NEURO 4 Flashcards
Somatic NS
Upper motor neurons
Motor cortex
Lower motor neurons
Spinal cord
Motor homonculus
Areas with more motor units, finer touch
Premotor cortex
Thinking about moving
Primary motor cortex
Initiation of movement
Direct motor pathway
Motor cortex - subcortical white matter - internal capsule - crus cerebri - pons - pyramids - corticospinal tracts - spinal cord ventral horn - peripheral nerves - skeletal muscle
Internal capsule
Neurons coalesce
Corticonuclear tracts travel thru menu to head and neck (V, VII, XI, XII)
Corticospinal tracts
Lateral - opposite side of body, limbs
Ventral - trunk, some cross
Crus cerebri
Continuation of internal capsule
Vestibulospinal motor pathway
Balance and posture
Medial - neck
Lateral - lumbarsacral
Originates in vestibular nuclei
Reticulospinal motor pathway
Set muscle tone
All levels of spinal cord
Originates in pons and medulla
Tectospinal motor pathway
Head and neck reflexes
Originates in superior colliculus
Basal nuclei
Caudate (pons)
Putamen (pons)
Globus pallidus (pallidum)
Substantia nigra (brainstem)
Subthalamic nucleus (diencephalon)
Direct and indirect pathways
Posture, balance, learning, monitoring motor
Roof of 4th ventricle
Covered in vermis, divided into hemispheres
Input from climbing and mossy fibers
Output from deep cerebellar nuclei
Part of cerebellum, fiber tracts
Superior penducle
Main outflow, to thalamus and cortex
Middle penducle
Input from pons
Inferior penducle
Input from medulla and spinal cord
Layers of cerebellum
Folia (folds) - molecular layer - Purkinje layer - granule cell layer
Autonomic NS
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Innervates smooth muscles
Use boutons en passant
Correspond to GVA & GVE in grey matter
Control center
Fight or flight
Intermediolateral column, T1-L2
Paravertebral adjacent to vertebrae
Short preganglionic, uses ACh
Long postganglionic, uses nE
Paravertebral exit
Same level, ascend (neck & head), descend (pelvis)
Rest & digest
Intermediolateral column, S2-S4
Splanchnic nerve
Exits at prevertebral ganglia
Usually for great vessels