Neuro Diff Dx Flashcards
Parkinsons Disease is depletion of _ from the _
Dopamine from the Substantia nigra
Exercise SLOWS the progression!
People w/ PD are TRAPped
T:Tremor– shaking, usually starts 1 side; “pill-rolling”
R: Rigidity– stiffness, of limbs, neck, or trunk (1. cogwheel 2. lead pipe)
A: Akinesia– LOSS or impairment in POWER of voluntary mvmt
P: Posture and Balance– Anteropulsion
Bradykinesia also present==> SLOWNESS of mvmt
Shuffling, short-stepped gait pattern
PD Sx’s: Resting Tremor
Often occurs first in ONE hand, resembles pill-rolling
PD Sx’s: Rigidity
Cogwheel (exactly what it sounds like) and Lead Pipe (exactly what it sounds like)
PD Sx’s: Akinesia, BRADYkinesia
Hesitation, SLOW mvmt.
Diff rising from a sitting pos is COMMON sign of disordered control over mvmt
PD Sx’s: Postural INstability
Lean FORWARD or BACKWARD when upright==impaired balance/coord.
PD Sx’s
see pics
This scale stages the SEVERITY of PD:
Hoehn and Yahr Stages
Staged 1 (good)-5 (worst)
Hoehn and Yahr Stages of PD
ALL: Stage 1 (best): Stage 5 (worst)
see pics
Hoehn and Yahr Stages of PD:
- Stage 1: Develop MILD sxs but able to go about day-day life (BEST)
- Stage 2: Sx’s such as tremors and stiffness worsen, may develop POOR posture or have trouble walking
- Stage 3: Mvmt begins to SLOW DOWN, LOB (uses AD, falls/unbalanced, rollator
- Stage 4: Sxs are severe and cause significant issues w/ day-day living, UNABLE to live alone and will need care
- Stage 5: Walking or standing may be IMPOSSIBLE @ this point, people in Stage 5 often confined to WC or bed (WORST)
PD: Gait related impairments:
2 VERY characteristic ones…
- Festinating gait:progressive INC in speed w/ a shortening of stride–can be anteropulsive (forward festinating)
Freezing of Gait (FOG)– sudden, abrupt INability to initiate ANY mvmt. Ex’s: doorways, turns
- USE: music, count steps, cognitive tasks
PD related Gait impairments:
- Festinating
- Freezing
- Diff turning: incd steps per turn
- Reduced stride length; incd step-step variability
- Reduced speed of walking
- Incd time in DLS
- Insuff hip, knee, and ankle flexion–> shuffling steps
- Insuff heel strike w/ incd FOREFOOT loading
- Reduced trunk rotation: DECd/absent arm swing**
- Diff dual tasking–> simultaneous motor/cog
- Diff w/ attn demands of complex environments
Training ideas for gait related impairments
Visual/auditory cueing
ex. ladder for equal step length, count steps
Medical mgmt PD:
Medical mgmt PD:
SEs and **what should you remember about this?? **
SEs: Dyskinesias–Dynamic INvoluntary choreoathetotic mvmts occurring @ peak of Levodopa dose–> Initial=facial grimace w/ twitch lips, tongue protrusion–> Severe=involves limbs, trunk, neck
REMEMBER: This is SE of the MEDS (Levodopa) NOT from PD itself!!!!
PT working w/ 67yo male. Pt displays rigidity, slowed mvmts, INvoluntary oscillatory mvmts, intsability w/ recent uptick in falls. Based on presentation which neuro dx is likely ?
Huntington’s Disease (HD)
- Neurodegen GENETIC (hereditary) disease– degen of BG, cerebral cortex
- Autosomal-dominant illness– CAG repeats
- Combo of–> mvmt disorders, COG decline, behavioral changes
NOTE: When you hear Parkinsonism
NOT actually PD from DEC in dopamine
Just “PD-like” sx’s
HD Sx’s:
HD- Sx’s
- 35-55yo
- mm coord impairs AND cog decline, psychiatric probs
- **Huntingtons Chorea–> **INvoluntary jerking or writhing mvmts (ex. unable to sit still)
- MM probs–> rigidity or mm contracture (dystonia)–think superimposing involuntary mm’s– piano example w/ fingers
- Slow/abnorm eye mvmts
- Impaired gait, posture and balance
- Diff w/ production of speech or swallowing*
Cerebellar disorders
THINK* in terms of tremor*…
Three specialized regions of Cerebellum for controlling multiple types of mvmt
- Vestibulocerebellum
- Spinocerebellum
- Cerebrocerebellum
Input, Output, Deficits as result
Input–> Vestibular
Output–> eye mvmts; vestib nuclei; balance/equilib
Deficits–> Nystagmus, TRUNCAL ataxia
Input, Output, Deficits as result
Input–> Somatosensory, visual/auditory/vestib
Output–> medial upper motor neurons; lateral upper motor neurons
Deficits–> Ataxic gait, Limb ataxia (dysmetria)
Input, Output, Deficits as result
Input–> Cerebral cortex
Output–> Motor and premotor cortex
Deficits–> DEC coord of fine finger mvmt
Pt w/ NORMAL sensation and reflexes presents w/ DEC mm tone and asthenia (weakness). Which other s/s are MOST likely present?
Truncal Ataxia
CB disorders–> HypOtonia, lack energy, weakness (asthenia)
Cerebellar Disorder–> Coordination Testing
see pics and note Dx tests
- finger to nose, heel to shin
Finger to nose test– >
Cerebellar ataxia
*can also see dysmetria (over/under shooting)
S/S Cerebellar Disorder
Mnemonic to remember?
V: Vertigo
A: Ataxia
N: Nystagmus
I: Intention tremor
S: Slurred speech
H: HypOtonia
E: Exxagerated broad based gait
D: Dysdiadochokinesia
CB= intention tremor; BG= resting tremors
Cerebellar disorder:
Gait Ataxia explained…
INconsistent step LENGTH: not able to predict proper step length
Diff maint. SLS
Poor balance= INCd gait ataxia and slow gait
Diff predicting amt of wt shift needed