Neuro-Final Flashcards
mammillary bodies
medulla nerves
CN 9,10,11,12
subacute ascending demyelination of neurons
left hemianopia with macular sparing
PCA infarct
Creutzfield-Jacob disease
rapidly progressive dementia myoclonic jerks EEG with periodic sharp waves
RMCA infarct
unilateral neglect
ataxia hepatic dysfunction gingival hyperplasia
sprained ankles distal calf atrophy hammer toes, sensory loss, palpable peripheral nerves
fasciculations upper and lower motor neuron signs
Sturge Weber
port wine stain in V1 opthalamic seizures, MR hemiparesis, glaucoma
acute angle-closure glaucoma
acute visual loss, PAIN headache, red eye, mid-dilated fixed pupil
gram+ meningitis in babies, elderly
for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome aplastic anemia hepatic failure
gliosis of caudate nucleus
Huntington’s disease
JC virus
HIV, low CD4 visual sx - hemianopia gait ataxia non-enhancing white matter lesions
pediatric cerebellar tumor
median n first three and a half digits tinnels, phalens sign
radial wrist drop
often after passing out and putting pressure on wrist/hand
Steven’s Johnson syndrome
ethosuxidmide phenytoin lamotrigine carbamazepine
diplopia, dysphonia, dysarthria, dysphagia desc flaccid paralysis honey
ulnar neuropathy
last one and a half digits
subarachnoid hemorrhage associations
aneurysms Berry aneurysm Polycystic kidney disease
slow growing midline tumor
rebound headaches
chronic daily headaches daily analgesic use
right anopia
right optic nerve
complex vs. simple seizure
complex - lose consciousness
subdural hematoma
-slow onset of mental status changes - at risk: elderly with falls, alcoholics - torn bridging veins from shearing
drug induced parkinsons
Benign position vertigo
sudden onset of vertigo triggered by positions otolitihs in semi-circular canal treat with Epley maneuver
encephalitis confusion, fever, headache, CN findings RBCs in CSF
vertebrobasilar infarct
Vomiting, vertigo, ataxia, dysarthria, CN palsies, diplopia hemiparesis or hemisensory loss
dilate sympathetic
acoustic neuroma
unilateral hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus bilateral in NF2
subarachnoid headache
worst headache of my life blood in csf
gram- meningitis
Tuberous sclerosis
hamartomas in skin and CNS adenoma sebaceum Ash leaf spot/hypopigmented macules MR, AD
trigeminal neuralgia
intense facial/jaw/teeth pain
absence seizure
little kids staring spells
mid shaft of the humerus
radial n.
ACA stroke
contralateral foot and leg weakness behavioral changes, confusion impairment of gait and stance (ataxia) akinetic, mutism, incontinence,
Left homonymous hemianopia
right optic tract
Von Hippel-Lindau
AD, ch 3 cavernous hemagiomas in skin bilateral renal cell (clear cell) hemangioblastoma in retina brainstem, cerebellum, pheo
Myasthenia Gravis
muscle weakness, ptosis, dysarthria worse as day progresses abs against ach receptor
left lower quadrantic anopia
right parietal lesion, MCA
Death from Guillan-Barre
respiratory acidosis
midbrain nerves
CN 3,4
left upper quandrantic anopia
right temporal lesion, MCA
cherry red spot near fovea
central retinal artery occlusion
West Nile Virus
Encephalitis, fever, muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, Parksinon features, tremors
Treatment for Listeria
Horner syndrome
ptosis anhidrosis miosis spinal cord lesion above T1
treatment of pseudotumor cerebri
LP, acetazolamide
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
seizures in babies
Meniere’s disease
tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo increase in endolymphatic fluid damaging hair cells
posterior communicating artery aneurysm
headache one pupil not responding to light (CN III)
hyponatremia hepatic dysfunction
normal pressure hydrocephalus
dementia incontinence ataxic gait
Guillan-Barre pathogen
Camplylobacter jejuni or resp. infection
constricts parasympathetic
pons nerves
CN 5,6,7,8
lesion in left temporal cortex
right superior homonymous quandrantopia
4 year old awakes screaming, inconsolable, no memory
night terrors/sleep terrors
LMCA infarct
MCA stroke
contralateral face, arm weakness and sensory loss eyes deviate towards lesion
thiamine def/Wernicke
opthalamoplegia (nystagmus) ataxia confusion
HIV, low CD4 headache multiple ring enhancing lesions
Cause of Lambert Eaton Syndrome
antibodies against voltage gated P/Q calcium channels
bitemporal hemianopia
optic chiasm
Central retinal vein occlusion
abrupt onset of painless visual loss, hemorrhages, cotton wool spots
migraine treatment
triptans, NSAIDs
Lambert Eaton syndrome
lung mass muscle weakness autonomic symptoms better with activity
valproic acid
acute hepatic failure pancreatitis teratogen
spinal stenosis
“pseudoclaudication” pain in calves when walking better going uphill (lean forward and relieves pressure on spinal area)
Myasthenia Gravia anterior mediastinal mass
loss of pigmentation in substantia nigra
peroneal n.
foot drop
Lower motor neuron signs
weakness, atrophy fasiculations decreased reflexes, tone flaccid paralysis
Upper motor neuron signs
weakness increased reflexes and tone + Babinski spastic paralysis
accumulation of amyloid plaques
epidural hematoma
middle meningeal artery rapid onset after lucid interval temporary skull fracture
pseudotumor cerebri/idiopathic intracranial HTN
overweight young women bilateral papilledema
Central scotoma
macular degeneration
CN palsy posterior column signs general paresis, dementia pupil accomodates but doesn’t react
meralgia parasethetic
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve decreased sensation in lateral outer thigh
cluster headache treatment
triptans, oxygen
irritability, depression
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
stress-sleep deprivation involuntary jerks: tonic-clonic
lip smacking spaced out
temporal lobe
kidney stones, wt loss glaucoma, metabolic acidosis
retinal detachment
sudden onset, floater, peripheral vision first affected days to weeks
progressive deficits in upper and lower motor neurons