Neuro - Anat & Phys (Effects of Strokes & Aneurysms) Flashcards
Pg. 460-461 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Effects of strokes -Aneurysms -Central post-stroke pain syndrome
What are 3 main vessels in the anterior circulation of the brain?
(1) MCA (Middle cerebral artery) (2) ACA (Anterior cerebral artery) (3) Lenticulo-striate artery
What are 4 major areas of the brain in the MCA territory?
(1) Motor cortex - upper limb and face (2) Sensory cortex - upper limb and face (3) Temporal lobe (Wernicke area) (4) Frontal lobe (Broca area)
What symptoms are caused by a motor cortex (upper limb and face) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral paralysis - upper limb and face; MCA
What symptoms are caused by a sensory cortex (upper limb and face) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral loss of sensation - upper limbs, and face; MCA
What symptoms are caused by a Temporal lobe (Wernicke area) or Frontal lobe (Broca area) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Aphasia if in dominant (usually) left hemisphere. Hemineglect if lesion affects nondominant (usually right) side; MCA
What are 2 major areas of the brain in the ACA territory?
(1) Motor cortex - lower limb (2) Sensory cortex - lower limb
What symptoms are caused by a motor cortex (lower limb) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral paralysis - lower limb; ACA
What symptoms are caused by a sensory cortex (lower limb) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral loss of sensation - lower limb; ACA
What are 2 major areas of the brain in the Lenticulo-striate artery territory?
(1) Striatum (2) Internal capsule
What symptoms are caused by a striatum/internal capsule lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral hemiparesis/hemiplegia; Lenticulo-striate artery
Which artery is a common location of lacunar infarcts? To what clinical condition are lacunar infarcts secondary?
Lenticulo-striate artery; Common location of lacunar infarcts, secondary to unmanaged hypertension
What are 5 main vessels in the posterior circulation?
(1) ASA (Anterior spinal artery) (2) PICA (Posterior inferior cerebellar artery) (3) AICA (Anterior inferior cerebellar artery) (4) PCA (Posterior cerebral artery) (5) Basilar artery
What are 3 major areas of the brain in the ASA territory?
(1) Lateral corticospinal tract (2) Medial lemniscus (3) Caudal medulla - hypoglossal nerve
What symptoms are caused by a lateral corticospinal tract lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Contralateral hemiparesis - upper and lower limbs; ASA
What symptoms are caused by a medial lemniscus lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Decreased contralateral proprioception; ASA
What symptoms are caused by a caudal medulla (hypoglossal nerve) lesion? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Ipsilateral hypoglossal dysfunction (tongue deviates ipsilaterally); ASA
Is stroke associated with ASA commonly bilateral or unilateral?
Stroke commonly bilateral
What infarct causes medial medullary syndrome? What are its associated symptoms, and why?
Caused by infarct of paramedian branches of ASA and vertebral arteries; Contralateral hemiparesis - upper and lower limbs (Corticospinal tract), Decreased contralateral proprioception (Medial lemniscus), Ipsilateral hypoglossal dysfunction - tongue deviates ipsilaterally (Caudal medulla - hypoglossal nerve)
What is the major area of the brain in the PICA territory? What are 6 specific brain structures contained in this area?
Lateral medulla - (1) Vestibular nuclei (2) Lateral spinothalamic tract (3) Spinal trigeminal nucleus (4) Nucleus ambiguus (5) Sympathetic fibers (6) Inferior cerebellar peduncle
What symptoms are caused by a lateral medulla lesion, and why? What is the name associated with this collection of symptoms? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Vomiting, vertigo, nystagmus (vestibular nuclei); Decreased pain and temperature sensation from ipsilateral face (spinal trigeminal nucleus) and contralateral body (lateral spinothalamic tract); Dysphagia, hoarseness, decreased gag reflex (nucleus ambiguus); ipsilateral Horner syndrome (sympathetic fibers); ataxia, dysmetria (inferior cerebellar peduncle); Lateral medullary (Wallenbery) syndrome; PICA
What brain structure’s effects are specific to PICA lesions?
Nucleus ambiguus effects are specific to PICA lesions; Think: “Don’t pick a (PICA) horse (hoarseness) that can’t eat (dysphagia).”
What are 2 major areas of the brain in the AICA territory? What are important structures contained within each of these areas, if any?
(1) Lateral pons - cranial nerve nuclei; vestibular nuclei, facial nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleus, cochlear nuclei, sympathetic fibers (2) Middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles
What symptoms are caused by a lateral pons lesion, and why? What is the name associated with this collection of symptoms? To which artery would such a lesion apply?
Vomiting, vertigo, nystagmus (vestibular nuclei); Paralysis of face, decreased lacrimation, salivation, decreased taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue, decreased corneal reflex (facial nucleus); Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature of face, contralateral loss of pain and temperature of body (spinal trigeminal nucleus); Ipsilateral decreased hearing (cochlear nuclei); Ipsilateral Horner syndrome (sympathetic fibers); Lateral pontine syndrome; AICA
What brain structure’s effects are specific to AICA lesions?
Facial nucleus effects are specific to AICA lesions; “Think: Facial droop means AICA’s pooped”