Exam 3 Material Flashcards
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is aka:
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Mainly Affects
All ethnic and socioeconomic groups affected
Dx Criteria for CFS (Major)
Unexplained, persistent, or relapsing chronic fatigue of new and definite onset not d/t ongoing exertion
Not alleviated by rest*
S/S CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Incapacitating fatigue and exhaustion; may
wax and wane for mo to yrs or happen acutely leading to frustration
Lab Test for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
No lab test can diagnosis–> used to exclude other diseases
Other (Minor) S/S of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Impaired short term memory or concentration
Sore throat/Tender cervical/axillary lymph nodes
Muscle pain/Multi- joint pain
HA/ Unrefreshing sleep
Post-exertional malaise lasting over 24h
Role of WBC
Protection from invading organisms Recognition of self vs not-self Destruction of foreign invaders, debris, abnormal cells Production of antibodies Production of cytokines
Increase in total number of WBC’s d/t acute infection, tissue damage/death, leukemias
Elevation of any element of WBC differential
S/S of Neutorphillia
Related to cause of elevation –> tx cause
Exudate in form of pus
Dx Neutorphilia
Decrease in total WBC count
Reduced neutrophil count
occurs w/ other conditions or diseases→ not a disease in its self i.e. chemotherapeutic and immunosuppressive meds
ANC less than 1000 →
→ positive pressure room
Neutropenia – very compromised
Absolute Neutrophil Count
WBC x %neutrophils
Other conditions/ diseases that causes Neutropenia include:
Hematologic malignancies
Autoimmune disorders – lupus/ ra
Nutritional deficiencies→ b12 or folic acid
Infections and Severe sepsis
Patients with neutropenia are at high risk of
opportunistic infections
Low grade fever = significant
Minor infections can lead rapidly to sepsis
Total WBC: less than 4,000
ANC greater than 1500→
No increased risk of infection
ANC 1000-1500–>
→Slight increase in risk of infection
ANC 500-1000 →
Moderate increase in risk of infection
ANC 100-500→
High risk of infection
ANC less than 100 →
Extremely high risk of infection
In patients with Neutropenia any ℅ pain/ infection–>
Common entry points for infection
Mucous membranes
Skin, throat, mouth
GU system
Pulmonary system
Neutropenia fever of 100.4
→Broad spectrum Antibiotic therapy for fever
Neutropenia Treatment
Tx Cause
Assist hematopoiesis in bone marrow
Isolation (Direct contact w/ hands=common source of transmission)
Monitor for infection, cultures
Neutropenia Treatment Teach
no fresh flowers, no fresh fruits or veggies
Neupogen, Neulasta
Granulocyte transfusion or stimulating factor
Pt w/ Neutropenia
V/S for pt w/ Neutropenia should be taken q….
q4h, call for T over 100.4
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
producing plenty of cells, but they are all dysfunctional d/t Stem cell injury
Group of hematologic disorders –> changes in quantity and quality of bone marrow elements; May progress to leukemia (30%)
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
AKA: Preleukemia
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Clinical Manifestations (MDS):
Anemia and fatigue, Infection risk, Bleeding risk
Diagnosing MDS
Bone Marrow biopsy – Dx, Classify, & Stage
Others CBC & H&P
Goal in MDS Tx
Improve hematopoiesis & Prevent leukemia
Nursing goal: Prevent infection, bleeding, & Treat symptoms of anemia
Tx Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
(aggressive); only 1/3 of pts are candidates
–Stem cell transplant (difficult for elderly)
TX should match severity of disease
Supportive therapy for Myelodysplastic Syndrom include:
Transfuse blood products prn
Monitor CBC & bone marrow
Ensure quality of life
Most common leukemia of older adults
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) most commonly affects
men 50-70y → MORRIS
over-production & accumulation of dysfunx lymphocyte d/t genetic mutation
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Lymphocytes infiltrate bone marrow, spleen, liver →Lymph nodes enlarge t/o body; Lymphocytes crowd out growth of RBC/Platelets
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) S/S
