Breeds and Breed Characteristics Flashcards
What is the average height of the American Saddlebred horse?
15.3 hands
What breed of horse is shown in three and five gaited classes?
American Saddlebred
What are two four-beat gaits that the “five gaited” American Saddlebred Horse has the natural ability to learn?
The slow gait and the rack
What is the distinguishing hair coat color of the Golden American Saddlebred?
Body color has a golden hue with a white or flaxen mane and tail
The English Pacers were the basic ancestors of what breed?
What was the first association for an American breed of horse?
American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA)
In both Europe and Asia, cave drawings of the Appaloosa have been found and dated to what year?
20,000 years ago
What Indian tribe bred the Appaloosa horse?
Nez Perce
When was the Nez Perce War and what was the significance of the event?
The war was in the late 1800’s and the Nez Perce were forced to give up their remaining horses to the soldiers
In what year was the Appaloosa Horse Club formed and what was its purpose?
1938, to preserve and promote the disappearing Appaloosa
Name the four identifiable charecteristics of an Appaloosa?
A coat pattern, mottled skin, white scelera around the eye, and vertically striped hooves
Th Appaloosa Horse Club describes the Appaloosa using how many base coat colors? How many coat patterns?
Fourteen base coat and 8 coat patterns
Appaloosas vary in their size and muscling, but they are commonly refered to as what type of horse breed?
Stock horse
Ture or False? If a horse has Paint breeding, it is eligible for Appaloosa registration.
False. It may not have Paint, Pinto, draft, pony, or albino breeding.
What do the initials AHRA stand for?
Arabian Horse Registry of America
What year was the Arabian Horse Registry of America formed?
Prior to 1908 Arabians in America were registered in what stud book?
The Jockey Club in the American Stud book
Where is the Arabian Horse Registry of America located?
In Westminister(Denver), Colorado
Who started the first purebred Arabian breeding program in the United States?
Randolf Huntington
What are the most popular colors in Arabian?
Bay and Grey
Why do Arabians have less sun reflecting into their eyes?
Because of the dark skin surrounding the eyes
What were the two Arabian stallions presented to General Ulysses S Grant?
Leopard and Linden Tree
What type of animal does the ADMS register?
Donkeys and Mules
Give two other names for the American Jack
Standard Jack and the Mammouth Jack
What breed of horse is ultimate mount for classical horsemanship?
What must a Lipizzan be able to do to be eligible for registration?
They must trace without interuption to the male lines and female families of official European farms and their approved breeding stock.
How would you distinguish a Lipizzan?
By its balanced agility, temperament, and good character
What is the Lipizzan noted for?
Sturdy body, brilliant action, and proud carriage
What is the average height of a Lipizzan?
14.2-15.2 hands
What is the dominant color or a Lipizzan today?
Born dark, black-brown, brown, or mouse-grey, Lipizzans usually turn what color in between the ages of 6 and 10 years?
During what war was the Lipizzan breed threatened with extinction?
World War 2
Today, Lipizzans are found beyond the borders of what country?
The old austrian-hungarian empire
Lipizzans were not imported in any great number to the United States until when?
The late 1950’s
Lipizzans are considered a rare horse as there are fewer than how many in the world?
How old must a miniature horse be in order to apply for a permanent certification of registration?
Five years old
What is the maximum height requirement for the American Miniature Horse?
34 inches
What breed registers in horses on a temporary basis until age 5?
American Minature Horse Association
What is a breed?
A group of animals that has certain distinguishable characteristics, such as color, function and conformation and that passes these traits to the next generation
What is the term for a horse belonging to a specific breed and having “papers” to document its ancestors?
What is an animal of unknown or non-registered ancestry of breeding?
Name 3 racing breeds of horses.
Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Quarter Horse, Arabian, Paint, Appaloosa
Name three horse breeds that require a specific color or color pattern for registration
Palamino, Buckskin, American Cream, Appaloosa, Paint
What breed is known for its unique “hooded-eye”?
Canadian Mountain, Moreland Society Dales, and Exmoor Ponies
What is the most frequent color of the Welsh pony?
What two breeds were crossed to produce the Americana?
The Hackneys and Shetlands
Where did the gotlands originate?
What registry registers horses htat are dun, red dun, grullo, and buckskin?
International Buckskin Horse Association
What breed is a descendant of the great horse of Flanders?
The Belgian
Name the seven approved coat patterns of the POA
Snowflake, frost, blanket, white with dark spots over hindquarters, marbelized roan, few spot leopard
What two people are credited with the formation of the first and oldest mustang registry?
Robert and Ferdinand Brislawn
The forerunner of the Percheron Horse Association of america was first organized in what year?
What breed has the ability to travel long distances at a comfortable speed of five to eight miles long?
Missouri Fox Trotter
What breed is often described as every person’s pleasure horse?
Missouri Fox Trotter
What gait is basically a diagonal gait; the horse will perform this gait by walking in front and trotting behind, with reach in each stride? What breed does it?
The Missouri Fox Trot gait done by the Missouri Fox Trotter
How tall should a Missouri Fox Trotter be?
14-16 hands
What are the basic requirements for breed registration of the Missouri Fox Trotter Horse?
