Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What is the eripheral nervous system made up of?
All parts of the system outside of the bony casings of the skull and spinal column.
What is the central nervous system made up of?
All parts inside the skull and spinal column - the brain and spinal cord
What is the hole at the base of the skull where the brain connects to the spinal cord called?
Foramen magnum
What nerves is the peripheral nervous system composed of?
Cranial, Spinal and Peripheral nerves
What neurones are in the peripheral nervous system?
Sensory and motor neurones
What neurones are in the central nervous system?
Relay neurones
Define afferent and efferent
Afferent = ascending Efferent = descending
What are interneurones?
Small nerves linking other nerves
What is the bundle of spinal nerves that descend inside the spinal column called
Cauda equina
Horses tail
Describe how the spinal nerves are named
Cervical spinal nerves are named after the vertebra immediately below - BUT
There is a C8 spinal nerve that exits above T1
From there on down the spinal nerves are named after the vertebra immediately above
Define dermatomes
The area of skininnervatedby nerves relatedto a particularsegment of thespinal cord.
Define myotomes
Muscles that are innervated by nerves related to a particular segment of the spinal cord.
Name some of the main dermatomes in the body
T1-T12 = trunk of the body L1-L5 = lumbar spine C2-C8 = collar to 5th metacarpal S1 = heel
Name some of the main myotomes in the body
C5-C8 = shoulder to wrist T1 = finger abduction L2 = hip flexion (illiopsoas) L4 = knee extension (quad fem) L5 = dorsiflexion (tibialis anterior) S1 = plantar flexion (gastrocnemius)
What are enlargements of the spinal cord in the lowercervical and lumbosacral area known as
Brachial Plexus
Lumbosacral Plexus
What do the nervesin the brachialplexus innervate.
Afferent and efferent nervesin the brachialplexus innervate theupper extremities
What do the nerves in the lowerlumbosacral plexusinnervate.
Afferent and efferent nerves in the lowerlumbosacral plexusinnervate the lower extremities.
Describe gray matter
A collection of neuron cell bodies appeargray
Areas of thecentral nervous system thatare a large collection of cell bodies are called gray matter
Describe white matter
Someneuron processesarewrapped in insulatinglayers that arewhite soareas of the central nervous system that area large collection ofneuron processes arecalled white matter.
Briefly descibe dorsal roots
Afferent nervesthat come intothe spinal cordare bundled at the backin the dorsal roots.
Thecell bodies of the dorsal rootare outside the spinal cord in the dorsal root ganglia.
Briefly describe ventral roots
Efferentnerves leaving the spinal cord arebundled together at the front in theventral root.