Many can be asymptomatic Chronic fatigue Anorexia Splenomegaly/Hepatomegaly Lymphadenopathy
CLL (Labs)
Increase lymphocytes (WBC> 100,000 →Lymphocytosis) Mild anemia& Thrombocytopenia
CLL Dx Studies
Bone marrow exam
CT scan → Identify site of cancer
Average Length of Survival for CLL
7 years →untreated
Function of the Spleen
Filters blood–>destroys fact., old/ damaged platelets & RBCs
–>Production, storage, & release of blood cells
Splenomegaly with peripheral cytopenias
S/S Splenomegaly
Asymptomatic or abdominal fullness with early satiety
Dx Splenomegaly
Physical, CT, MRI, US
Occasionally– laparoscopy to eval. spleen
Enlarged /ruptured spleen
Relieve pain
To increase circulating RBC, WBC & platelets
Post-Op Considerations (Splenomegaly)
Risk for developing immunologic deficiencies (Life Long)
Monitor for Hemorrhage, shock, Abdominal distention, Infection
Vaccination Post Op for (Splenomegaly)
pneumococcal vaccine post-op
Tissue from lower abdomen remains attached to muscle, nerves, and blood supply
tunneled through abdomen to reach breast
Tram Flap
Bonus of Tram Flap
Autologous Myocutaneous Flaps
Muscle, fat & skin from another part of body moved to chest & shaped into form of a breast
Donor for Autologous Myocutaneous Flaps sites include:
Latissimus dorci muscle
Transverse rectus abdominis muscle
Latissimus dorci muscle donor site disadvantages
May need additional implant
Scar on back
DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction:
Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Breast Reconstruction
Advantages of DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction:
No muscles taken – Less post op pain than with TRAM – Faster recovery time – Less risk of hernia – Abdominoplasty!
Post Op Drain Placement for Breast Flap Recovery duration:
Drains in place for 2-3 days →Monitor for color and odor & temp
Liposuction IS NOT
a substitute for weight loss nor a cure for obesity
Best candidates for Liposuction
< 40y –> elastic skin
Pressure dressing post op Liposuction
Pressure drsg for 2-4 weeks
Rearranging or reshaping an existing scar so original scar is not as noticeable; Z platy
Scar Revision
Inflammatory response of the epidermis d/t infections, allergies, or irritating substances
Condition in which the skin becomes red, sore, or inflamed after direct contact with a substance
Contact Dermatitis:
Inflammation intensity of contact dermatitis is related to:
Concentration of irritant, time exposed, and repetition of exposure (repeated use)
Contact w/ a poisonous plant -Ivy, Oak, Sumac
Type of Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Washing ASAP minimizes severity and spread
Onset of S/S for Rhus
24-48h after contact; • Disappear 10d
S/S of Rhus
Severe itching, Red inflammation, blistering, oozing
Atopic Dermatitis is aka
Common sites of Eczema in Children
face of children
Common sites of atopic dermatitis (Eczema) in Adults
AC and popliteal spaces of adults
Tx Eczema
no cure, only control
Topical steroids (Protopic, Elidel)
S/S of Acute Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Bright red, oozing vesicles
Extreme pruritis
S/S Subacute Eczema
Scaly plaques
S/S Chronic Eczema
Thickened, Dry skin (Xerosis)
Hypo or hyperpigmentation (differ in color from skin)
Dx Eczema
Blood Test (IgE)
Patch test
Fam Hx
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Syndrome (TENS)
Rare, acute drug reaction of the skin
Diffuse erythema
Large blister formation
Highest at Risk for TENS
Elderly & Immunocompromised
Skin loss d/t TENS
30-100% skin loss
Skin loss d/t SJS
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS)
Rare, acute drug reaction of the skin; Another form of TENS
TENS & SJS s/s begin as….
flu-like symptoms: High fever, cough, sore throat, burning eyes
The flu-like s/s of TENS & SJS are followed by:
Diffuse erythema, painful & burning rash which spreads from trunk to face & extremities with Bulla (blisters) & Severe skin peeling; MM usually involved
Deaths asc with TENS & SJS are usually d/t
sepsis followed by pulmonary complications
aka hives (wheels)
Common Causes of Angioedema
Primary Concerns for a pt with Angioedema
Airway and Anaphylactic Shock
Angioedema Tx
H2 antagonist
Antihistamines, Epi, steroids,
Seborrheic Dermatitis aka
Plug of keratin, sebum and bacteria –> white & blackheads