neuro HX Flashcards
first step
ask for PT name, age and occupation
PC, golden minute, HPC
general neuro screen - 11 things
1 - headache, facial pain
2 - neck stiffness or fever or rash vomit photophobia
3 - fits or faints
4 - dizziness or vertigo
5 - problems with vision, hearing or smell
6 - difficulty walking
7 - sudden onset weakness
8 - altered skin sensation
9 - bladder and bowel control
10 - involuntary movement or tremor
11 - speech, language or swallowing difficulty
12 - any nausea or vomiting
13 - is pt under stress of similar time course (tension h)
relevant PMH risk factors to neuro
1 - cardiovasc disease and risk factors 2 - epilepsy 3 - meningitis and other infections 4 - trauma 5 - surgery 6 - any other medical conditions
neuro FHx
1 - cardiovasc disease
2 - neuro or psych disease
social hx relevant to neuro
1 - occupation 2 - smoking 3 - alcohol 4 - HIV risk factors 5 - syphillis risk factors 6 - toxin exposure
relevant neuro DHx
1 - prescription 2 - over the counter 3 - alternative 4 - recreational 5 - allergies 6 - time course related to headache
Hx specific to sudden onset weakness - 6 qs
1 - ask them to explain exactly what happened. 2- time course 3 - did they fall to the ground 4 - did they lose consciousness 5 - weakness on one side, both and face? 6 - associated with headache
- other general neuro screen e.g. visual disturbance etc
hx specific to collapse - 15 qs
1- when 2 - situation at the time 3 - how they felt before 4 - did they lose consciousness and how long for 5 - any witnesses? what did they see 6 - incontinent or bite tongue? 7 - banged head or other injuries? 8 - how they felt immediately after 9 - how they feel now? any lasting damage? 10 - similar episode before? 11 - dizzy or weak standing up from sitting or lying down. 12 - cardiac hx 13 - if young and female any chance of pregnancy 14 - diabetic? 15 - do they drive a motor vehicle 16 - other general neuro screen at end.