neuro vocab Flashcards
abnormal involuntary movements
too little movement
increased tendon reflex
deccussation of dorsal column system occurs in?
2nd neuron, body originating in the nucleus gracilis/cuneatus of medulla –> deccusates in medulla –> travels up medial lemniscus to contralateral postcentral gyrus
spinothalamic tract
pain, temp, coarse touch
- decussate immediately
- ascend in white matter ventrolateral to ventral horn
dorsal columns
proprioception, touch pressure, vibration
- gracillis= lower body
- cuneatus= upper body
***patient with dorsal tumor lost proprioception in legs
using sensory information to create higher level mapping in your head
“feel paperclip in hand and figure out what it is”
draw number on hand and have patient say what number it is
tests higher level processing
exam for endocarditis
roths spot
splinter hemorrage
meyers loop –> location, defect
temporal lobe
“pie in the sky”- right superior quadtrantanopia for L sided lesion
**can see overlap in wernicke’s
hemorrhagic conversion/transformation of stroke
more common in septic emboli vs thrombotic
vasospasm prohpylactic drug
given after SAH because blood causes irritation and vessels can react with vasospasm
“enhancement” in mri
if no contrast, then its hyperintensity
septic emboli shower
think of endocarditis PBL case
infectious endocarditis
pateints at high risk for stroke 2/2 septic emboli
IV vancomycin +/- ceftriaxone!!
asa, warf, antiplat contraindicated/ not necessary
temporal lobe functions
smell, hearing
memory (hippocampus)
fear (amygdala)
R= verbal memory
Parietal lobe
sensory cortex –> post central gyrus
Frontal lobe
motor (precentral gyrus)
executive function
- side effects
MOA: sodium channel blocker, increased levels of GABA-a
side effects:
- GI upset
- weight gain
- tremor
- inc LFT
- pancreatitis
**think of a drunk person: ataxia, nystagmus, tremor
- moa
- side effects
MOA= sodium channel binder, binds allosterically to GABA-A
side effects:
- somnolence
- weight loss
- nephrolothiasis
- acute angle closure glaucoma
MOA= sodium channel blocker
side effects:
- benign skin rash
- SJS/TEN (1%)
- diplopia
pathology seen in cerebellar disease
gait instability truncal ataxia dysiadokinesia dysmetria hypotonia nystagmus
more sensitive test of B12 defic
methlymalonic acid levels
hemineglect: wheres the lesion, where’s the neglect
non dominant parietal lobe (usu R)
neglect the left side
conus medullaris vs cauda equina
conus: upper motor neuron signs, symmetric motor weakness, early bowel/bladder dysfunction
cauda: lower motor neuron signs, assymetric motor weakness, late bowel bladder dysfunction
treatment approced for ALS
riluzole –> gluatamate inhibitor
treatment for foodborne botulism
passive immunity with horse anti-toxin
descending paralysis that starts with cranial nerve neuropathy –> blurred vision
cerebrellopontine angle tumors
acoustic schwannomas –> head ache, hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus
respiratory test to monitor GBS?
spirometry –> FVCs, <20ml/kg indicates need to intubate
someone on high dose steroids develops proximal muscle weakness with normal labs
glucocorticoid induced myopathy
CNVII funciton (besides facial muscles)
taste ant 2/3 tongue
eyelid closure
CNIII function
eyelid OPENING
extraoccular eye movements
corneal anesthesia via which CN?
common complication after bacterial meningitis in kids?
hearing loss
tx for myasthenia gravis
pyridostigmine –> AchE inhibitor
long term= immunosuppressive therapy