Bonus Rehab Protocols + Red Flags Flashcards
Rule of 6
Explain the Rule of 6 with Rehab Protocol Themes
Up to 6mos
Explain the jist of MAXimal Protection Phase
INITIAL post-op pd when protection of operated tissues is PARAMOUNT
- tissue inflamm + PAIN
- Few days–> 6wks
Why up to 6wks?–> bc healing time of bone and soft tissue ~8wks!
Explain the jist of MODerate Protection Phase
Intermediate phase of rehab–Inflamm has subsided, pain/tender MINIMAL– tissues able to w/stand gradual inc’ing lvls of stress
- Typ begins ~6wks and cont’s additional 6wks
Explain the jist of MINimal Protection Phase
aka Return to function/sports
Advanced phase–little to no protection of op tissues reqd
- To progress–> full (or almost) painfree AROM should be available AND jt capsule (if involved) should be clinically stable
- Begins 6-12wks post-op may continue until 6mos+
MAX Protection phase Goals:
- Edu in preparation for self-mgmt–safe pos’ing and limb mvmts–Precautions/Contraindications
- DEC post-op pain, mm guard, spasm–modals (TENS), cold, heat
- Prevent wound infx–wound care
- MIN swelling– RICE
- Prevent circ issues (DVT, PE, PNA)–active ex’s to DISTAL mm’s, Deep-breathing/coughing
- Prevent stiffness/contractures–CPM, P/AAROM immediately post-op
- Min mm atrophy across immob’d jts–MM setting aka Isometrics
- Maint motion+strength ABOVE and BELOW operated site–active/resistive ex’s to NONop areas
- Maint functional mobility while protecting op’d site– adaptive equip/ADs (UP w/ GOOD, DOWN w/ BAD)
MOD Protection/Controlled Motion phase: Goals
- Edu on monitoring/modifications to ex. program
- GRADUALLY restore soft tissue/jt mobility– A/AAROM w/in limits of pain–Progress TO Grade III/IV jt mobs
- Mobile scar– scar massage
Strengthen involved mm’s and improve jt stability
- Multiple-against inc’ing resistance
- Alternating iso’s + rhythmic stab= Stability
- Dynamic ex’s against LIGHT resistance in OKC/CKC, Light functional acts.
Progression of MM contractions?
START w/ Isometric THEN Concentric THEN Eccentric
MIN protection/Return to function phase: Goals
- Edu
- PREVENT RE-injury/post-op comps
- Restore FULL jt/soft tissue mob
- MAXIMIZE mm performance, dynamic stab, NMSK control
- Balance/coord. mvmt
- Acquire or RElearn specific motor skills
73yo male Total Shoulder Arthro (TSA means RTC NOT involved). 1wk post-op AVOID what?
A: Passive ER to 45 degs
- ER allowed up to 30degs
Weeks 0-4:
- Elevation restricted to <120degs; ER restricted to <30degs
- Grade I/II mobs
- AROM scap/elbow
- AAROM in supine first 3wks, Week 4– transition to sit/stand
- NO active IR for @ least 6 weeks (protect subscap repair)
- Pendulums OK
- Light, NWB isometrics in scapular plane
Precautions after TSA
2 Forms of Shoulder Arthro:
1. TSA (RTC INtact)
2. Reverse TSA (rTSA)–RTC involved– rTSA full ROM not expected
- sling needed 4-6wks
- sling weaned off same day as sx
Total Hip Arthro Precautions
Posterior vs Anterior (the avoid FABER one)
REMEMBER: you want to AVOID dislocating!! Use concave/covex rule
- AVOID: Hip flex >90 (knees LOWER than hips), ADD past midline, IR– ESP first 6wks
- Bed pos’ing w/ ADD wedge immediately
- AVOID: Hip flex >90, Hip EXT, ADD, ER past neutral
- AVOID: Combo mvmt of FABER
Precautions w/ ACL Reconstruct
- When squatting maintain UPRIGHT pos
- Up to 6wks: AVOID CKC bw 60 to 90degs of knee flexion
- Resistance applied ABOVE knee initially
- AVOID resisted, OKC knee ext (SAQs) bw 45 or 30degs to full EXT @ least 6wks, maybe 12wks
- NO resistance to distal tib during quad strengthening
Progress Ex MORE gradually if HS tendon graft vs BPTB graft
Red Flags
S/S aka Key Words
- Constant pain which does NOT change w/ position change or meds==> Systemic disorder
Refer! Some may need 911!
Wells Criteria for DVT
2 or more == DVT
DVT and PE
- Medical Emergency!!!
- Hallmark S/S: Sudden DOE, Rapid shallow-breaths (Tachypnea)
- Others: Swelling in LE, anxiety, fever, excess sweating (diaphoresis), cough, blood in sputum (hemoptysis)
- Breakdown of Sk. MM tissue–> releases myoglobin, creatine kinase (CK), K+ INTO bloodstream
- S/S: mm pain, weak, swelling, dark colored urine (tea colored), decd urine output, fatigue, jt pain
- IMMEDIATE MEDICAL attn–> kidney damage, electrolyte imbals, metabolic acidosis, death
- Statins INCs risk of rhabdo
_ is considered a med that INCs risk of Rhabdo
for CHO
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
All first
see chart
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
pulsating feeling in abdomen, abd bulge
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
Tender McBurneys, RLQ pain, mild fever***
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
Acute Compartment Syndrome
think Pressure
6 P’s:
- Pain, Palpable tenderness, Parasthesias, Pallor, Paresis, Pulselessness
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
MI/Cardiac Arrest
LEFT neck and jaw pain along w/ chest pain
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
Cauda Equina
Saddle (think sitting on horse) anasthesias, loss of B&B function, urine retention (most Sn), LE weak
Hives, itch, SOB, rapid/weak pulse
Cond’s requiring IMMEDIATE medical assist:
Call 911
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (remember more common in T1DM)
DM FBG >126, random >200, metabolic syndrome FBG >100
safe to Ex 100-250 blood sugar
Excess thirst, confusion/diff concentrating, Fruity acetoney breath=ketones
Talk about Angina mgmt and when Emergency
- Controlled= No 911
- Other: Give nitroglycerin 3x @ 5min intervals– If NO sx relief== Call 911!!!!!!