Protect, barrier, therrmoregulate, sensation
Epidermis = specialized
Dermis = support
Hypodermis = fat and CT
Layers of epidermis
- St. basalis - basal
- St. spinosus - spiny
- St. granulosum - granular
- St. lucidum - transitional
- St. corneum - horny
St. basalis
Basal, mitotically active, site of melanocytes (#5)
St. spinosum
Spiny due to desmosomes (#4)
St. granulosum
Granular, makes sebum and keratin (#3)
St. lucidum
Transitional, loss of many organelles (#2)
St. corneum
Horny layer (superficial, #1)
Support layer
1. Papillary
2. Reticular
Papillary layer
Type 3 collagen (superficial)
Type 1 collagen (deep)
Primary wound healing
Wound brought together manually
Secondary wound healing
Wound brought together naturally
Tertiary wound healing
Combination of primary and secondary
Cells in epidermis
- Keratinocytes
- Melanocytes
- Langerhans
- Merckel
Piloarrector apparatus
- Hair follicle
- External and internal sheath
- Appocrine sweat gland
- Piloerrector muscle
- Sebaceous gland
Eccrine sweat gland
Larger and fewer
Directly into skin surface
Apocrine sweat gland
Produce bulk of sweat
Empty directly in hair follicle