Neuro - Anat & Phys (Basal ganglia, Parkinson disease, Hungtington disease, & Movement disorders) Flashcards
Pg. 453-454 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Basal ganglia -Parkinson disease -Huntington disease -Movement disorders
What are 2 important functions of the basal ganglia?
Important in voluntary movements and making postural adjustments
From where does basal ganglia receive input, and what does it provide in return?
Receives cortical input, provides negative feedback to cortex to modulate movement
What parts of the basal ganglia make up the striatum? What is the main function of each of these parts?
Striatum = putamen (motor ) & caudate (cognitive)
What parts of the basal ganglia make up the lentiform nucleus?
Lentiform = putamen + globus pallidus
Describe the sequence of events in the excitatory pathway involving the basal ganglia. What is the ultimate consequence of this pathway?
Cortical inputs stimulate the striatum (putamen & caudate), stimulating the release of GABA, which disinhibits thalamus via the GPi/SNr (increased motion)
Describe the sequence of events in the inhibitory pathway involving the basal ganglia. What is the ultimate consequence of this pathway?
Cortical inputs stimulate the striatum, which disinhibits STH via GPe, and STN stimulates GPi/SNr to inhibit the thalamus (decreased motion)
What effect does Dopamine have on the excitatory versus inhibitor pathways of the basal ganglia, and how? What ultimate effect does Dopamine have?
Dopamine binds to D1, stimulating the excitatory pathway, and to D2, inhibiting the inhibitory pathway –> Increase motion
What is the difference between the direct and indirect pathways via which dopamine impacts the basal ganglia?
Direct pathway (D1 receptor) facilitates movement; Indirect pathway (D2 receptor) inhibits movement; Think: “D1-Receptor = DIRect pathway; INdirect = INhibitory”
What kind of disorder is Parkinson disease? What are 2 characteristic associations/findings with this disease?
Degenerative disorder of CNS associated with Lewy bodies (composed of alpha-synuclein - intracellular eosinophilic inclusion) and loss of dopaminergic neurons (i.e., depigmentation) of the substantia nigra pars compacta
What are Lewy bodies? With what disorder are they associated?
Degenerative disorder of CNS associated with Lewy bodies (composed of alpha-synuclein – intracellular eosinophilic inclusion)
What happens to dopaminergic neurons in the Parkinson disease? Where in the brain are they affected?
Loss of dopaminergic neurons (i.e., depigmentation) of the substantia nigra pars compacta
What symptoms are associated with Parkinson disease?
Parkinson TRAPS your body - Tremor (at rest - e.g., pill-rolling tremor), cogwheel Rigidity, Akinesia (or bradykinesia), Postural instability, and Shuffling gait.
What is the inheritance pattern of Huntington disease? With what type of mutation is Huntington disease associated, and on what chromosome is it found?
Autosomal dominant trinucleotide repeat disorder on chromosome 4.
In what age range do Huntington disease symptoms manifest?
Symptoms manifest between ages 20 and 50
What symptoms characterize Huntington disease? Which symptom is sometimes initially mistaken, and for what other condition?
Characterized by choreiform movements, aggression, depression, and dementia (sometimes initially mistaken for substance abuse)
What are 2 neurotransmitters that have decreased levels in the brain with Huntington disease?
Decreased levels of GABA and ACh
How does neuronal death occur in Huntington disease?
Neuronal death via NMDA-R binding and glutamate toxicity.
What is a significant imaging finding in Huntington disease?
Atrophy of caudate nuclei can be seen on imaging.
What genetic code change occurs in Huntington disease? Which nucleus in the brain is involved, and what 2 neurotransmitters does it lose?
Expansion of CAG repeats (anticipation). Caudate loses ACh and GABA; Think: “CAG = Caudate loses ACh and Gaba.”
How does hemiballismus present?
Sudden, wild flailing of 1 arm +/- ipsilateral leg; Think: “Half-of-body ballistic”
What is the characteristic lesion associated with hemibalismus?
Contralateral subthalamic nucleus (e.g., lacunar stroke); Note: Contralateral lesion
What is the presentation of chorea?
Sudden, jerky, purposeless movements; Think: “Chorea = dancing”
What is the characteristic lesion associated with chorea?
Basal ganglia (e.g., Huntington)
What is the presentation of athetosis? Where in the body is it particularly seen?
Slow, writhing (snake-like) movements; especially seen in fingers
What is the characteristic lesion associated with athetosis?
Basal ganglia (e.g., Huntington)
What is the presentation of myoclonus? What are 2 examples of myoclonus?
Sudden, brief, uncontrolled muscle contraction; Jerks, hiccups
In what kind of conditions is myoclonus common?
Common in metabolic abnormalities such as renal and liver failure
What is the presentation of dystonia?
Sustained, involuntary muscle contractions
What are 2 examples of dystonia?
(1) Writer’s camp (2) Blepharospasm (sustained eyelid twitch)
What is another name for essential tremor? How does it present? What exacerbates it?
Essential tremor (postural tremor); Action tremor; Exacerbated by holding posture/limb position
Which movement disorder is noted to have a genetic predisposition?
Essential tremor (postural tremor)
With what do essential tremor patients often self-medicate, and why?
Patients often self-medicated with EtOH, which decreases tremor amplitude
What is the treatment for essential tremor (postural tremor)?
Treatment: Beta-blockers, primidone
What is the presentation of resting tremor? When does it occur? Where in the body is it most noticeable? How is it alleviated?
Uncontrolled movement of distal appendages (most noticeable in hands); Occurs at rest; Tremor alleviated by intentional movement
What disease is characteristically associated with a resting tremor? What is the tremor called in this context?
Parkinson disease; “pill-rolling tremor” of Parkinson disease
What is the presentation of intention tremor?
Slow, zigzag motion when pointing/extending toward a target
With lesion of what part of the brain is intention tremor characteristically associated?
Cerebellar dysfunction
What do each of the following basal ganglia acronyms mean: (1) SNc (2) GPe (3) GPi (4) STN (5) D1 (6) D2?
(1) Substania nigra pars compacta (2) Globus pallidus externa (3) Globus pallidus internus (4) Subthalamic nucleus (5) Dopamine D1 receptor (6) Dopamine D2 receptor