Neuro Flashcards
examiner turns head side to side, while holding eyes open
Oculocephalic reflex
Favorable Oculocephalic Reflex
eyes stay looking forward, DO NOT move with head
Oculocephalic Reflex Test Is Not Preformed When
cervical damage suspected
cold water pressed into auditory canal, assess for eye movement;
Oculovestibular reflex:
Normal Oculovestibular Reflex
Norm reaction- eyes turn towards to cold water
Reflexes specific to the unconscious population → brain stem function
- Oculocephalic reflex
- Oculovestibular reflex
(unfavorable)-abnormal flexion response; spontaneously or with painful stimuli
elbow, wrist and fingers flexed; legs extended with internal rotation
abnormal extension response; spontaneously or with stimuli; cortex and brain stem involvement; Report Immediately
15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale
fully intact
4-7 on Glasgow Coma Scale
some degree of coma
3 or less of glasgow Coma Scale
deep coma
Cerebral angiography
X-ray examination of Brain Vascular
Prior to Cerebral angiography
Allergies- Iodines, seaford, x-ray dye
Lasts 1-2 hours – Must remain still!!
Renal probs/ Metformin/ drugs that interfere w/ renal profusion
Advantages of Cerebral angiography
visualize intracranial and extracranial blood vessels
Post Cerebral angiography
Puncture site – high risk of bleeding, assess site→ pressure dressing
Extremity circulation – Neuro Checks
Status- V/s and Nuero
Increase fluids → aids in renal excretion and removing dye
Post Cerebral Aniography Position
straight, lie flat, bedrest until alert & v/s stable
CT scan
Provides cross sectional view of the head and brain; use radiation
White in CT SCAN
Black (CT Scan)
CSF fluid/ ventricles
contains fluid that protects and cushions the organs of hearing and balance; contains membraneous lymphcontains
Bony Labyrinth