horses, or weanlings
What is the least glamorous aspect of caring for a horse?
Stall maintenance or cleaning stalls
What is the average weight of a small bale of hay?
Name three ways to improve a grass pasture.
Weed control; add lime; soil testing; fertilization; grazing management program
Name five features that you would look for when choosing stall bedding for your horse?
Absorbency, dustiness, availability, affordability, ease of disposal, ease of handling, upalatable
Name the type of muscle found int he horses skeletal system
Voluntary muscle
Name two different types of panniers
Wooden box, rawhide, heavy canvas; canvas and metal
Name the three basic hair coat colors that also provide the base for most of the other hair coat colors of the horse.
Bay, Black, Chestnut
If a horse has six cheek teeth on each side of its jaws, how many cheek teeth does a horse have?
Give six symptoms of colic
Restless, sweating, kicking at belly, nipping at belly, pawing, yawning, crouching, rolling
What is the advantage of using double rigged cinch on a cross buck pack saddle?
It helps to keep the back cinch from sliding backward
Why should mangers in tie stalls be slanted as they descend from top to bottom?
So the horse will not hit its kness
Name the type of stall bedding that is the most absorbent of all materials used for bedding?
Peat moss
How do horses get rabies?
They are bitten by animals infected with rabbies
When a horse’s diet is lacking in long stemmed roughage, what vice is this horse likely to develop?
Name four of the internal parts of the horse that are affected and damaged by the EIA virus?
Kidneys, liver spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and brain
What is the purpose of a pannier?
To carry gear, food, equipment on a pack horse
Give two good reasons for why you would take your horses feed and water buckets with you when you travel?
Eating and drinking from familiar containers reduces stress in unfamiliar places, reduces risk of disease from contaminated mangers or water tanks
Name another type of saddle besides a decker crossbuck that can be used as a pack saddle
Stock saddle or McClellan Sadle
Name the health factor you must consider when you purchase paint or stain for horse stalls or fences.
The paint or stain must be “non-toxic”
Hay should be of good quality all of the time but what time of the year is it important that it be especially good?
During the winter months
What term describes the mares multiple seasonal estrous cycles?
Describe the conformation defect that predisposes a horse to navicular diesase
short, steep pasterns
What period of time during a mare’s pregnancy would not be a good time to give dewormer
During the last 30 days of gestation
Name three factors that are fundamental to the psychology of horse training
Stimuli; responses; reinforcement
What is the distinguishing hair coat color of the golden American Saddlebred?
Body color has a golden hue with a white or flaxen mane and tail
Approximately how much water will a mature horse drink in one day?
10-12 gallons
Give one example of why you would use a hot poultice on you horse.
To increase blood supply to an injured area. To draw out infection from an abscess or a puncture wound
Name the two critical times of the year when there are more barn fires
Winter and Summer
Name the major cause of infertility in a mare
Uterine infections
Name the sex of the horse that can become a long term carrier of Equine Viral Arteritis
What does a farrier put on horseshoes that help to hold the shoes more securely to the horse’s hoof?
Name six items that you should include in a trailer first aid kit
Non-stick bandages, bute, leg quilts and wraps, scissors, antiseptic, soap
What is the term for how much blood the heart can pump in one minute?
Cardiac Output
How do you spell Rhinopneumonitis
What is endocrinology?
The study of hormones and their effects
What are the benefits of using a slant load trailer for the horse?
Horses seem to ride better, experience less stress and are more stable during stating and stopping
What causes heat cramps?
Loss of electolytes
What is another name for Hunt seat
Forward Seat
What is the common name used for shoes having tungsten carbide on a mild steel base?
What vitamin is necessary for the growth and development of normal hooves?
Vitamin A
Which hormone do the luteal cells within the corpus hemorrhagicum and corpus luteum secrete?
Which lethal genetic defect can result from mating two overo paint horses?
Lethal while foal syndrome
How long is a horn fly’s life cycle?
Ten days
Incisors and cheek teeth continue to erupt until what age?
Into their 20’s
What is the membranous organ called that connects the fetus to the lining of the uterus?
What is the most feasible, non-chemical means of breaking the fly life cycle?
Removing breeding material
What should be placed under hay bales when storing on cement floors?
Wooden pallets
How often should a foal’s feet be trimmed?
Once a month and more often if correction is needed
Suggest two ways to avoid aggressive behavior when group feeding.
Use separate feeders; space feeders 40-50ft apart; use extra feeders; ensure an open area
What are 3 vital signs which should be assessed during an examination of the horse?
Temperature, pulse, respiration, capillary refill time, mucous membrane color and tackiness, and skin pliability
Name the four distinguishing characteristics of the Appaloosa.
Spotted coat, either leopard or blanket; mottled skin around the muzzle and genitalia; white scelera around the eyes; vertically striped hooves
What is on an English bridle that is not found on a western bridle?
A cavesson or nose band
How does leather conditioner work?
Puts back vital oils
What effect does excessive phosphorous have on calcium?
Interferes with calcium absorption
What feature differentiates roping reins from other reins?
Roping reins are on a continuous strap
How many inches taller should the trailer be than the horse’s normal resting position of its head?
At what age do the permanent central teeth erupt?
2.5 years of age
Of what material are “never-rust” bits and hardware made?
Solid Nickel
Give another name for the horses hindgut.
Large Intestine
How much crude protein does clover hay contain?
Which pack saddle is a centerfire-rigged single cinch with a wooden bar?
Name four of the six parts of the female reproductive tract.
Vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, oviducts, andovaries
What is the best and safest type of wire to use for horse fencing?
Five diamond, V-mesh
In training terms, what does the term “trial” mean?
What word is defined as any deviation in structure or function that interferes with the horse’s intended use or performance?
What is the purpose of the Jockey Club?
To maintain the American stud book for Thoroughbreds
Which type of barn lighting, incandescent or fluorescent, is more energy efficient?
A normal foal weighs what percentage of the mare’s body weight?
What factors affect water requirements?
Work type, work load, weather, and diet
What part of a horse’s foot provides traction and absorbs shock?
The Frog
What year was the Cooperative Extension Service Established?
Give 3 benefits of therapeutic riding for handicapped people.
Improved muscle tone, motor control, motor development, posture, coordination, emotional and psychological well being
What happens in a hippotherapy session?
The rider is influenced by the horse as the movement of the horse imparts a movement to the rider’s pelvis that closely resembles
Which state has the largest horse population?
Who wrote the book “Feeding and Care of the Horse?”
Lon D. Lewis
Air contains what percentage of oxygen?
What is the primary defense of a horse?
Name three stimuli that trigger the response of shivering.
Cold, fear, and excitement
What is the single most important characteristic in equine selection and why?
Balance, because it forms the basis for movement, length of stride, and ultimately performance
When an experienced horseman looks into a horse’s eye it can tell a great deal about the horse’s what?
Potential disposition
What are five signs of aging in horses?
Drooping lower lip, swayback, deep hollow above eyes, graying hair, changes in teeth
What is the name of the horse who became the Triple Crown winner in 1973?
The famous race horse “Man-O-War” won how many of his 22 races?