Neurosensory system Flashcards
Sensory deprivation
Excessive yawning, drowsiness, sleeping Decreased attention span and problem solving Impaired memory Hallucinations Irritability and depression Apathy and emotional liability
Sensory overload
Fatigue/restlessness Irritability anxiety and restlessness Disorientation Reduced ability to preform tasks and problem solve Increased muscle tension Scattered attention
Risk factors for sensory overload
Pain/discomfort Admission to an acute care area ICU monitoring Invasive tubing Decreased cognitive ability
Outcomes for preventing sensory overload
Reduce social isolation Maintain function of existing senses Preform ADLs Prevent sensory overload or depravation Develop effective communication
aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; awake
sleepy; drowsy
affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic
An imprecise term for a state of drowsiness and inaction
state of unconsciousness lasting more than six hours in which a person: cannot be awakened; fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound; lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle; and, does not initiate voluntary actions.
make (someone) lose their sense of direction
unable to think clearly; bewildered
Decoricate: (pain response)
Flexing inwards towards body (problems with cervical spinal tract or cerebral hemisphere)
Decerebrate: (pain response)
Extending away from the body (problems with midbrain or pons)
Lead poisoning
Increased intake of lead due to the environment
Ages 1-5
Sucking on lead chips/toys with led paint
Dust/pottery/colored news print/ old water pipes/ fumes from leaded gasoline
lead is poisoning, causes damage to the kidneys, brain and nervous system, red blood cells
Signs of lead poisoning
(it may be asymptomatic) Irritability Headache Fatigue Abdominal pain
CDC requires all blood levels to be assessed
children from 6mo to 6yrs
More than 10mcg/dL is a positive result
treatment to remove metal from the blood (oral or parental)
Also have a diet high in zinc, iron, and calcium
Cystic Fibrosis
inherited disease that causes and increased amount of secretions and including mucous and sweat
Mainly affects lungs pancreas, liver, intestines, sinuses and sex organs
Sickle cell anemia
Misshape in the RBC leads to clotting and an inability to sufficiently carry oxygen
Hemophilia is a rare disorder where blood doesn’t clot, the concern with it is internal bleeding not small cuts
Huntington’s disease
Autosomal dominate inheritance
One in 10000 people get it
Signs and symptoms of Huntington’s disease
Depression Mood swings Forgetfulness Clumsiness Involuntary twitching Lack of coordination Decrease in ADLs
Death in huntingtons is caused by
Choking, infection, suffocation, heart failure
is a neurologic disorder that causes involuntary movement in the head neck and limbs
Down syndrome: extra chromosome 21
Moms over 35 dads over 55 One in 700 Degrees of intellectual disability Alteration of immune system Growth failure, in brain, enlarged colon, congenital heart disease