Both the sire an ddam must be registered Missouri Fox Trotters
What does MFTHBA stand for?
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
In what year was the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association Formed?
It was formed in 1948
What is the only breed that name after a horse and what was the horses name?
Morgan- Justin Morgan
Name the original Morgan horse.
Justin Morgan
What are the basic requirements for registration in the American Morgan Horse Association?
They sire and dam must be registered with the AMHA. The horse must not have any natural white above the hock, except on the face, and cannot have blue eyes
Which president did Justin Morgan carry on a muster-day parade ground?
President James Monroe
The Morab breed of horse is a cross between what two other breeds?
Morgans and Arabians
What two breed registries could a Palomino horse typically be registered in?
Palomin Horse Breeders of America and American Quarter Horse Assciation, Saddlebred or Golden Saddlebred
What are the four pinto patterns?
Tobiano, frame overo, calico overo and pinto pattern
Name two main coat patterns of a paint horse
Tobaino, overo, tovero
White Foal Syndrome is gentically related to what color pattern?
Name three of the nine traits that must be exhibited by an American Paint Horse
1) White leg markings extending above the knee and/or hocks 2) Glass, blue, or watch eyes 3) Apron face or bald face, described as outside a line from the inside corner of the eye to the inside corner of the nostril 4) White on the jaw or lower lip 5) blue zone around a natural Paint marking 6)Two color mane, one color being natural white 7) Dark spots or freckles in white hair on the face or legs 8) White areas in the non-visible zone, excluding the head, completely surrounded by a contrasting color 9) Contrasting area of another color in the non-visible zone including the head, the head, or the predominately white horse
Which paint horse pattern has white extending over the back, the legs are predominately white and the head is usually normally marked?
Tobiano Pattern
Which paint pattern has the head often heavily marked with white- bald faces are common; white does not usually extend over the back, the edges of the white areas are quite irregular, the white areas are predominatly on the body or neck and often are enclosed by colored areas and the legs are a streaked mixture of colored and white areas?
Overo Pattern
On paints, what is the color pattern when white does not cross the back betwee the withers and tail?
American Paints must have a definite natural paint marking. What is a natural paint marking?
This means a predominant hair coat color with at least one contrasting area of solid white hair with some underlying pink skin present on the horse at the time of its birth. This solid white area must be in the prescribed zone. In the event the horse has a predominatly white hair coat the natural Paint marking means that at least one contrasting area of colored hair iwth some underlying dark skin must be present on the horse at the time of its birth. This colored area must be in the prescribed zone.
Name the breed of horse that began in Spain with a mix of Barb, Andalusian, and Spanish Jennet
Paso Fino
Name the breed whose name means “fine walk”
Paso Fino
Who was the first registered Quarter Horse?
When and where was the American Quarter Horse Association established?
1940, Fort Worth, Texas
Between 1988 and 1991, in which year were th emost horses registered in the American Quarter Horse Association?
Which grandson of the Godolphin Arabian is said to have had a lasting influence on the development of the Quarter Horse?
Which breed of hors got its name because one of the first requirements for admission into the stud book was that the horse had to trot or pace a measured mile in 2 minutes, 30 seconds?
Which association registers the Stnadardbred?
United States Trotting Association
What breed was developed for its smooth gaits and gentle dispostition, making it ideal for young or old, experience or novice?
Tennessee Walking Horse
In what breed is it normal to notice a rhythmic head nod with each stride?
Tennessee Walking Horse
Who was th efoundation sire of the Tennessee Walking Horse?
Allen F-1
The flat foot walk, running walk, and “rocking chair” canter are natural, inbred gaits, exhibited by not other than what breed?
Tennessee Walking Horse
Where was Tennessee Walking Horse Association formed?
Lewisburg, Tennessee
The predisposition for twinning is highest for which breed?
Where did the Welsh Pony first appear?
In the hills and valleys of Wales
What would Welsh Cobs do on the farms of Wales?
Plow fields, carry farmers to market, drive the family to church
Historical evidence supports the belief the Welsh Pony did what things?
Pulled chariots, worked coal mines, worked on ranches, and on postal routes
Why is the Welsh Pony a first choice of the family wanting a child’s pony?
They are friendly, responsive, and dependable
The Welsh Cob has often been referred to as what?
“the best ride and drive animal in the world”
What are the four sections of the Welsh Pony?
Section A, Section B, Section C, and Section D
What is the height of a Section A Welsh Pony?
Not to exceed 12.2 hands
What is the height of a Section B Welsh Pony?
Not to exceed 14.2 hands
What is the height of a Section C or Cob type Welsh Pony?
Not to exceed 13.2 hands
What is the height of a Section D or Welsh Cob?
It exceeds 13.2 hands with no upper limit
Are piebalds and skewbalds eligible for registration with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America?
What are some traits of a Section A and Section B Welsh pony?
A large, bold eye, tiny head, short back, and strong quarters
Is the section D Welsh Cob popular for combined training?
Can an adult ride a section C or section D Welsh Cob?
Today’s Welsh pony is used increasingly in what activities?
4-H, Vo-Ag, and FFA projects
True or False? The Welsh cob is a tremendously competent athlete is equally at home in what events Dressage, Hunter, Driving, Western, or Cross Country