NeuroPathology - Stroke Objectives (EXAM ONLY) Flashcards
What is a TIA?
a brief interruption in the blood supply to the brain, sx may last minutes to hours but MUST resolve within 24 hours
What is a stroke?
a cerebrovascular attack where blood flow is blocked OR sudden bleeding in the brain
What is an Ischemic stroke?
A stroke caused by blocked blood flow
What is a Hemorrhagic stroke?
A stroke caused by sudden bleeding in the brain
Where does stroke land in the statistics of leading causes of death?
the 5th leading cause of death
What are sudden warning signs of a stroke?
weakness/numbness of the face/arm/leg, dimness or loss of vision in one eye, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, severe unexplained headache
What is the most common site of atherosclerosis and atherothrombosis leading to stroke?
the Proximal internal carotid artery
When is Neuronal functioning impaired?
when cerebral blood flow falls <20mL/100mg of tissue/minute
When does Neuronal death, or infarction, occur?
when the brain receives <8 to 10 mL/100mg/min
What are signs of increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)?
loss of consciousness, coma, irregular respirations, unreacting pupils, and vomiting
What percentage of strokes occur from the ACA?
What is the most common site of occlusion?
What are signs/symptoms of Wallenberg Syndrome?
Vertigo, nausea, hoarseness, dysphagia, ataxia, ptosis, ipsilateral facial sensory loss, contralateral torsi/extremities sensory loss
What percentage of strokes fall under Lacunar Syndrome?
What is an Intracerebral Hemorrhage?
bleeding into brain tissue