Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Corpus callosoum
thick curved band of white matter
Located ventral to mid-sagittal cortical surface
Commisural fibers
Allows connection between 2 hemispheres
Genu, splenium, body, rostrum
Continuous with lamina terminalis (rostrum)
® Enlarged genu
= frontal lobe growth in humans
Arching fiber bundle- prominent
Hippocampus to mammilary bodies connection
Ventral to corpus callosum
Curves ventrally into diencephalon to form columns of fornix
Epidural hematoma
□ Between skull and outer dural layer
□ Biconvex shape- does not cross sutures
□ Usually middle meningeal artery involved
Subdural hematoma
□ Between inner layer of dura and arachnoid
□ Crosses sutures
□ Crescentic shape
□ Whip-lash, shaken baby syndrome
□ Increase in ICP- damage to brain tissue
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
□ Between arachnoid and pia
□ Follows sulci
□ May occur intracranially or within spinal canal
□ Arise from arachnoid layer
□ Greatest potential for total removal and care
□ Long clinical history usually
□ Depending on location, may experience mental deterioration, limb weakness, sensory abberation, visual loss…
Longitudinal fissure
separates cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri
infolding of dura mater, contains inferior and superior sagittal sinuses
Tentorium cerebelli
contains the transverse sinus, lies between cerebrum and cerebellum
Gyrus (cerebrum)
folium (cerebellum)
protrudes caudally from cerebrum. medulla, pons, midbrain, thalamus
pons + cerebellum
Lateral sulcus
= sylvian fissure- largest of the sulci, separates temporal from frontal and parietal lobes
Central sulcus
= Rolandic fissure- vertical sulcus, runs uninterrupted from longitudinal fissure to lateral sulcus
Preoccipital notch
subtle indentation created by bony tentorium
Middle cerebellar peduncle
run laterally along ventral surface of pons, connect pons to the cerebellum
run on medulla, paramedian ridges
ovoid elevations lateral to pyramids on medulla
Cerebral peduncles
runs into rostral end of pons from deep in cerebrum. Lies in most ventral portion of mesencephalon (midbrain). Oculomotor nerve (III) exits from here
Interpeduncular fossa
spans diencephalon and mesencephalon. Bordered by pons, cerebral peduncles, obtic chiasm and tracts
Tuber cinereum
within the interpeduncular fossa, immediately behind optic chiasm
Lamina terminalis
portion of prosencephalic vesicle, forms anterior wall of third ventricle
found ventral to the corpus callosum. Contains fibers from structures in temporal lobe running to diencephalon (mammillary bodies)
Septum pellucidum
membrane between corpus callosum and fornix. Lies between the lateral ventricles
Anterior commissure
contains fibers traveling between frontal and temporal poles of each hemisphere