Hematologic System Flashcards
Blood cell production Occurs in red marrow of flat, irregular bones
Where does Hematopoiesis take place
Occurs in red marrow of flat, irregular bones
flat, irregular bones
Femur Sternum Ribs Vertebrae Pelvis Flat bones of cranium Proximal epiphysis of humerus
Characteristics of Blood
Dark to bright red – Depending on O2 content Slightly alkaline 70-75ml per kg of body weight 5-6 L, 8% of body weight
3 Major Functions of Blood
Transportation – O2, nutrients, hormones, waste
Regulation – Fluid, electrolytes, acid-base balance
Protection– Clotting, combat infection
Major Components of Blood
Plasma- 55%
Blood cells- 45%
Blood cells- 45% of blood
Formed elements- blood cells
Erythrocytes: O2 transport
Leukocytes: infection protection
Thrombocytes: promote coagulation
Erythropoiesis (stimulated by)
oxygen requirements (hypoxia)
Plasma- 55% of blood
Composed of water, proteins, electrolytes, gases, nutrients, waste
Plasma proteins
clotting factors (mostly fibrinogen)
plasma without clotting factors
Contribute to Erythropoiesis
Erythropoietin Essential nutrients -> Iron, Cobalamin (Vit B12) and Folic Acid
released by kidney
Stimulates bone marrow –>increase RBC production
Erythrocyte Destruction
Site of Hemolysis
Occurs in bone marrow, liver, spleen
Macrophages remove abnorm., defective, & damaged RBC’s from circulation