DRABCDE MI/ heart attack/ACS Flashcards
58 year old man that is complaining of severe central chest pain radiating to the left hand side
wash hands
response - fully responsive and in pain
ask for OBS -
HR 90 BP 108/70 RR 24 sats 92 on room air
meets the PERT/ MET criteria so call for help.
assess airway
look, feel listen
talking freely, clutching chest and complaining of pain.
assess breathing
look feel listen measure treat repeat
pale and clammy, chest movement normal
both sides and back - normal
… rest as known , sats 92 rr 24
high flow O2, maybe ABG and CXR, REASSESS!!
assess circulation
pale clammy distressed JVP normal no ankle swelling no obvious bleeding. heart sounds normal cool to the touch pulse 90 and regular. jobs as covered or normal
2 wise bore cannulae. FBC, UandE, cardiac enzymes
give - MONA
ask for ECG and reassess.
assess disability and E
nil seen on top to toe
SBAR handover
do not leave patient
look at notes and PMH and write in notes
reassure patient and organise urgent cardiology review