GAIT: Abnormal Flashcards
Tightness vs Weakness
Contracture will DEC in the ROM of OPP motion
- Ex. FLOP–> Hip flex contracture will lead to DEC hip EXT (same side) and==> DEC in step length on OPP side
Weakness will cause DEC in ROM of SAME motion (MMT scores)
- Ex. Weak hip flexors will cause DECd hip flex and dec in step length on same side—> COMPENSATIONS: ABDs, excessive knee flexion, Trunk lean
Magent Theory: Trunk leans towards WEAK mm’s
Tightness vs Weakness
Contracture will DEC in the ROM of OPP motion
- Ex. FLOP–> Hip flex contracture will lead to DEC hip EXT (same side) and==> DEC in step length on OPP side
Weakness will cause DEC in ROM of SAME motion (MMT scores)
- Ex. Weak hip flexors will cause DECd hip flex and dec in step length on same side—> COMPENSATIONS: ABDs, excessive knee flexion, Trunk lean
Magent Theory: Trunk leans towards WEAK mm’s
PT notices pt experiencing early toe-off during TSt (EARLY==Limtd ROM somewhere). Which IDs a likely cause and intervention?
Hip Flex contracture, Prolonged stretch
*Stick to your plane! Here is SAGITTAL!
NOTE: if Gastroc is tight== early HEEL off in MSt
MM Activity in Gait Reminder
Group: Hip ABDs
Name: Glute med/min, TFL
Stance: ECCentric–> stab. pelvis
Hand/arm trick holding UP pelvis!
MM Activity in Gait Reminder:
Group: Hip ADDs
Name: Add longus/brevis, Gracilis, Add mag (horiz/vert heads)
Early and Late Stance: CONCentric–> Stab. pelvis
PT eval 26yo female basketball player with vague dx of R. knee pain. Pt performs jump landing as shown–> Lands in EXCESSIVE R knee VALGUS. PT Tx should focus on?
Stick to your plane!! Asking about FRONTAL here bc watching from front
Strengthening R. Glute med
- Proximal stabilization CRUCIAL for knee pain
- NO VMO strengthening for PRO at ankle, valgum @ knee— DON’T DO IT!!!
Valgus @ knee usually d/t hip or ankle
MM Activity in Gait Cycle
Glute Max
Stance: ECCentric– decelerates forward momentum
PSw:– CONCentric– hip EXT
MM Activity in Gait Cycle: Erector Spinae
Think “Erect posture”
Heel strike thru Toe-off– All of stance
Maints trunk posture
Magnet Theory for Trunk lean
74yo retired contractor walks w/ backward trunk LEAN (think MAGNET THEORY-STANCE) when in stance on LLE. MOST LIKELY cause?
Weak hip EXTs left side during stance.
Magnet Theory in STANCE:
- trunk goes toward WEAK mms
Magnet Theory: Stance
- Weak Muscle–> Trunk
- Anterior–> Anterior lean (sag plane)
- Posterior–> Post lean (sag plane)
- Lateral–> Lateral lean (frontal plane)
Causes of Backward Lean
- Weak hip EXTs (stance)
- Rigid hip flexion contracture (stance)== Hip flexors TIGHT which makes Exts WEAK
- WEAK hip flexors (swing)– therefore lean BACKWARDS to get more clearance== assists w/ PPT to advance limb in swing
see pics and READ!
74yo contractor walks to tx room. Pt presents w/ backward trunk lean during SWING (think WEAK hip flexors–cheating to clear foot).
Hip flexor weakness
trying to cheat to clear foot d/t weak hip flexors
Backward Trunk Lean:
- Stance==> G. max weakness; Hip flexors tight (lordosis present bc APT bc hip flexors pulling into APT)
- Swing==> Hip flexors weak
Muscle Activity in Gait Cycle
Group: Ankle
Name: Peroneus longus and brevis
- CONCentric contraction–> maint med/lat stability of foot; maintain arch
Muscle Activity in Gait Cycle
Group: Foot INtrinsics
- CONCentric contraction–> support Plantar fascia
PT checks A/PROM ankle ROM. Pt lacks 10degs of passive ankle DF. Same limitation of 10degs present whether knee extended OR flexed (=soleus mm is prob bc gastroc is 2jt mm). MOST likely contributing?
1 jt mm so knee pos won’t matter**