Neuro - Anat & Phys (Cranial nerves anatomy) Flashcards
Pg. 472-473 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Cranial nerves -Cranial nerve nuclei -Cranial nerve reflexes -Vagal nuclei -Cranial nerve and vessel pathways
What is the name and function of CN I?
Olfactory nerve; Smell (only CN without thalamic relay to cortex)
What is the only CN without thalamic relay to cortex?
Olfactory (CN I)
What is the name and function of CN II?
Optic nerve; Sight
What is the name and 4 functions of CN III?
Oculomotor nerve; (1) Eye movement (SR, IR, MR, IO), (2) Pupillary constriction (sphincter pupillae; Edinger-Westphal nucleus, muscarinic receptors), (3) Accommodation, (4) Eyelid opening (levator palpebrae)
What is the name and function of CN IV?
Trochlear nerve; Eye movement (SO)
What is the name and 3 functions of CN V?
Trigeminal nerve; (1) Mastication, (2) Facial sensation (ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular divisions), (3) Somatosensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue
What is the name and function of CN VI?
Abducens nerve; Eye movement (LR)
What is the name and 6 functions of CN VII?
Facial nerve; (1) Facial movement, (2) Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue, (3) Lacrimation, (4) Salivation (submandibular and sublingual glands), (5) Eyelid closing (orbicularis oculis), (6) Stapedius muscle in ear (note: nerve courses through parotid gland, but does not innervate it)
Through which structure does CN VII course through, although it does not innervate it?
nerve courses through parotid gland, but does not innervate it
What is the name and 2 functions of CN VIII?
Vestibulocochlear nerve; (1) Hearing, (2) Balance
What is the name and 5 functions of CN IX?
Glossopharyngeal nerve; (1) Taste and somatosensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue, (2) Swallowing, (3) Salivation (parotid gland), (4) Monitoring carotid body and sinus chemo- and baroceptors, and (5) Stylopharyngeus (elevates pharynx, larynx)
What is the name and 8 functions of CN X?
Vagus nerve; (1) Taste from epiglottic region, (2) Swallowing, (3) Soft palate elevation, (4) Midline uvula, (5) Talking, (6) Coughing, (7) Thoracoabdominal viscera, (8) Monitoring aortic arch chemo- and baroreceptors
What is the name and 2 functions of CN XI?
Accessory nerve; (1) Head turning, (2) Shoulder shrugging (SCM, trapezius)
What is the name and function of CN XII?
Hypoglossal; Tongue movement
State whether the 12 cranial nerves are Motor, Sensory, or Both.
(1) Sensory (2) Sensory (3) Motor (4) Motor (5) Both (6) Motor (7) Both (8) Sensory (9) Both (10) Both (11) Motor (12) Motor; Think: “Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter Most”
In general, where are most of the cranial nerve nuclei located?
Located in tegmentum portion of brain stem (between dorsal and ventral portions)
Which 2 CN’s have nuclei in the midbrain?
Midbrain - nuclei of CN III, IV
Which 4 CN’s have nuclei in the pons?
Pons - nuclei of CN V, VI, VII, VIII
Which 3 CN’s have nuclei in the medulla?
Medulla - nuclei of CN IX, X, XII
Which CN has its nucleus in the spinal cord?
Spinal cord - nucleus of CN XI
In nervous system development, what structure separates sensory versus motor neurons? What are the names of the plates containing each type of these neurons? How do they correlate to cranial nerve nuclei?
Sulcus limitans; Lateral nuclei = sensory (aLar plate); Medial nuclei = Motor (basal plate)
Name 5 cranial nerve reflexes.
(1) Corneal (2) Lacrimation (3) Jaw jerk (4) Pupillary (5) Gag
What are the afferent and efferent limbs of the Corneal reflex?
Afferent: V1 ophthalmic (nasociliary branch); Efferent: VII (temporal branch: orbicularis oculi)
What are the afferent and efferent limbs of the Lacrimation reflex?
Afferent: V1 (loss of reflex does not preclude emotional tears); Efferent: VII