Motor Learning Principles Flashcards
Name some types…
Concurrent, Terminal, Immediate, Delayed, Summary, Faded, Bandwidth-KR, Blocked, Variable (random)
Concurrent Feedback
Concurrent means “@ same time”
Feedback presented during mvmt
Terminal Feedback
Terminal think “END”
Feedback given after the mvmt
You will see this overlaps w/ immediate feedback**
Immediate Feedback
Overlaps w/ Terminal feedback”
Feedback given immediately after mvmt
Delayed Feedback
“Once everything is done”
Feedback given after brief time delay
SHORT time interval
Summary Feedback
“Summarize a set”
Feedback given after set # of trials
- Ex. after every 2nd set, 5th set, 20th set
Faded Feedback
Feedback given first after every trial, THEN LESS FREQ on subsequent blocks of trials
- Ex. Maybe you give after every 1st trial @ first, then progress to after every 3rd, then to every 5th trial
Bandwidth-KR Feedback
Feedback given only when performance deviates outside boundaries of correct performance
- Ex. walking tandem on balance foam– if they fall off a few times just to the side its OK say nothing, but make a boundary, and if they step over that— **give feedback **
Blocked Feedback
Blocked think SAME, ONE SOURCE
One source of feedback provided; Feedback presented about the same segment on consecutive trials
- Ex. Heel strike @ gait, ONE particular thing
- Use EARLY– Cog stage of ML
Variable (random) Feedback
Multiple sources feedback provided; Feedback presented about diff segments on successive trials
- Ex. Heel strike AND push-off
- Use LATER ON, better for MASTERY
Massed practice
Flip M–> W for Work
Rest time < Practice time aka More work, Less rest
- Use Later on
DistRibuted practice
R for more Rest
Rest time >/= Practice time
- Ex. People w/ MS bc FATIGUE
- Use EARLY on
Practice Sequence
Practice Sequence
- 2 types:
- Blocked practice
- Random
Practice Sequence
Blocked practice
(its in the name)
One task performed repeatedly
“Blocking out time for just that one task”
Practice Sequence
Random practice
(its in the name)
Variety of tasks are ordered randomly, BUT all still similar tasks
Ex. STS– wt shift, glutes, knee ext, stand up, sit down
Practice Order
Practice Order
- 3 types:
- Blocked order
- Serial order
- Random order
Practice Order
Blocked order
Repeated practice of a task or group of tasks in order
- Ex. 111222333 (task 1, task 2, task 3)
“One task @ a time”
Practice Order
Serial order
Predictable and repeating order– Practice multiple tasks in an order
- Ex. 123123123 (task 1, task 2, task 3)
Still same tasks, just in serial order
Practice Order
Random order
NONrepeating and UNpredictable order of multiple tasks
- Ex. 123321312 (task 1, task 2, task 3)
Same 3 tasks, completely random
Mental practice
(exactly what it sounds like)
If anxious, fearful, UNmotivated (like L. stroke)
Motor task is imagined or visualized w/out overt physical practice
Part/Whole Practice
Part vs Task! Dr. Cohen!
Component parts of a task are practiced BEFORE practice of Whole task
Practice of lead-up activities
Ex. Goals: bed mob, sitting, stairs, walking
Simpler task versions of the required complex task are practiced
Anxious, fearful, unmotivated—>
Mental practice FIRST!!!